
1 Post – 324 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I'm pretty sure that's what they used to do to be able/allowed to eat meat during lent

What would be a realistic net worth of a person who earns less than $1 a day and lives habd to mouth for you?

Fwiw, I lost about 4 kg of my average weight (That was about 7% of my body weight) when I stopped smoking. A couple of years down the road I also quit drinking which also decreased my average weight by another 4 kg.

(With average weight I take into consideration that I have natural, not dieting related fluctuations of about +/- 1 to 2 kg. The fluctuations are still there but the mean they deviate from is vastly different.)

Maybe I should add that I am still eating about five pounds of sugar a day and I haven't done sports since 2012, so don't assume that quitting smoking meant a healthier lifestyle (sadly).

I'm not sure what country you are from, but as someone whose vote literally is counted before I even see a ballot, let me tell you, please vote or at least do something. If you don't like the way politics in your country work, go out and demonstrate. Take it to the streets. Talk to your neighbors, make leaflets. But please don't just go bitter and sit in your corner because everything is shit anyways. Because this is how we ended up with a lot of the messes we are having now. I "voted" for the first time this year in a rigged election and before that I also always thought the way you do. Democracy is dead, why bother, my vote doesn't count anyway. But once I stood in this fucking line and smuggled in a non erasable pen and voted and went out knowing no one will even look at this ballot something changed.

It's beyond heresy.

Well ok but this ONA has nothing to do with Christianity, they explicitly state it's a militant Satanic left-hand path occultist network. I mean being Satanic kinda goes hand in hand with heresy.

As with many other occult organisations, the Order shrouds its history in "mystery and legend", creating a "mythical narrative" for its origins and development. The ONA claims to be the descendant of pre-Christian pagan traditions which survived the Christianisation of Britain and were passed down from the Middle Ages onward in small groups or "temples"

It's a speaking donkey so don't assume standard donkey laryngeal and//or oral anatomy

Feel free not to like him, but it seems very biased to assume a 17 year old cannot consent to sexual relations with a 23 year old, but a 18 year old totally can. In the Western world a big majority of people have their first sexual experiences in their teenage years. Naturally, age gaps happen.

On a further note, you might want to look up terms like ephebophilia, hebephilia and pedophilia before accusing people of being pedos. And neither does a victim need to be underage for a perpetrator to be molesting them, nor are child molesters necessarily pedophiles. The majority of child molesters has no pedophilic tendencies.

He is Swedish. The age of consent in Sweden is 15. So there is nothing to "admit" here except that he might have been quite successful in hitting on girls all along.

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(Preface: I am team genocide. I also live in Germany. Germany's politics are a disgrace, but I digress.)

What annoys me about this is that this discussion gets so much media attention and focus, while it doesn't matter in this very moment. I understand that there are implications if it will be defined as a genocide. But right now people are being killed every day en masse and they frankly give a crap about whether they died in a mass murder or terrorist attack or a genocide.

It reminds me of the early days of the Ukraine war when everyone was so obsessed with comparing Putin to Hitler (Putler is still a popular term) and the discussion was high on whether Putins actions amount to fascism or not, with a lot of internet laymen but also experts on that subject chiming in. When I asked a half Russian, half Ukrainian what their opinion was, their reply was something like "who the fuck cares? Call it a chicken pea pie, nobody cares, people are being killed, I don't give a crap. Somewhen in the future people will be looking back and asking the same question, but it doesn't matter right now." And it stuck with me.

If I understand correctly, the ICJ will rule again on the case in a couple of years (?), which obviously isn't relevant right now. It seems like the ruling would have an aftermath in retrospect but even if they ruled it were a genocide today, nothing much would change directly - but please correct me if I am wrong here.

But what definitely doesn't matter is what we think. What matters is what is happening. And it doesn't need a name to be evil and detrimental.

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When I was 16, I went to high school in California for half a year as an exchange student. I am from Germany and as a junior, I would have had something like my 4th or 5th year of chemistry in school, but out of necessity (or laziness) I took beginner's chemistry.

For exercises I had been paired with two girls who used to try to make fun of me (I think; I never really figured out what their deal was), and asked me stupid questions about myself or Germany. I remember they once asked laughingly whether I like oranges because I was wearing a t-shirt with an orange print.

Well, then one day, there we go. Converting exercises. You have students from 9th to 12th grade in groups of 3-4, trying to convert imperial measurements to metrics. And then metrics to metrics. Basically, for a couple of weeks, we just converted stuff like 14 cm to mm or dm. I forgot so much about my time abroad but the most vivid memory I have is of the girls looking at each other (after a couple of days and repeated explanations) and one says "the decimal system just makes no sense" and the other one quietly and slowly nods in agreement. I ask them how it makes no sense. "Well it just makes no sense." It's just base 10 everything and the rest is practice, it's not different from inches to feet. "No but you see this makes sense. There are 12 inches in a foot", continued by a list of how many shmekels make up a whoopsiedoodle and how many dingelings fit into a hybotron.

I understand how you first have to get accustomed to new units and how conversion might need practice when you aren't familiar with the prefixes, especially when you aren't too experienced in the stem field. But I am still flabbergasted by the statement that having a system where everything is just base 10 and then you shift the decimal point around makes no sense. We are talking about fellow juniors here. How do you make it to age 16/17 never having heard of a decimal point or having trouble with base 10 conversion? HOW CAN YOU SAY IT MAKES NO SENSE?! It's the simplest, most logic based system there is!

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Or, you know, fight to see the system change hopefully within your lifetime and provide a better future for the generations to come. Because they will come, no matter whether you personally have kids or not. Your procreation choices are entirely up to you.

Yes, you are not responsible that someone else fucked up. That masses of people fucked up. You are not responsible to clean up the mess it caused. But, you know, you can still help.

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Genuine question because I have no idea who that is, did she do this on purpose so that people would be fished into watching the video and therefore listening to what she is saying there?

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Yeah I also noticed that person/account and it is insanely annoying. Don't know what to do about it apart from reporting it

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I remember standing in line for crepes in Le Havre, I just had my first year of French in school and I was practicing how to order in my head, nervously repeating "un crepe avec sucre", and killed myself over not remembering the gender of crepe. So it's finally my turn in line and I order nervously (I am 13 years old) and they reply with "pancake with sugar, no problem" and I'm just like 😭

Somehow people not even giving you a chance to practice your language skills is awful

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You don't have to be vegan to agree that animal farming of the 21st century is cruel and we could do better than that

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I am still amazed about how much money you can spend on making coffee at home. 300€ for a manual grinder - "that's the cheao chinese stuff" wtf

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I know what you mean. I've been struggling myself. On top of kind of being unable to relate, I'm not tech savvy and with a demanding toddler on me I just don't find the time or energy to figure out how to even search for the right communities. I'm trying, but at 2 am when I have 15 minutes for myself and this app asks me what instance I want to view something in and doesn't let me comment something somewhere and then I try to check whether Abrathatfits is already on lemmy I get a million (non bra related) search results - it's just echausting for I don't know what. I miss the memes (I don't get 80% of the memes here since most are some jokes about tech or coding), and I miss the girly subs. I miss makeup addiction ffs and beyond the bump, and moldly interesting. I like politics in general but somehow the communities here don't have any news that I care about. The ukraine communities are also rather dead here, that was an important one since I have family on both sides of the border. Maybe I should put more effort into it, more energy, more search les and adjustments, but it might just be that lemmy, while a great concept, is just not for me. Maybe there just aren't the communities I need. I also doubt I will go back to reddit but damn, I am lost. Maybe I should. Especially when it comes to Ukraine I am really debating whether supporting a futile protest of a social media website to make a point is really worth being less informed and connected. Sorry for the long rant tho.

The granddaughter is still a kid developing her taste. It is actually a nice touch because this implies the daughter wasn't raised to like metal and chose the music as the one she liked herself (ofc with her parents' influence) and now also doesn't push her own daughter into a direction while she is still a child.

That was my read of the white shirt and it's nice to see that someone else noticed the shirt progression.

That’s why older porn is so jarring sometimes because of the weird habit of cutting to the guy’s moaning face in the middle of everything. Like, what the fuck was the thinking behind that “technique”?

So, I am pulling this out of my ass (no pun intended) but I got a theory here. I think the way porn is consumed and its intention have shifted along with our perception and experience of sex.

Older porn seems to be more like "a movie depicting people having sex". So it shows the woman and the man having sex, touching, kissing, enjoying. Both are crucial parts of the act. It also appears like the main function is to get you horny, not to get you off. I remember overhearing older people talking about watching porn together before having sex. I know this can still be a thing, but I'd argue that most modern porn is neither made for that purpose nor directed/designed in a way that would work for this.

Modern porn, in its insane abundance, is to be consumed alone for the purpose to jerk off to, to activate some dopamine receptors or whatnot, and its notorious addictiveness that makes you want more and more intense stimuli. You don't need people for that, you need bodies.

The other thing is that sex - maybe because of the oversexualization, social media, internet, being wired 24/7, or maybe because of hookups having become so common, anonymous and risk free - has become somewhat sterile. Almost like an out of body experience. I forgot who said it - something like "we fantasize about fucking our partner while we fuck our partner". We're not in touch with ourselves and don't experience the sex we have while we have it, we are almost disconnecting from the experience. It's absurd but common.

You find this "sterility" in modern porn too; perfect bodies with no hair, no shadows, no marks of any kind, almost no body contact except the genitals. Just because there is a cumshot somewhere doesn't make it less sterile or more intimate. You paraphrased this when you described the guy standing in for the viewer, being objectified even more than the woman, being this background thing doing repetitive motions.

(Disclaimer: I'm talking about a modern "we" and and older "they" in very broad terms here. Obviously people 30 years ago had disconnected sexual experiences and anonymous hookups and people nowadays also experience concentrated, fulfilling sex in which they are very much in touch with themselves. Definitely porn was used to be wanked to in the 70s just like some couples enjoy watching porn together today. And within its insane abundance you can most definitely find modern porn that is not sterile.)

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Some kids are already "terminally online".

I say my kid is speaking Meme. It sounds a bit nicer than terminally online. But then again she's 2 and that's her third language. I'm just not so sure I can call it English when she mostly says It Is Wednesday My Dudes, Yeah Boiiii or It's the Selcuk Turks.

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Well you didn't call them jews tho

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I know that it is inconvenient and also I don't know why they had to detain him, but testing a driver for alcohol should never be something bad or maddening. If he is so tired that he can cause an accident and drives as if he were drunk, he should not be driving. And the police have every right to test him.

(But that doesn't mean they need to be assholes about it and detain him or any similar crap.)

You... You can't imagine anything creepier than someone jerking off to a picture of you? I'm not sure if I should admire your innocence or warn you about the world out there

I'm full of compassion for him and his family. But as an important religious figure, publicly saying that you pray for the fury and anger of your God to go down on your enemies is awful. I understand the sentiment. I understand the anger, I do. But praying for something negative to happen - especially when you are supposed to lead other people - cannot be the right way to go.

Pray for the war to end. Pray for peace. Pray for Hamas to understand their wrongdoings. Pray for the terrorists to realize what they are doing. Pray for them to stop and beg forgiveness. If you want, pray for God to judge them. But praying for violence isn't what prayer should be used for.

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C. albicans had the highest susceptibility to coconut oil (100%), with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 25% (1:4 dilution)

Unless you eat 1/4 of your body weight in coconut oil this seems to be very irrelevant to human health.

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I'm honestly baffled by how immigration in Germany is supposed to be a problem. We have a horribly low birth rate. Our retirement security is basically gone because there won't be enough working people. Retirement homes, hospitals, kindergartens, all these places suffer from a lack of personnel. These jobs are notoriously stressful, have horrible working conditions, and underpay extremely.

The free market has obviously failed to solve this problem. Even with unions and tariffs: An increase of 1€ per hour does a good living not make. Neither are bonuses a long term solution. And even if you made these jobs attractive af: we will still not have enough people choosing them anytime soon. And even if we did, it's simply still not enough people in the workforce to secure pension for the elderly and generations to come.

And let's be very real for a second here. Skilled immigration from third countries (i.e. not EU, not talking about third world here) isn't an easy ride. These high paying job offers of privileged jobs like IT or science are not going away but they are also rather rare. It's a niche thing compared to the waves of immigration of, well, low paying and often low skilled jobs.

And while I can "understand" if an asshole wants to cut the former, why would you want to cut the latter? Jesus, no one is stealing your job because I doubt you want to work cleaning toilets at McDonald's. If you want to go wipe asses in retirement homes you'll find a job stat no matter whether the Ukrainian, Romanian or Syrian girls apply too.

We are literally insanely exploitative of immigrants. We either have a brain drain from countries that immensely need them, or cause them to have a demographic crisis of their own by buffering our birth rates with their people, or we simply give them jobs that pay so little that they hardly survive. All that while doing shit for their integration into society. But they still pay taxes and buy products in the supermarket and ride the tram and everything. We get all the positives and they get all the negatives. Why would you even want to get rid of that if you're a cunt?

Absolutely agree, but the reason why they turn to AFD is because they literally have no trust in any of the classical parties. I think it is more of a longing for an underdog or almost a poker move - just bet everything on that (unfortunately rather racist) card because maybe they'd change something. It's already going down the drain if we continue the way we have continued for the past decades, so let's try something very new. Maybe we will have luck in this Russian roulette.

Now, this is stupid af. I would never in my mind consider AFD as an actual option. But for a lot of people it feels like this is the only Fuck You they can give the current government (I am including the CDU/CSU in this definition of "government" too).

Basically all other parties are moderate-middle at this point. They have some small differences but none of them actually fight for the working class, for underprivileged people, and basically all young people know they are or will be underprivileged. Yes we have a left party called Die Linke, but they have been notoriously busy with themselves and a split because a big chunk of the party was circling around Sahra Wagenknecht who was very controversial and shared some far right ideals. Maybe they will get a grip of themselves and become "vote-able" again in the future. But honestly, I'm not sure they are really left either.

When you basically vote for capitalism, either way, just in different shades, it feels like your vote does not matter. Desparte people turn to desperate and stupid measures.

For real, we don't have an actual, valid socialist party. I honestly wonder why. Most young people are so fed up with how things go. Yes we don't want to work anymore. Why should we? To get fired at random when a company goal isn't met? After we studied engineering for 8 years to get minimum wage +1€? To be part of a company that produces the 35th version of a shit emoji cushion, well knowing that we create a bullshit product that just unnecessarily wastes resources? So we can partake in killing the planet? So that we, after we have been fired for no reason, have to fight to collect unemployment for a short period of time, before we are being forced into a bullshit job under threats? So that we work full time until we are 70+ to hardly collect any retirement? When we have kids, we are supposed to not see them but give them to childcare asap to reenter the workforce. For all that bullshit. So I honestly wonder why there isn't a real socialist alternative to the classical parties. I have a very big feeling that a lot of young people would gladly jump over.

Got me in the first half, not gonna lie

PS: Don't even get me started on getting hate from gay friends for being bi.

I was friends with a lesbian couple and they told me that both of them made sure the other one was definitely not bi when they started dating because [sic] Bis are the worst you just can't date them. Your comment reminded me of that. I'm very sorry that you felt so alone for such a long time.

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Honestly in some way he was lucky. There were people helping him and trying to rescue him and he could hear them directly and even see someone's face at a point, they even gave him a radio to communicate to his wife waiting outside of the cave. He was comforted and had company and hope. A lot of other "explorers" or "adventurers" who die in freak accidents don't have that much luck.

I don't get the focus on whether he was poisoned/actively killed or not. If he died of "just collapsing" the Russian regime is still 100% responsible for his death. They killed him either way. Putin killed Navalny, the means by which that happened are secondary.

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Wait until a couple of years pass and you realize how many things that happened were really not ok and actually quite scary.

Stop eating out.

I am embarrassed to say I've never come to this conclusion myself. But you're right. It's as simple as that. Especially since you can get a load of convenience products in a supermarket for $17.

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I agree with you and your friend, but I think you got whoooshed here

I'd freaking love to work as a waitress. It was my dream job as a kid and when I tried it here and there I enjoyed it a lot. But the pay is shit and the social status, being looked down on, as someone stupid or lower... Man, I'd love to be a part time waitress. But until socialism hits and a part time waiting job would be sufficient to feed half a family I'll stick with the biomedical industry and PhD program.

It always makes me so sad to think about how children talk about those "shit jobs". You won't find a kid who wants to become a financial advisor or a tax attorney. Most kids want to build homes, cook, wait, clean, work with animals, drive trains, drive trucks, ... Jesus how many kids I see who are freaking fascinated by garbage trucks and want nothing more than to work as garbage men. And then they grow up and society indoctrinates them into thinking these are bad jobs for lower people, and reality shows you that you can't make a living off these jobs, so better do something you cannot even pronounce.

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Same for these INTF tests or whatever the acronyms are or the Big Five. The questions are so on the nose that it is impossible to take them seriously after question 3.

I agree so much. The current government isn't perfect by any means but Jesus cut them some slack. They are at power after 16 years of consecutive conservative rule. You can't change everything within one year. Moreover, they've taken over a country in the middle of a pandemic, then the biggest European war since WWII started and now there's that whole mess in the middle east. Like, I am also not 100% on board with everything but for a coalition of 3 vastly different parties who rule for the first time, and under all the conditions inherited and newly acquired, they are really doing a decent job.

Our daughter is just 2 years 3 months old and she is already singing made up melodies and lyrics. A couple of days back she made up a song about new bushes (whatever that is). Her friend (3,5 years) jammed with her dad on a keyboard and started singing very creepily "it sat for five minutes, sat for five minutes, sat for five minutes, and then it died".

What I love most about what kids say in these young years is that it is so freaking random. As a teen I loved dadaism and absurd theater and all this random stuff coming out of toddlers is absolutely golden. It sounds like a Merz poem at times. I can absolutely imagine a four year old telling a story about a cleaning lady with 5 kids and a husband.

Somehow this gives me flashbacks about desperately trying to weigh my boobs and not being able to figure out how to do so in a reproducible way

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Allergies cause inflammation, and repeated exposure to food allergens reduces your guts ability to absorb nutrients and can be very very dangerous.

I'd argue that's the best case scenario. Witnessing someone going into anaphylactic shock from eating something with honey is a whole different level of nightmare fuel.

Another thing to be aware of: there is lactose intolerance and milk allergy. I had a friend who constantly got served lactose free catering at conferences etc because he announced way beforehand that he has a milk allergy. He always felt like an asshole not eating the obviously milk protein containing foods that were prepared especially for him. But, like, when the alternative is going to the hospital, politeness won't be your choice.

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