
0 Post – 255 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

We had a great movie scene in Berlin and then the Nazis happened. Now almost every German film is the same low-tier trash

Leaving my home, friends, family and everything build up behind just because of my political views? What an absolutely genius idea, why haven't I thought of this earlier?!

That'll surely bring peace and prosperity to them /s

I don't have a car and I'm separating my trash but it doesn't seem to do anything

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They learned the SS handbook really well.

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That sounds really extreme. Do you have a reliable source for that?

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I deleted my account and it was liberating. Nowadays I only go there when I want to look up something for a game on Google.

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Improper maintenance or birdstrike I'd assume

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31.000+ lifes just gone. That's my hometown and more and that's only killed soldiers of one side and all because one man and his delusions of grandeur

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In-game shops

Yup, I don't think I'm buying any Nintendo products anytime soon

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Not really, that's what I'm paying taxes for

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I probably saved my life with ecstasy because it took one night with it to get me out of my depression. I tried a few times afterwards but it was never as good as the first time so I stopped but my depression never came back, the colour stayed in my life.

I'm not saying drugs are good but at the right time at the right place with the right amount it can help.

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It's a joke, guys, he's joking

Don't worry, the Earth will heal >!once we're gone!<

And that's why conservatives get elected. And since more and more young vote for right-wing parties we're in for a real shitshow.

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Blizzard will stay the rotten corpse of something great it is right now

I see you were too lazy to look out up yourself. The only European armies with conscripts are Finnland, Switzerland, Austria, Greece, Turkey and of course Ukraine. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/File%3AConscription_map_of_the_world.svg

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"Hello there"

I'm not mad, e-sports ruin games for casuals imo.

If Russia would just fuck off we wouldn't have to do that but as long as they don't we will stand with Ukraine

If the party I vote for in Germany would be one in the US they probably would be banned for being communists or something like that while here they're a widely accepted part of the goverment.

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They must be doing something right then

Peak AAA-Gaming experience

Is he going to some kind of military school?

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I would love it if people would just stop talking about him

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That's what the Germans told the Jews when they herded them into trains too.

If that's the case you shouldn't be trusted with guns and ammo

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France should do something against the giant mess they created on that island

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If I read someone getting slammed in a headline I instantly lose all interest

Just deleted my account

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I wouldn't take it if they gave me money for it

I'm from Germany and I'm pretty sure we won't go back. I do think that the decision was populistic and blindly actionistic in the light of Fukushima (like almost all political decisions in the last decades) and we'll reap the rewards of that in the coming years.


The app is also so slow and laggy af

I didn't say I want to make out with the bear

Fortnite and every souls-like

Because he has an IQ below room temperature and I'm talking Celsius.