
2 Post – 1066 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

School teachers, complying with letter of the law: "Bible says there was flood. Science shows there wasn't. Bible says diseases appeared as result of sin. Science shows diseases existed long before humans."

And tou don't even have Putin. If you need one, you can get one for free if you choose pickup. Also you might consider Boris "parlament is not place for discussion" Grizlov.

United enShittified States of America

They say so many things about magical place called European Union, where all unicorns live.

Not sure about Signal. I remember times when it was phone number focused. Having visible phone number in Russia means FSB might knock on your door.

The only thing better than telegram I can think of and relatively popular is Matrix. But even in my university I don't know about anyone else, who uses it.

Contributing is not limited to writing code. Sometimes it is finding bugs and reporting them. Sometimes it is just telling people about project.

Telegram is basically the safest place in Russia's digital space.

Yep. Alternatives are:

  1. Mailru trash - comrade major knows everything
  2. VK trash - comrade major knows everything
  3. Whatsapp - comrade major knows your phone number, which means he knows who you are

Everything else is not popular.

these people must have been living under a rock

Russians are very advanced when it comes to the internet.

Putin does try to bring Russia into stone age. Russians are very advanced thanks for 1990-2016 period when goverment didn't try to destroy internet.

They spend more time in it because real life sucks more than in other countries.

This is true. We probably have second worst healthcare after America.

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Ah. Makes sense.

The Manifesto:

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He meant it is not controlled by FSB like VK and mailru shit and doesn't show phone number to entire world like whatsapp.

I don't hate it. It's just tech meme. Even article that polularised it says that text is incorrect. But it's just funny.

I can think of three things:

  1. Gaming
  2. Contributing to opensource
  3. Learning something new
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Wierd Al stole my waifu

Did you try to read "СКРАМ"(SCRUM) backwards? It's "МАРКС"(MARX).

Translated version:

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lavender.ltgc.i2p exists. It's Lemmy instance avaliable from i2p and tor. But it's mostly pony instance.

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Ok. Marvel fans then.

Think about booting over network. Or having /usr on another drive. Including even network drive. Think about dumb terminals(wrong cetury) thin clients. For example they can use small disk to quickly boot wihout downloading kernel and initramfs and use NFS for /usr and /home.

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Does not load from Russia, broken when loaded through tor. I don't understand Spanish, but looks legit.

Why from that side of beaver curve?

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Maybe opposite? Maybe women live lomger because they retire earlier?

True, network boot is not best example. Shared /usr is much better one. For example if you are school that wants to buy 100 thin clients for very cheap.

There is russian meme "voting for stool just to vote against UR".

If you say for example that Cuba under Castro had a successful literacy program, then there are people who will accuse you of being a tankie just for that.

$COUNTRY had a successful literacy program under $LEFT_GOVERMENT.

A subset of society that's marginalized at best and killed at the worst doesn't care about who can read and influence their communication? That seems highly shortsighted to me.

That we know of. Given that the company behind Telegram has been involved in various sketchy situations I wouldn't bet my wellbeing on a service that might or might not share information with a corrupt government..

Share informarion with Putin? No, very unlikely. Ban opposition channels during elections? Confirmed yes.

Apple banned opposition's apps durung elections too. And Google.

/bin and /usr/bin (or sbin) have never been well separated, to the point where many distributions just symlink to /usr anyway.

They were(see FHS) and you show exactly how broken it became.

/usr supposed to have files that are needed only after first part of boot procees before mounting filesystems.

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How do I partition?

This can be said about any OS installer. Even Windows.

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OpenSUSE Thumbleweed or KDE Neon.

As a heavy gamer, never say those words 😂

Well, recommendation isn't based only on being gamer. But I noticed heavy gamers tend to more proactive in learning how their system works and tweak their system to their needs. I got one converted into Arch user. It's like heavy gamers have attention and initiative.

and as IT student, this is really interesting.

It was interesting even to some school students. I think I first Installed Gentoo somewhere in 6th grade.

How well do containers

Should be fine. Long time ago I tried to use lxc. It worked.

virtual machines

KVM works really well, I didn't try Xen.

and flatpaks work?

Didn't need, didn't try. There is nothing preventing them from working.

I was thinking about learning self hosting, emacs, and xmonad on a pi4.

I am running Gentoo 24/7 on noname chinese TV box on Allwinner A10 with 1GB of RAM. I wrote device tree myself and compiled mainline u-boot. Most of packages I precompile on my desktop with crossdev, that has exactly same make.conf. Same for Rock64 SBC, but it's sitting powered off. Also I did small modifications to devicetree for it as well. I can answer some qutsions.

TV box runs tor node 24/7 and private search of fimfarchive.

True. It also had binary packages for huge packages like firefox and libreoffice for a very long time.

for(ever) loop

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I recommend OpenSUSE Thumbleweed for everyone, but I haven't used it for long time and I use only Gentoo and OpenWRT on all my devices. And Android on phone, hopefully 10 years later I will replace it with linuxphone.

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And the other 1

have you tried running sfc /scannow?

To be fair this is kinda "did you try to reboot?" kind of answer. Stupid, but effective.

Just reinstall!

IT'S TIME TO REINSTALL ШINDOWS! This is why I love Linux community, especially Gentoo. Reinstalling system is rarely considered to be valid answer.

Disclamer: last time I used OpenSUSE was very long time ago. Probably somewhere in 2018.

When I switched back to Gentoo, Gentoo had more packages in base repo, was more configurable and easier to fix and felt more convenient to me(especially for development). Also easier on resources in casual use. It was important to me since at the time my system had very small amount of RAM, while I wanted to host minecraft server with many mods and play on it with friends. Installing cross-compilers is very easy with crossdev. And I think there were problems with having multiple versions of gcc installed. The only downside I can think of is slower update process(especially compiling firefox/chromium/libreoffice/rust), but in return you get the system, which if breaks, you know how to fix it.

Would I recommend Gentoo to everyone who wants to install Linux on their own regular x86 computers and be what people call a regular user and doesn't want to understand how system works? Rather no.

Would I recommend Gentoo for someone who wants to install Linux for their granny and already knows Linux or even has Gentoo? Rather yes, stereotypical granny doesn't care about distro, she only needs browser and working sound.

Would I recommend Gentoo for any kind of developers(except webdevs, they are separate species)? Absolutely.

For gamers? It is one of reasons I choose Gentoo.

For tinkerers? You know the answer.

For wierd ARM/MIPS/RISC-V/ELBRUS computer? Very yes.

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I'm not sure why you think snaps are snappy. They aren't.

It is pun. Snaps are bloaty and not snappy.

From LKML:

So I'm going to have a HARD REQUIREMENT that any compiler complaints need to be really really sane. They need to detect when people do things like this on purpose, and they need to SHUT THE ^&% UP about the fact that wrap-around happens.

Any tool that is so stupid as to complain about wrap-around in the above is a BROKEN TOOL THAT NEEDS TO BE IGNORED.

Really. This is non-negotiable.

And no, the answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT to add cognitive load on kernel developers by adding yet more random helper types and/or functions.

We already expect a lot of kernel developers. We should not add on to that burden because of your pet project.

Be the solution, not the problem.

Is he asshole?

I'm not sure what you mean by broken bios. If you has broken bios, you wouldn't be able to reinstall Mac OS.

Also any formatting tool in any OS should be able to turn bootable USB stick back to storage only USB stick. Windows, Linux, Mac, Haiku, *BSD, original Unix. Anything.