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I use my smartphone to keep my book open when reading at a table. It does a pretty good job there.

Don't limit yourself to technical uses.

These films are meant to be a fantasy escape from real life. They are not meant to be realistic or to show any real struggle. They are supposed to show you a beautiful dream world including the big and real love and an otherwise carefree life.

This post is literally about how hard it is to get a formal diagnosis. Nobody said they don't want to do it.

I'm trying for years now and can't get anyone to test me. Treatment is only covered after I have an official diagnosis. And this is in a country with socialised healthcare.

Not everyone is as fortunate as you and can get a proper diagnosis and treatment.
Yeah I don't need a doctor to tell me my arm is broken, but at least I can get a doctors appointment for that.

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Can someone please stop this evil witch on spouting her opinion in public? Stop giving her hate a public platform.

Ahhahhha... I'm trying for 3 years now to get the diagnostics done. I'm in europe with government regulated healthcare and still pay my medications out of pocket, because its only covered with a formal diagnosis which I can't get anywhere.

"BuT gUns doNt kilL PeoPle, PeoPle kilL PeoPle"

Then regulate fucking people's access to guns! It's not that hard.

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I'm confused. So this is a study that shows that significant less content on reddit is bots and trolls than it seems? Like ONLY 15%?

I feel like 15% would have been a realistic number a few years ago, but nowadays you have a hard time comunicating with a real human. A bit like online customer service.

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Maybe it helps with understanding when you think of examples of female rape that isn't a stranger beating up a woman in a dark alley.

Like Harvey Weinstein. Countless women have come forward about rape and sexual violence from him. I doubt he always used physical violence on these women. But he was this all powerful person in the filmindustry who could and would destroy lives and careers with a wave of his hand if you'd deny him.

Very often rape and sexual violence comes out of a power dynamic where the victim (no matter the gender) feels they don't have a choice. Physical violence does not have to be involved.

Helpful. Im glad you had something meaningful to contribute to the discussion.

I would be interested to see what happens if you lighten up her skin color a bit...

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Why is Germany included in this? The fucking brown shit nazis of the AfD had huge gains this election and became second strongest party in the country.

I feel like going around and smacking everyone who was too lazy or to uninterested to drag their ass to a voting booth and stand up against this ongoing shift to the right.

Seriously, Germany makes it super easy to vote. You are automatically registered, get an invitation in the mail, get mail ballots with 2 clicks on your cities website and there is literally a polling station for everyone in walking distance and no wait time. THERE IS NO EXCUSE!!

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The piece, titled “There’s Nothing Loving About Dolly Parton’s False Gospel,” [...]

“Parton’s version of love, which includes condoning immoral sexual behavior (‘be who you are,’ she’s said), is unaligned with God’s vision for humanity,” Andersen writes.

This is not a "Sorry, I didn't mean it that way, I just framed it wrong." This person meant exactly what she said.

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I guess, because its very hard for biological women to get abs like that. The muscles are just different. Not impossible, but way, way harder then for men and therefore quite rare.

And we all know, its very scary for bigots to even look at trans people. They might have to wash their eyes with soap now.

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Also, please note that the German AfD is so batshit extreme, that even the other european Nazis don't want anything to do with them and kicked them out of their EU coalition.

They are under constant observation by the German Verfassungsschutz because they are dancing on the line that would make them an anti-democratic extremists group that would be banned by law.

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Israel won't stop until every non-Israeli person in Gaza is eliminated. The Nazis called this "ethnische Säuberung" (ethnic cleansing).

It's like abused children grow up to abuse their children the same way. The evil cycle of viciousness and violence.

These days I am ashamed of Germany again. Our guilt towards the Jewish people blinds us so much, that we even support them doing the same to others as we did to them.

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They have a problem with patriarchy and not with birth rates. Birth rates are just the symptom.

Seeing that there is a big trend in young Korean women to abstain from men, marriage and family, I'd say starting to treat women like actual people could very well make a difference.

But yeah, getting them into school earlier and probably indoctrinate them earlier into good obedient wives could work too.

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Professional and amateur sports events around the world have dealt with streakers running on the field forever without violence. Its not like they are wielding a hammer obvious out to attack someone. Or a taser if you will.

Police should be trained to de-eskalate nonviolent situations without using violence and in other countries they are. I know, the US police force is not and that is a shame on them, but it doesn't justify to shoot or electrocute someone in the back.

As a European I think, Trumps closeness to Putin and fascism in general ""burns’ idea of US as leading democracy".

As soon as you know too much about a certain topic, any movie or series about it turns to shit.

I'm a nurse and badly done medical stuff in movies are so rampant and it drives me crazy.

Always the ones that shout the loudest. Self hate is such a powerful and destructive thing.

Yes. Please do be motivated by stopping Trump!

And especially don't be demotivated to go voting because you don't like the alternative.

Be kind, be generous, ask questions, and do basic like, grooming and bathing and whatnot.

He is basically telling you to be nice to others. To work on yourself to become a better person. Something we all are supposed to be doing and most of us are doing. And sometimes, when you don't feel like it, to be nice to others anyways. That's just basic human decency and interaction.

Nobody is telling you to fake yourself. But we all sometimes are feeling like behaving like an asshole, but then we don't.

Basically, work on yourself to become a person others like to be around and don't be an asshole.

This one and the review for a selfie stick from the old guy who finally has nice pictures of himself.

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Interesting. I wasn't sure if it gets harder for trans women, when they are on estrogen. Do they loose the abs?

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"You give up, do as I say and I take everything" is not a peace negotiation. Its a renewal of his declaration of war.

the brain is pretty sturdy as long as the initial injury doesn't kill you.

As a nurse, I'm confused at that sentiment. How on earth did you get there?

If the brain is damaged, it rarely gets much better after that. Unless you have just one mild concussion, brain injuries tend to more likely getting worse over time and rarely better.

Your brain is not just a broken bone that heals back together after a few weeks.

Bear in mind that rape is not only defined by the law. And this question was not about the law, but about how rape can happen without physical superiority.

If I would know somebody personally who defines rape only that way, I would actually make an effort to warn all women and girls in proximity about them. Maybe you need to reexamine your own sexual encounters, weather they always been completely consensual...

Are you sure this is not just your perception depending on fluency in a language? Your native will always feel more comprehensive than any second language.

A while ago, my dad (native german, fluent english) said something similar to me, that he believes german has so many more words to describe and to give different meaning to the things we say. I do disagree with that too. Now I always have to think about this, when coming across something I have more means to express something in english or german. And there are many examples in both languages.

Even if you are fluent in a second language, you probably always have more words and more nuance in your native language.

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Who hurt you?

RAID Spray

I have no experience with black widows, but when I lived in rural Cambodia with its huge jumping spiders (they also have their egg sack hanging on their belly, so you really don't want to squash them) RAID seriously was my best friend and life saver.

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They haven't learned how to do that in their 6 weeks crash course.

Just for comparison, police training is 2.5 years in Germany. Im sure others are similar.

"Look at the sea" in finish (katso merta) means "dick shit" in Italian (cazzo merda).

Fuck the law

There is no law about any kind of chicken in cinemas. They can't even arrest you, when you bring your pet chicken.

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I had a pakt with a friend in high-school, that we are going to jump out of a plane without a parachute when we turn 35. We couldn't imagine wanting to live being that old. I'm kinda glad we lost touch, although it might be that she didn't make it till 35.

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If you don't trust their security why would you even want to use them and trust them with your money?

Not all, but I couldn't say which ones were and were not. And some of them could seriously fuck you up. The house was wooden, so they always found a crack to squeeze through. But at least I didn't have scorpions like some of my colleagues.

You mean the free housing they provided to the Jews, or what? Even free showers they had there. And free mass graves.

The Nazis were NEVER social.

They are as social as the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" (North Korea) is Democratic. About 0.00%.
Anybody can call themselves anything, that doesn't make them that.

You want to brush up on your history, if you go around and tell people what the Nazis aren't and weren't.