2 Post – 162 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

If you want that sensory deprivation feeling, you have to control the air temperature as well and keep it in the dark, and it's larger than a big tub. There is a company that makes a sensory deprivation float tent that will sell you all of the parts and salt. I looked into it a bit after enjoying my local float place. Maintaining the filters, the pH and dealing with the hundreds of pounds of salt seems like more trouble than it's worth.

Coming soon, everything is corrupt, I have to delete the .metadata dir regularly, but it's faster.

The float place near me uses something like 1200 pounds of Epsom salt in a tank that is maybe twice the volume of my bathtub. Then they also regulate the temperature within the tank, both air and water, to be close to normal skin temperature. I'm not sure it's practical.

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I will vote for whatever candidate has the best chance of beating Donald Trump.

Yes, it will be Newsom

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That would be accurate by pure policy, in Europe. AOC won't get anywhere near this year's ticket. If anything, by dementia or prison, they will replace them with candidates that are similar in policy.

They have investigated him before and only came up with stuff his son Hunter did. Turns out you have to commit crimes to get imprisoned.

Trump did. And if he gets imprisoned on July 11th, I guarantee you the American people will stand for it.

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fwiw, XMPP/Slack/Discord/etc basically solve the same problem that IRC already solved. Software Engineers just reinvent the wheel again and again as everyone loves a green field.

That said, Meta cannot be trusted. They're going to do a year or two of embrace and extend, pretending to be good citizens. Then they will invent some crisis that causes them to want to de-federate, likely that content on other servers is not moderated to their standards or that convoluted features of their extended protocol are not being met. This take seems pretty spot on to me.

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Will Baron go or will he dodge it like daddy?

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Yes it does, and wait until you hear about literally every other industry.

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This is how Oracle finally kills Java. I stopped working with Java many years ago and firmly believe that no developer should tie themselves to this fuckery. Find a new job before it's too late.

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Chrome was much faster and more stable than Firefox for a time, but they're similar now.

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It would be easier to track the times he tells the truth.

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Glad they're not afraid to call out Samsung here. Most manufacturers don't care about repairability.

I have to wonder if they're finding issues with the new Google phones. Supposedly Google has committed to have the Pixel 8 parts available but I haven't had to look into it.

You're going to be ok.

It's funny that they think they can't be replaced. It will take a while but 5 years from now Reddit will be the MySpace of social news of they don't stop bullying their users.

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in a political environment where health insurance has successfully executed regulatory capture of all relevant laws and agencies.

Well said. It blew my mind when Obamacare, and my Massachusetts Romneycare before it, turned "giving people healthcare" into "giving people health insurance".

People wanted health care, they pretended to give it to us, and they ensured it meant more profit for the industry.

"Virtue signaling" is just having morals that other people find out about. Be better.

I suppose that's better than being a 'white supremacists first platform' but I bet they'll probably still do that too.

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Probably not, maybe house arrest? I'm curious to see if this has an effect on the other cases, if any. Can Jack Smith easily add a 2016 election interference count now that this is proven?

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Must be hard to be a Republican who is completely irrelevant on the national stage. Ronnie is trying hard to be in the news again because he wants to be Veep. So "sad".

I am not for sale

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Wow, so edgy.

His only legislative win was a tax cut? Let's not forget the Supreme Court. The Christian nationalists already won a big prize with Roe being overturned. Some of them want to take away more civil rights with gay marriage and now even divorce, hopefully people are paying attention.

If they organize, they won't even make it to the military, they will be quickly stopped by our militarized police force. I fear that this is going to end up with crazy people commiting random acts of terrorism.

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Awe, do you need to sell Tesla shares to support that Twitter debt? Poor Elon.

Real life lol'd at this. Thanks!

Apparently you do

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Sure, but imagine being part of the government, having a huge organization at your disposal and being a super genius who speaks multiple languages. You should understand the process and have an organization of people who can help manage it. Private industry has placed thousands of these things, it's doable.

Granted, there are no doubt multiple competing priorities, but obviously this wasn't one of them.

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Wow, this was my first thought as well. I wonder if it would help to have an etiquette manual with examples of how to disagree respectfully.

It's not censorship, it's just smart people protecting themselves from liability. Some things are clearly illegal and the admins should not be expected to take the heat for people who participate in those illegal activities.

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Not Chernobyl?

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It's not rain, it's just MAGA tears that built up since Trump lost in 2020.

"Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers." - Jesse Ventura

This is the truth. The fact that this is all due to inflation that was caused by Federal Reserve money printing during the Trump administration will be lost on most people.

Granted that was all due to COVID (and exasperated by ignoring it for a time), but still, Biden will be blamed.

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Oh wow, you rule.

I installed Windows in a VM for the first time in years just last week. I'll never use it enough to want to pay $200, this is perfect.

The point is that you're already parking your car for that much time while you're doing other things. They just need to put more charging stations near those things.

Waymo exists and is now moving passengers around in three major cities. It's not taking over yet, but it's here and growing.The timeframe didn't meet the hype but the technology is there.

Also people who have places to go, things to carry or don't live in places friendly to bikes. Maybe even people who think writing things in all caps is lazy. Not everything is caused by the conservative boogieman. Both nuance and effective communication are important.

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Good, because I won't vote for a felon.

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