DeSantis vetoes all arts grants in Florida to – 576 points –
DeSantis Vetoes All Arts Grants in Florida

Gov. Ron DeSantis gave no explanation for zeroing out the $32 million in grants that were approved by state lawmakers.


Leaders of arts organizations in Florida, many of whom have worked in the state for decades, cannot remember a governor ever eliminating all of their grant funding. Even in the lean years of the Great Recession, at least a nominal amount — say, 5 percent of the recommended total — was approved.

Established arts organizations usually know better than to overly rely on nonrecurring state dollars subject to the discretion of politicians, said Michael Tomor, executive director of the Tampa Museum of Art. But to cut funding at a time when arts organizations are still struggling to recover from the coronavirus pandemic sends a concerning message “that taxpayer dollars should not be used in support of arts and culture,” he added.


Mr. DeSantis, a Republican, gave no explanation for zeroing out the arts grants. His office said in a statement that he made veto decisions “that are in the best interests of the State of Florida.”

In all, Mr. DeSantis vetoed nearly $950 million in proposed spending and proclaimed that the remaining $116.5 billion came in under the previous year’s budget.

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Desantis hates culture.

Republicans hate culture

“When I hear the word culture, I reach for my gun”

Seems that's a slight mangling of the line, but it's a common Nazi trope

Was it Goering?

Edit: it was not, see below.

The first paragraph on the wikipedia page linked says

"The statement “When I hear the word culture, I reach for my gun”, variously misattributed to Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Goebbels and Hermann Göring, was in fact a corrupted version of a line in his play Schlageter. "

So no, I don't think so.

Whoa there pal.

What part of driving pickup trucks with giant tires through the mud while drinking cases of ~~bud light ~~ Modelo and wearing jorts and a tank top with a picture of Rambo Trump firing footballs from a grenade launcher isn't culture?

It's not that.

Outraging the left fires his base.

The Left: People who like art

Look at how art fared in Nazi Germany.

I mean, you can scratch that up more to the war time economy than anything.

If all your young artistic talent is getting methed up, loaded into APCs, and driven into the thick of Russian winter, they'll have less time to make art at home.

I might argue that the biggest thing we've done for the arts in the United States is to eliminate the draft. Now you can have a professional artistic community AND a professional military. Then they can come together to make the next Top Gun or Transformers or Marvel movie.

He doesn't know what culture is.

Sure he does. It's drinking a warm can of Bud at a Lee Greenwood concert.

It's Bud woke or something? Or did they move on from that already?

They offered an apology for daring to do a small barely publicized promotion with a queer person and then did a partnership with UFC, so they love the all-American company owned by the Belgians again.