
3 Post – 63 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

"Mama, when does Papa comes back?", "sorry, that loser left is weeks ago", "ey... I can still hear you!"

A colleague of mine just went to cern to "test some new stuff"... Now the gman shows up... I hope my colleague didn't forget his crowbar

Indeed, particularly women in that industry are getting fucked.

I went with .home and so far the problems are within reason

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Wow, in which country do you retire at 50??? I need to know!!!!

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Post this in a piracy community and it goes full circle

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For somebody who's last windows experience was windows 7: what did they come up now again?

I'm practically 40 and that guy looks older than my dad

Yeah, like she has usually 8 clients a day...

Inflation is so high, Op needed to crop part of the meme.

That is the entire second row about

It is worth noting here that Valve recently announced a new feature that allows Steam users to share games with their friends and family. Dubbed "Steam Families,"

New? That exists for years Oo. Or what am I missing here?

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Always good to hear such news.

Maybe here somebody can help me with a related question: I'm so far just using nextcloud to have my photos somewhere safe but wanted to move to another solution for a while. So far I have only really looked into photoprism, but some problems prevented me to change.

So my first question is: can somebody sum up a comparison between immich and photoprism?

And second is the same just focused on my prior problems: I have a lot of very old (scanned) photos which are hardly sorted, duplicated and so on. Further I have an album of rather decent photos (my own wedding) in which the photographer didn't include any exif data which is relevant for me (particularly coordinates and creation date, without that they are just completely unsorted on the database). In photoprism I did not find a good way to fix those meta data in bulk and need to do it before I import them, so if I miss something I need to delete them from photoprism and start over (which is also struggling). Is this solved better?

In general I would love if such a tool had some kind of import staging. So my phone uploads the photos and they are safely backed up, but I need to approve them to be included in the overall library. This feature I would like because I often make photos of things I don't need more then ten minutes.

Best wishes

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you already wrote, what I wanted to answer, I might also get into development myself again at some point. Further my hardware usually lasts for 5-10 years, so it should have some upgrade potential :) and both of us are not so much into "mobile" gaming, somehow that sounds for me, like playing with a gameboy on speed, but that might be my age speaking ;)

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I guess there are actually PPL who don't know what gay means originally

Ours already wait in a queue, when we clean it...

I like the guy with the "Trump is a rime boss" banner xD

LLM are used particularly to process big amounts of text. I remember my first encounter with it in 2009, somebody giving a talk about observing topics on Twitter, e.g. to track the source of fake news or figure out why some particular topic became viral.

You might already be using it regularly with a translation tool. Yesterday I just saw a foss app called receipt-wrangler, which uses LLM to parse shopping receipts, because a simple scan and ocr would still leave you with a highly unstructured heap of text, which is hard to parse into anything useful.

Oh damn. In I was happy 20 years ago about two jet engine like coolers, which ran on 230VAC from a decommissioned computer tomograph

Yeah, I gave up long ago to suggest ppl some alternatives. The problem PPL Here have is the discord only thing. With tools like matter bridge you could combine several tools seemlessly, but that is of course way to much trouble for smaller projects.

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I often enough am looking for my glasses, whoyle wearing them. This morning I had the opposite problem, because I don't see shit without, so I needed to first find my spare glasses to be able to find my normal ones.. turned out, my cat was sleeping on them

ah, found the button, thanks

thanks for the hint, I read not to good stuff about HDMI as well as of late. If that fails, I'll just use the DP connectors :)

thanks for the hint, I was now looking into it briefly. It seems to be particularly good for badly optimized games, or possibly older (like sc2, which is not really using multi-threading), is that correct? concerning offers... the closest to my current I found was 7800X3D which is with 376€ quiet more expensive, otherwise I found the AM4 variant 5700X3D for only 225€ (of course would need to change MB and ram), but can't figure out, how the performance difference is. Do you have an idea if the letter is an upgrade from my original idea (7700)?

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A lot of people are pirating not because of the money, but the horrible service of the streaming platforms


VPN providers usually do not offer port forwarding, so the dedicated IP doesn't help you. I discussed that in length with a support guy from nordvpn. The dedicated IP is only meant for outgoing connections, so your IP doesn't jump to crazy, which would cause problems,e.g., with bank logins.

Mainly depends on the flat size and how often ppl clean. At my parents place you notice the cat smell only in her room... You can guess the size of that place, as the cat has it's own "40 m^2 apartment" to sleep.

If you are in a small place and the cat always lies in the same corners is clear that they smell without washing. It's like wearing the same hoody for months without washing.

My wife and I get two cats tomorrow for our 60m^2 flat. Let's see how that pans out.

You do know what cats do with whatever that dot points on, right?

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Where is the cave at?

thanks for your input. for that purpose I recently built a low power N100 homeserver with a zfs setup. Electricity is really expensive here, so I didnt want to run a performance CPU and GPU 24h (even in idle)

Would appreciate that, thanks :)

Good point, thanks. I had the same with a tiny homelab, which I assembled recently. What do you mean with barbone Vrm design? I'm not familiar with this

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Thanks, is it possible to just cross post to another community, or do I need to copy& paste the text? Haven't some much posting on Lenny yet

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I really like the idea, but for my purpose an open case is a no-go. It's for my Homeserver and I have two hyper active cats ;) but I was already thinking to get some kind of skeleton like this and put someone around. Is this applicable for micro ATX Mainboards?

Thank you, that helps a lot. This kind of hardware introduction is missing on esphome.io :)

thanks for the input and the link. Yes the MB I am worried about the most. The last I had shipped with a buggy BIOS, and the published updates were even worse... but it is really hard to know in advance, otherwise the listed one has all IO, that I need.

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I actually read both sides, depending on the use case and the novelty of the hardware. AFAIK, AMD has superior long term support, because their drivers are open source, but NVIDIA might surpass for cutting-edge hardware, but those are just opinions I caught. Anyway, here I'll settle with AMD for now.

Really nice project! I wanted to get into esp home for a while, but am missing some kind of starter kit hardware wise. Do you have any recommendations?

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I really would love to have such a setup, but only if I have a "stable" daily driver as fallback.

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