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Joined 1 years ago

Heads up, the headline is kind of misleading. “Going sleeper” is just their internal slang for getting laid off. It doesn’t mean some kind of protest or activism.

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Republicans would elect a bowl of soup to the presidency if they had to, because then they can rubber stamp a hundred orders a day dismantling government agencies, destroying welfare programs, neutering regulations, and oppressing people of color, women, LGBTQ+, and non-Christians. Trump is the most useful, most idiot useful idiot the world has ever seen.

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“Here, pilot this plane”

“Okay” does


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In court: “Google isn’t a monopoly because we allow sideloading!”

Outside of court: “Don’t sideload. It’s dangerous and terrible!”

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TL;DR: faking out a self-driving system is always going to be possible, and so is faking out humans. But doing so is basically attempted murder, which is why the existence of an exploit like this is not interesting or new. You could also cut the brake lines or rig a bomb to it.

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As I understand it, one of the ways AI models are commonly trained is basically to run them against a detector and train against it until they can reliably defeat it. Even if this was a great detector, all it’ll really serve to do is teach the next model to beat it.

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The subreddits are created, moderated, populated, and maintained by volunteers. The company’s model is fundamentally not under their own control, which is a knife that cuts both ways. Calling it a hijacking when it was never under anyone else’s control is not just wrong, it’s actually entirely backwards. Reddit is the one hijacking the subreddits.

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Ooh, ooh, now do consequences for hurting non- rich people!

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Anybody who uses the term “National Socialist” except in explanatory cases is a transparently dishonest bad faith actor trying to associate the left with Nazis by arbitrary naming while the right associates themselves by literally defending Hitler and doing fascism.

TL;DR: guy above you is a chode.

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Yes, but if this hurts his “successful businessman” image (just threw up in my mouth a little), then I’ll take it.

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Best I can do is a YouTube video with ads for dick pills.

Coming soon: a 0% interest loan for 150% of his obligations from a bank owned by a Russian oligarch with a million ties to Putin.

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Most men are idiots.


A man

No one should be using AMP. Giving Google complete control over a site visit like that is just creepy.

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I mean they’re right, but I feel like the voice of US lawmakers in The Hague shouldn’t be especially impactful, given that we aren’t members of the ICC and we have a policy of literally invading The Hague if they dare to charge us with war crimes.


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Google sabotaged Windows Phone to protect Android. They refused to serve even standard Google web apps to the WP browser, instead relegating users to years-old mobile versions that looked and worked terribly. You could literally edit the user string on the Windows browser and get the modern, perfectly functional version. Then there was the constant YouTube fuckery where Google wouldn’t make a YouTube app for them, then wouldn’t let them make their own app either. The entire point was to starve the system to kill it in the cradle and on some level, it probably worked.

Looking at the fact that Google is under intense anticompetitive scrutiny now and has been egregiously destroying evidence every chance they get shows that this isn’t out of character for them.

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The catch here is that I don’t like people who try to destroy my friends’ lives. Since the conservative platform is to destroy many of my friends’ lives, I don’t like people who follow the conservative platform. Conservatives like to treat this as bigotry when it actually isn’t. It’s intolerance of intolerance, which is not just acceptable, but necessary.

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Yeah, this is definitely gonna work, as if I haven’t been over 18 years old since I was 12 years old, according to every birthdate question ever.

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I mean, good for rpi, but isn’t this headline basically “scientists use computers for stuff”?

Trump is for sale and under incredible financial and informational stress that Putin can leverage. Putin would basically own the President of the United States, every decision he makes, and all his sway over the hundreds of millions of people he influences. Again.

Mmmm, harder.

I actually know that. It’s a reference to Community, which either inadvertently or otherwise acted like it’s not a real saying.

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No party listed in headline: guaranteed Republican.

He also hadn’t replaced the entire Justice department with MAGA lackeys like he did the Supreme Court and federal court system.

My short take is the audio quality is mediocre for music or anything artistic, but using the Shokz OpenComm for work, I’ll never go back. Best work headset I’ve ever used. I can wear it all day and sometimes almost forget to take it off at the end of the day.

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It’s not quite that simple. The job market is pretty wonky right now. Around 180,000 tech workers got laid off at the beginning of the year (including myself) and even in high-level somewhat niche roles, I see job postings that have 300-1200 applicants.

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“Democracy is under attack but I’ve got a lot of influence so I should just stay quiet and use it to sell energy drinks instead.”

Cool take.

I mean, the Rock Rock did just recently come out with his whole “yeah but both sides” cowardice. Apparently too many right-wingers buy his stupid energy drink and tequila for him to feel comfortable defending democracy in even the laziest, most minimal ways.

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When Trey Parker and Matt Stone had a bunch of lily-white Mormon missionaries sing the line “Africans are African but we are Africa”, they were making a joke. This fucking guy, however…

The clear anti-LGBTQ+ conservative stance is no secret. Same with the white supremacy and Christian nationalism.

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Hashing, at its simplest, is turning an arbitrarily large chunk of data into a single hopefully unique value.

For example, if I wanted to hash a 4-letter word, the simple version would be as such:

` H A S H

` 8 1 19 8

If we take the numeric value of each, we can add those together and get 36. If the number gets too high, there would be a clamping mechanism to keep it manageable. For our simplistic example, we could chop off any hundreds place digits or higher. Now if I were to hash a different four-letter word, the odds of it having the same hash value (known as a “collision”) are low. Thus if you tell me you sent me a message with a hash of 36, I can look at the message you sent, calculate the hash, and confirm that it’s the same message you intended to send with a certain degree of confidence.

Now modern hashing is vastly more complicated (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5), but the gist is the same. Take the data in a file, jam it all together through an algorithm to come up with a hash value, then use that to find equivalent files.

The problem here is that if it’s a classic data validation hash algorithm, changing just a single bit can change the entire hash, which would foil an identification system. So hopefully this system actually hashes images based on some kind of relative semantic information within the photo, such as color distributions and features so even if you crop or adjust the image slightly the hash still matches.

Actually a good point was made recently that this is not about paying for sex or paying to hush a sex workers as much as it is about illegally using funds to influence election-specific matters. The fact that it’s all focused around a sex worker is just Trump’s specific flavor of illegal campaign finance.


Stop trying to coin the phrase “streets ahead”.

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As a gamer who grew up in the 80’s, lots of games that have any significant online component at all feel like this now. If you don’t pick it up in the first couple months, forget it. It’ll be full of people who play 9 hours a day and it’ll have so many layers of systems and currencies it feels like an absurdist satire. Seasons and prestige and lore and so much baggage. I get so tired of asking “wait, can I earn the blue triangles by playing, do they cost real money, do I trade orange circles for them…?”

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I think it was something about having a dream and then needing to change the sheets.

“Mierda” is Spanish for “shit”.

Having you tried SLAMMING them? If that doesn’t work, try BLASTING them for their actions.

Actually I remember when it was still “elite” and it meant you had access to the warez section of a BBS.

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I learned a fun new word for it. It’s also called “capitalism”.

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