Venia Silente

0 Post – 226 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Hi you're reading content by a non-AI person, 100% humane or at least furry.

Sometimes my posts are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Feel free to contact me for an alternative licensing deal.

cracking the games

to put some DRM on them

to sell them

Fam, half the point of pirating is getting harmful middlemans out of the way. If I wanted a game and it was available on the Cracked Store for, say, $10 plus $15 for the DRM unlock, I'd just go to 1337x or somesuch to get the normal pirated version.

Want to put some economic incentive to pirating? Make it a shared / solidarity pool. Or get in touch with a state / nation that has more active interest on digital sovereignty and preservation so that it can be set up as some sort of UBI.

If Meta can pirate stuff, then the Internet Archive can pirate stuff and I can also pirate stuff. Fair is fair.

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I feel so silly that I wouldn't even know how to describe it.

I know! I'll pirate hundreds of books from well-known authors so that I can easily find a useful metaphor.

I took the liberty of reading the article but I'm gonna say the title is quite... tendentious. Makes it sound like it's yet another one of those FUD / nutjob clickbait that have been coming at the privacy community for a few days with sensationalist titles such as "The CIA will stop funding Signal" (never has been) or "FBI wants to sell Wikipedia" (never has been).

What is going on?

EDIT: Cosmic Cleric has provided the definition of "tendentious", which I have linked.

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So let me see if I get this straight:

Some guy robs you and since they can't pay the settlement bill for robbing you, they are offering you a stakeholder position in their further crimes?

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It said the 62-year-old had died from a “self-inflicted” wound on 9 March and police were investigating.

Ah yes the classic suicide by shot to the back.

Nothing to see here, citizen. Move along, and consoom Boeing.

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Oh, we heard, Rust is the greatest invention since sliced bread. We heard it already. Like 65534 times.

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Finally, even OpenSubtitles gets enshittified.

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Never question the bravery of the French. They discovered snails are edible.

As for their intelligence on the other hand...

Someone remind me again why does the US, or any country, have veto power in the UN?

A veto power basically makes the entire institution useless.

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I get that people want a "simple way to chat" and Discord does that well, I guess. I mean, everyone's talking about the forum aspect but what's the alternative for chat? Mumble?

Just, please, don't hide documentation in the Discord. A neocities page costs literally $0. Please. Think of the poor SEO consultants!

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Okay, monday morning. So, where is it?

One would think the devs would dedicate some time to fix this particular failing of Lemmy, because "download the entire internet of a site because one (1) user posts in one (1) community in one (1) server" is just ridiculous from a lot of standpoints, both technical and legal.

Ah yes. Forgejo is the current community fork.

Triple digits? That's way too much Celsius!

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Instead of depending on a for profit / corpo for maintaining something like a whole language maybe that should be left to a coöp? Or at least something open source / Creative Commons so that people actually are authorized to contribute?

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A sad day, but nothing that can't be fixed by reuploading the files.

Pfff the only thing achieved so far is speaking that he's guilty. Of (of all things) not disclosing payment for sex. No prison, no drop from the ballot, so far nothing that's actually useful.

I think that the best immediate thing that will come from this will be Trump rule 34 fanart. Or, who knows, I might be mistaken already...

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Linux and Firefox would get updates!

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Select your praise. You can praise her pro-SAG action without having to also praise or even care about her anti-vax postures.

What's even the point of having a view from the cockpit if I can't drive the plane? Forget the crappy movies and games, if you truly want me to not be bored just stream to me control over the flight console.

Serious question re the auth part:

Have you tried submitting PRs? Much of the complaints that I see about the development side of Firefox are grounded on the fac that "they won't have this cool thing that Chrome has", ignoring that those things are usually dangerous or are rejected for justified, studied reasons (see: WebUSB). Sounds just about the area where auth would have issues, and it'd be interesting to see what Firefox's actual response was.

Who knows, maybe they're cluing you that you shouldn't depending on Google...

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People are getting upset about this, but it only applies within the country where Roskomnadzor has authority, and it’s temporary pending further review.

Which means that now, for example, Republicans can file to have any extension that "provides or facilitates woke content". To put forth one (1) such case.

Idiot laws are idiot and must be fought at every point, in particular if you have more power than one (1) mere citizen. What Mozilla is doing is just announcing to the world they're open to spreading their legs before the MAGAs.

Mozilla, as a law-abiding organization, must at least acknowledge the requests of a regulatory agency within its own country.

Insert Nick Fury "I recognize the council has made an ass-stupid decision".

Whether you agree with their requests or not, Roskomnadzor has governmental authority in this context within Russia.

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It's only an anti-trust violation if an anti-trust case is made and a sentence passed. A new Chrome update and a couple Benjamins on the adequate courts should easily fix that,.

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starting next january

¿????? Thsi started like, 10 years ago!

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Any law pregraduate knows those EULAs are not valid in court.

"Impossible"? They just need to ask for permission from each source. It's not like they don't already know who the sources are, since the AIs are issuing HTTP(S) requests to fetch them.

Wow. You know you dun goofed it when the "online encyclopedia anyone can edit" makes it very clear that "but not to write about you".

Interesting. You could setup something like a linux VM (or an rPi) running a distro with privoxy to filter out mentions of Linux per domain(s)!

If they don't migrate to a wiki running on a Minecraft CPU virtual VPS, I riot.

I don’t want to die for a cause - I want to make the fascists die for theirs.

Honestly this is one of the best quotables I've found on the internet this year. Permission to steal?

I was hoping here their answer was something like "feel free to contact our attorney, Cory Doctorow, and his legal team at the UN". Oh well, a free mind can wish.

So, lemme get this straight: allowing remote parties to install malware (DRM) on your system results in allowing remote parties to install malware on your system? Wow, who could have known! Certainly not the distributors of the step-one malware, am I right?

I'm certain there's a couple of lessons to be learned here (install and run games as normal, non-elevated users, people! It's easy to do on Linux) but I'm also somehow certain Big Corpos are going to stick their heads into the sand regarding such lessons.

Oh well, the pirate way it is.

Oh you sweet child. They only need to ban them for citizens, not for business / shareholders.

Yeah like we could have a shared legal entity, say a corporation,

You mispelt coöperative.

Why is this on !upliftingnews?

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IANAL and all the other anals, but my understanding is Signal wouldn't be liable and wouldn't have to do anything. They designed their service so they can't know the content of the messages, so if a third party Maloyse (see what I'm doing there?) is reporting a message between Alice and Bob that Maloyse thinks to be illegal, Signal would be within legal grounds to bring into question how did M got that message, and it can't be used as proof against Signal because there is no legal mechanism by which Signal could have acquired that message and act upon it - in fact, Signal has grounds to suspect Maloyse is crafting those messages, since neither Alice nor Bob have reported such message.

This post is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Feel free to contact me to negotiate for an alternative license.

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Just keep calling it Twitter and campaign for other people to do the same.

Same. We should head back to ICQ!

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