Not you to Lefty – 326 points –

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Also, please note that the German AfD is so batshit extreme, that even the other european Nazis don't want anything to do with them and kicked them out of their EU coalition.

They are under constant observation by the German Verfassungsschutz because they are dancing on the line that would make them an anti-democratic extremists group that would be banned by law.

Please stop calling them Nazis. That would mean they are social, which they are not. They are just capitalist/plutocratic fascists.

"national socialism" had nothing to do with socialism or being social

It still drags "social" through the dirt

You mean the free housing they provided to the Jews, or what? Even free showers they had there. And free mass graves.

The Nazis were NEVER social.

They are as social as the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" (North Korea) is Democratic. About 0.00%.
Anybody can call themselves anything, that doesn't make them that.

You want to brush up on your history, if you go around and tell people what the Nazis aren't and weren't.