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It's an insanely high tip

10 more...

I'm in the top ten in The Stanley Parable

He has not seen his son since the day he was arrested, and he is not sure if he will. “I don’t know what he thinks,” Mr. Grimm said.

Man, that last sentence is so sad for all involved.

Just make sure to avoid Brussels. Belgian myself and I hate the place.

12 more...

No, I would tell you to avoid Ghent at all costs then!

I pay my delivery drivers exactly 0 tips. They're paid a living wage, no tips needed.

None of these answers is correct, it's simply not a multiple choice question.

For some the pay is important, others need a bit of distraction like a ping pong table.

Everybody has their own needs, the biggest HR loser is the one that fits all employees in the same square.

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Man it took waaay to long before someone even reacted and even then they didn't focus on his well being but on the press conference.

What a sad sight, zero empathy

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Many of them just link back to reddit, no idea what's useful about that

I want to bet this dude is a giant asshole. Not sure why people keep making a hero out of him, he sounds like an awful person.

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We're not getting refills anyway, I'd rather not have 80% ice with a bit of soda

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Also made communities, setup a patron and donation mails.

This just seems like a dude wanting to scam money out of it and/or taking credit for continued development, disregarding any effort made before the fork.

I'm not sure what you expected the Steam Deck to do?

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Could send it over ATP - Avian Transfer Protocol.

Does require a USB stick and for your friend to train a pigeon though.

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Qwant uses their own index, but supplements it with Bing if they don't have enough info (or for images).


That's a shit ton of data though, l how could it be gathering that much

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Why would Firefox be difficult to use?

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Isn't this that racist, anti-vegan restaurant?

It's Greek salad, so I'm assuming cucumbers

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Having backups at multiple sites is industry standard. Nobody is keeping 100,000TB of data in a single location.

As for your second point, I don't see the relevance. You can store the glass wherever you want, the other mechanisms aren't relevant for keeping the stored data.

These are cops that gasps actually help people

Except for Australia, all participating countries are a member of the EBU, which is why they can enter.

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It's not what the paper is about at all, seems this is just shit journalism again.

All the paper says about copyright is that this method is more secure because AI can sometimes spit out training examples.

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No we don't think 2 hours is a long ass trip. We think 2 hours is a long ass commute.

It was a not officially recognized sect

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I watch on mobile and have all ads blocked. There are multiple options a ton of people use

How has nobody mentioned the Metroid games yet?

I tried out.

All the options you give are allowed, only what OP shows gives the error. While it seems like a good idea, seems the implementation is terrible and only filters out the most obvious ones.

Yeah, these are getting really annoying.

Yeah, this is not a marathon. Marathons are a walk in the park compared to this.

The implant is already malfunctioning after a few months. Makes you wonder how many more of these threads will retract over the next following months.

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The source is from the UK, the article is about a US company

That's enough Lemmy for today...

Google just highlights the answer in the source it found. It's not the poster that highlighted it.

Cock and stone brother!

The drive is not the issue.

Most Blu-Ray disks have DRM encryption. There simply doesn't seem to be a (legal) decryption mechanism on PC, probably to avoid people ripping the movies.

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I feel like this is just some kind of fidget spinner of ancient times. They must've had fads like that too.

Musk is fully expecting to build a US version of WeChat and for everyone to flood back in.

Can't wait to see this plan fail even more.

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Also, the principal, prosecuted AND judge all seem to be family.