3 Post – 861 Comments
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I feel like the left is kinda cannibalising itself.

The right has fielded a candidate who will end democracy, and we can't even unite against them.

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This is about as witty as a box of rocks, just like it was when it was invented in 2007.

I think a lot of voters of every age vote against their own interests.

I mean honestly it's hard to imagine that a Trump presidency would be good for anyone who is not either part of the Trump family or already very wealthy.

Perfect! Don't vote for the dems for several elections. I'm certain this plan will usher in a new era of progressive politics. Well done. You idiot.

Perhaps, but I think there's a lot of people overstating the impact Biden's performance will have on the end result.

November is a long way off. There's plenty of time for either party to fuck things up.

Trump's legal stuff still has a way to run between now and November which I think will have a far bigger impact.

I don't really follow. Didn't Obama ask RBG if she wanted to retire so he could put up a left leaning judge? That's not disrespectful nor respectful, it's just sensible.

She refused, predictably precipitating the current shit show out of hubris.

She may be a great woman deserving of respect but she fucked up, bringing harm to an entire generation of women.

Me too. I think you could change to more or less anyone and get a bump.

It really seems as though the populace is extraordinarily weary of these two tired old assholes.

Anyone under 60 would mop the floor with Trump's toupee.

But people recognise his name as being the guy who is too old.

It's irrelevant that he's the incumbent. He can just not run.

I don't really understand how it could be too late.

Float a candidate under 60 and they win riotous support from Democrats and undecideds.

Biden is the only Democrat that Trump has a chance of beating.

Perhaps there has never been changes this late in the cycle, but come on... we're breaking new ground in so many ways.

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Meh. Planning be damned. Just float someone under 60 and they'll crush it.

I just can't understand how someone could think that banking books is a good idea.

edit: sorry banning not banking

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who else in the party can take his role?

How is it possible that there's no one better than Biden? He's just so unelectable.

I mean, ok he's done some great things as pres... but he's too fucking old. JFC. Someone in their 50s

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Gish gallop.

sorry I meant banning not banking

Feels like the whole world is on the same trajectory.

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They would've assassinated him already.

Yes I think this has broken him. Quiet life in the burbs with the occasional phone interview on someone's podcast.

I find it a bit annoying that different usb-c implementations have different capabilities.

As in, not all cables are compatible with all devices, and there's not even a standardised way or reporting capabilities.

What's the point of being able to put every plug in every socket if you don't know if it's going to work?

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what do you mean? It just did play out. That's the end.

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It's not that.

Outraging the left fires his base.

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It's this, but they're not targeting GIMP.

Their SEO goons just see what searches contain photoshop and try to create content that will match. In this case they found "photoshop vs gimp". I doubt that whoever wrote this had ever heard of GIMP.

This conclusion, while weakly supported by a statistical analysis of the names involved, is rejected by most archaeologists, theologians, linguistic and biblical scholars.

There's a bunch of references for archaeologists debunking it.

I know you said "it might not be him" but I feel like that understates the weight of evidence against that possibility.

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I agree. There's also a pervasive feeling that lemmy is unaffected by manipulation and misinformation.

If Lemmy continues to grow sooner or later it will become a large enough target for manipulation, and I wonder how federation will fare at that time.

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You're right in that it will never be like it was, but there are still fringes and niche communities that have that human feel. The thing is they're much less engaging without algorithms and UX driving engagement, we're not drawn to them in the same way.

Yeah, I feel the same, but I don't really know enough about it to make that assertion.

If you're happy with this type of calculation then the probability that this tomb is that of biblical Jesus is (number of occupants) / (number of humans in that area at the time the tomb was built).

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Enough. Feel free to continue believing that, on the balance of probabilities, this tomb is that of the really real Jesus.

Obligatory: companies should face harsh penalties for this stuff.

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I know you're being sarcastic, but I just find it so hilarious that while Romania may in fact be corrupt, this small-dick-energy idiot somehow managed to make himself the whipping boy with whom Romania will demonstrate to the world how not corrupt they are.

I will giddily await him having his front teeth extracted in make-me-your-bitch prison.

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It's the other way around - the side projects were intended to diversify revenue so they're not comprehensive dependent on google for funding. If they're canning them then they haven't been profitable.

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I've heard this before but it doesn't make much sense to me.

Dying of a stroke in your sleep sounds peaceful.

Being unable to leave your submerged car because your back is broken, watching freezing water coming in, taking that last breath. Sounds fucking terrifying honestly.

You're absolutely right, and deep down I do agree that the civility with which we treat prisoners is the measure of society. Some countries more than others tend to engage in "revenge based" justice and its just yuck.

I got a bit carried away with my comment because lately my justice boner just keeps getting deferred or held over. It's been a long time.

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You don't seem to have grasped the nuance of the conversation though.

Pushing back with more information is only a viable strategy when all parties are participating in good faith.

When the guest demonstrates a clear intent to spread obvious misinformation to further their own interests, discontinuing the conversation is the only recourse.

To say the same thing another way, the host did rebut the guest, but the guest carried on without responding to the rebuttal, intent on using the show as a platform to spread misinformation.

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I can't believe no one has said this... Don't wear shoes inside the house.

This will dramatically reduce the griminess of your floors.

Its a big commitment. You'll prioritise shoes you can just slide your feet into, or at least out of. I still have nice boots and stuff but wear them less often.

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The direct answer to your question is... because the actual risk of aggravated sexual assault against a co-worker are infinitesimal. There's practically no risk. If he's going to rape someone it will be someone less likely to id him.

Honestly, it sounds like you just don't want him around and are looking to justify that. Your feelings are perfectly valid, I'm sure I wouldn't want to be around him, it's just good to acknowledge your feelings.

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I think you mean charcoal. Coal would probably make your food taste awful.

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That's not what happened.

Attackers queried n email addresses against trello, who responded with names and user names for accounts that existed.

No one asked trello to publish their names, so that's a breach.

Nah that's not it. The text content is an infinitesimal portion of a modern Web page.

Many webpages are > 1mb, that's a million letters if you will.

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This is management speak for... our shit isn't working, we're trying to diversify our revenue but so far just wasted heaps of money. We're going to cut everything to extend the curve but this marks the start of our death spiral.

This is a bit left field but... my big idea is that mozilla should become a payment gateway for donating to other opensource projects. They can skim a few percent off everything. Great alignment with Mozilla's values & history. All open source projects will end up promoting mozilla. Mozilla has the right brand and user-base to leverage.

Suppose my new tab page showed me a bit of an overview about some opensource project, the people involved, and the people who use the project, and suggested a donation of $1. I would genuinely like that. After a few small donations they could suggest I charge my account with $50 which I can then donate to whatever projects in the coming months as the mid takes me.

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The actual material costs for roads are only a small portion of the cost.

By far the largest cost will be wages.

Resolving drainage and everything that goes under the road is more important than whatever you put on top.

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I genuinely don't understand why this perspective is so popular.

He spent a boatload of cash vaccinating kids which has undoubtedly saved 10s of millions of lives.

Fuck him right? What an asshole.

Yes he gets a tax deduction for money contributed to the foundation, but it's still a net loss to him.

Yes the foundation probably pays for jets and flights but its audited regularly so it can't be used as a personal slush fund for private purposes.

Yes I'm sure there were some unintended consequences and failed projects, but solving problems and helping people particularly in impoverished nations is hard.

Are other billionaires doing a better job of saving the world ?

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