
7 Post – 261 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

Human/Animal Rights Supporter

Music to my ear and I wonder how much it costed them to comb through all of that.

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Desantis hates culture.

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Biodegradable dental floss is much better

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They got called out.

Big Tech needs to knows its place. Yes especially you Apple. Make sideloading available globally.

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Smart man!

Down with fascists

That moment when you’re stuck with safari because Apple said sideloading is dangerous 🙄

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Bro I wouldn’t trust Elon to make me a sandwich.

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More of this will happen if the west doesn’t support Philippines or Ukraine Enough

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Another thing Elon is screwing up on

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Instilling fear to gain more control, classic weak dictator.

It noticed he didn’t like Elon’s tweet that day.

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Jesus Christ people, increasing funding for the police has never been proven to deter crime. It is the result of an economic failure. The parents have failed these kids.

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Go 🇪🇸

Linux never looked so good!

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Joe Biden should crack a cold one with the moderator and answer some questions 😊

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I will see you on peertube ;)

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The west better listen to Ukraine here

The EU needs to use Linux distros instead of Windows to save taxes

Republicans really do hate everyone.

Vote them out

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Make his words true already.

He is going to support Donald Trump no matter how much you bend backwards for him Biden.

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Trump is a criminal.

Ukraine’s love and compassion will prevail

Bernie is correct once again!

Patagonia is way better

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Good corrupt politicians need to pay for their crimes

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Wow making it as pricy as possible for developers to add features thanks Apple.

Shame on Stanford for being weak in the face of opposition

Oh my god. Everyone just download the “no thanks” app and sanction Israel so they no longer have the financial means to bribe the us government to support its genocide.

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Thank the heavens. Now keep it that way!

Why are there any exceptions to begin with

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I bought apple devices because their software support is solid and the user interface is pretty.

But the limitations were not worth the trade off. As there are now decent alternatives and I’m no longer stuck with just android on the phone side of things anymore. There have been quite a few advancements made in the linux phone area.

I now have pixel 3a with ubuntu touch, old thinkpad with linux mint, a steam deck and gaming rig with linux nobara. I got the whole 9-yards. I will using more of linux as time goes on.

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Interesting line:

“Japan's move follows a trend of international legislative efforts aimed at regulating the dominance of major tech companies. The European Union's Digital Markets Act (DMA) and the UK's Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill are similar initiatives designed to foster competition and prevent monopolistic practices. Various antitrust cases in the United States are also targeting similar issues.”

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Meat eater felt threatened.

More people need to use the Goods Unite Us app! Check this example:

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It’s this guy or a felon people. Make you vote!

Off grid is gonna explode with ev campers

Republicans have too much power and would completely gut down the agency that has given us the world so much.

They want all the money lining the pockets of the rich and cruel.