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Joined 11 months ago

You are fucking insane if you believe forcefully removing nukes is a good idea.

Imagine saying "might does not make right" after such a belligerent statement, you should think about your words more carefully.

How does Biden take away the guns they already have?

Furthermore, have you even thought about how not giving them more firepower will play out? Because, guess what, it still won't stop what Israel is doing.

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No I just expect them to make their leveling system not complete ass.

Please, explain it to me in detail - why does killing two hippos gain me more power than killing Messmer? I'll wait.

Yes very unfortunate. Certainly nothing to wish, pray, or perform dark rituals for. Certainly not.

thank mr skeltal

The blessing system kind of sucks, basically the most fucked up milestone leveling you can think of.

"Yeah, I know you just killed a demigod... but you know what you should really do? Go kill some hippos. That'll get you true power."

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Expecting a revolution to solve your problems is a bad joke.

A friend of mine works for Deloitte, can you tell me more?

Very different dropping a coin in a lake than a coin in a bucket.

Because the monkeys that support Trump are the exact kind of people to hold actors in higher regard than they should be.

This shit isn't rocket science, the logic is as easy to read as 1+1.

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Because one side looks at him like a baby with early onset dementia, the other looks at him like hes the great orange godking.

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When are we going to collectively decide to excise the cancer that is Christian Conservatism in the U.S.?

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Who are you even suggesting has autism here??

Ah, yes of course, me too me too

I'm almost 100% sure that if I doubled the effort it took to find this link, I'd have an entire essay on the topic.


Weird, I just saw a thread you were involved in yesterday and thought you were fucking dumb. Guess it was only a matter of time before you proved yourself a tankie or a conservative.

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Plastic in the oceans, Co2 and heavy metals in the air, war, and above all: Wednesday morning traffic (worst day where I am due to WFH rules still being decently widespread).

Looks like someone needs a bullet.

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It definitely calls into question the average lemmy user's intelligence.

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Yeah that wouldn't be what prevents a man from giving a woman CPR. It would be the potential for someone to cry foul play.

But esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress and film director, Margot Robbie, if it's unlikely that Hollywood actress Sydney Sweeney said this... wouldn't it be just as unlikely that Margot Robbie would be here? Adding her own comment?

... are you projecting? Is there something you want to tell us esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress and film director Margot Robbie?

I've put an obscene amount of time into Tarkov.

I say this with absolutely 0 uncertainty: if you weren't aware that BSG were scumbags then you just weren't paying attention. If this move surprised you, I'm sorry but you are just plainly unaware.

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Burying your head in the sand doesn't stop these people from getting their message to their supporters.

Stop acting like ignoring the problem gives you some high ground over them. You need to know what they're saying in order to counteract.

I can point to all the ways AI has made my life worse. Google (and YouTube) has gotten worse, any forum where art is posted (that includes lemmy) has gotten worse, and I've had to establish a safeword with my mom because of AI scammers.

So, sincerely, pull your head out of your ass. Thank you.

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They said Physiological not Psychological. There's a considerable difference between those two words.

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Yeah, honestly when I see people claim that CEOs just want people back for the tax benefits I call bullshit.

These are people who have to justify their own existence through control over whatever company they're a part of. They don't want you back in the office because they're afraid you're screwing them over, they want you back in because otherwise the veil is lifted on how worthless they are as a leader.

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5 grand for something that can be fixed by quite literally buying salt and distilled water (obviously give or take a month, but that doesn't matter). Idk where you live but that shit is cheap where I am.

It's not that 5 grand is a big bill. It's that they're charging 5 grand for salt water.

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You'd think one of the very human human beings working for the theatre would go "fuck that, we can make it work" and help him.

Idk, maybe that's an "and then everyone clapped" moment.

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Oh boy.

What charade is that?

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Yeah, having lived in rural America all my life I can safely say two things:

  1. Competent dog owners in rural America put their dogs down when they can't work anymore. Tell me, how does it make sense to invest in a dog for a year and two months only to shoot it twice after torturing it, especially at such a young age where they can absolutely still be trained?

  2. Pounds exist. Fuck it, if you want to outsource putting a dog down - it's callous but it's not illegal. Please, in detail, explain to me why this woman could not have simply given her dog to the pound, or literally any other shelter? Please tell me why she needed to torture and kill the dog?

This isn't pearl clutching, she's a god damned psychopath and should be treated as such.

My family has a few people who just got out of the military.

I explicitly pointed out that Trump called them, and their grandfather (whom they claim to love very much) suckers.

Their response was, more or less, "Yeah but Trump is better because he has balls!".

The majority of people in the military are, in fact, suckers.

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It wouldn't.

The problem is more that this would give states absolute authority when it comes to what is and isn't taught in schools (it actually goes further than that but I'm at work, look up what laws and acts the DoE is responsible for).

This is more or less fine for states with massive populations as those typically lean blue. I don't see the left suddenly switching to an anti science rhetoric

Red states? Science is replaced with religion. If you can't see why that's a problem then your reasons for disputing this are suspect.

"Did they put out the posters again!? I was gone for a day!"

Don't attribute to stupidity what can be attributed to malice.

Trump is an idiot. Musk is evil. Musk didn't buy Xitter to make it better, despite his claim of being capable of making it more profitable. He bought it using a shitload of Saudi oil money in order to destroy one of the largest platforms for leftist voices in the western world. This wasn't just him blustering into a 25 billion dollar loss on Xitter. What Musk does is very intentional.

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Ah yes, calling for it because the cowards won't die for their own ideals.

No, they'll just shoot up a school or murder some innocent people for the crime of having brown skin or being LGBTQ+. Fucking rats.

Don't forget the sound, the audible male orgasm.

I must be an inferior male, my balls don't deflate like wet whoopie cushions every time I cum.

No, but realistically the argument that bidets are better for the environment is kind of shit anyway.

You do it for a clean butthole. For a guy like me with a pair of legs belonging to a werewolf, you might end up wiping more but the end result is a clean ass without taking a shower. Worth.

"You know, I'm really tired of having to clean my nails and trim them. I know, I should just cut my fucking fingertips off. That way I don't have to worry about pesky things like dirt or germs living under the nails!"

Biggest complaints I've seen aren't with sound quality, it's with the noise cancelling being bad and the shape of the ear cups (the latter could have just been the shape of that user's ears were the problem).

Mind you, these were reviews from Fairbud XLs released about a year ago. Things could have improved or gotten worse in that time, in any way. I can't tell you for sure.

That said, I don't think it makes sense to correlate focusing on repairability and quality of the product going down. I actually went out and found the reviews I'm referencing simply because the concept is absurd and I needed to know for sure.

Always keep in mind what you say online, Poe's law is forever in effect.

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Oof, how much money did you lose on crypto buddy?

I remember first seeing about this and thinking two things. 1 - this concept looks awesome. 2 - this trailer looks 100% staged.

This was at least a year, maybe 2 years ago? God it might be longer than that tbh.

I feel bad for anyone that was really excited for this, genuinely. I almost shared that excitement, were it not for being burned by other games in the past.

This is probably a foreign concept, but it's important to understand in case you're ever in a plane crash. When the oxygen masks come down, you put your oxygen mask on first. Then you help others.

You're welcome, if you're ever in a plane crash I just saved your life and the people around you. And yes you are welcome because you clearly did not understand the concept based on the comment I'm replying to.

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