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Joined 11 months ago


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Since when do facts count as shitposts?

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"I don't stand behind anything." - Trump in the oval office, 2017

So, yeah.

So we're clear, this is not the revolution

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I'll tell you what'd I'd do, man. Two chicks at the same time

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This was a triumph

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This is absolutely against theatre traditions.

I was an angsty theatre kid. I would conspire to ruin every and any play for the remainder of my time at that school.

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Grew up on a dairy goat farm. I noticed we ate most of the boys and kept all the girls.

I was so scared; I had to ask my mom which one of me and my brothers were they gonna keep.

Someone should talk to the Kurds in Iraq. We have been undependable for a long long time

"God is love." -god

"That bastard!" - conservative worshipers

You doing anything this weekend?

In America, you are not free to live under a bridge. People get run off of that situation all the time.

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They're not.

You can.

Next question

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Space dust.

Don't breathe this.

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In Alabama, as soon as the Republicans realized their craziness impacted their own lives, changing the rules became the top priority of the state. They are doing a perfect job of showing us they could do their jobs super efficiently, but have zero desire to.

Also, their workaround will protect the businesses and the doctors, but not the patients.

Cruelty to the 'others' is the point.

Yes. Trump is lying again.

The price cap on insulin passed by congress and signed by Biden is an actual price cap. The EO from Trump was not. It was words with no effect for most insulin users

After he's been pregnant for three months? Deal.


Hey kitty, wrong titty

So far they've learned the benefit far outweighs the cost

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"None of the members of Congress that gave aid or comfort to the participants of the Nov 6th riots have been barred from holding office, so it must not have been an insurrection." - Justice Thomas probably

It's the fact that we haven't held any of our elected officials accountable for their actions and words that will bite us in the ass.

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Can I pet that dog?

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So.... What happened to commuting his sentence in the first term? Too much golf, I guess

The Mueller report isn't imaginary. Pretending it says there is no evidence of wrongdoing is.

Some humans just want to watch the world burn


In the middle of my third paragraph I deleted most of this comment and reminded myself, my perspective is not needed.

To no one's surprise, and the shame of all.

I picked a hell of a day to stop drinking windshield washer fluid

I'm American. When I get cancer I plan to have one or two good months and kill myself.

Hey, what did I do?

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Well, just kill the representatives and senators that won't fall in line. According to Trump, it's legal

No, but that's ok

Two days later, "Would you like to invest in a fantastic crypto opportunity with me? "

A true disciple of the taco embraces the sauce, and the trials that may follow

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Then do it. "I would" buncha cowards

The people I work with sure can.

Hehehehe 🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 hahahhahaha

Sweet summer child, thank you. I needed a good laugh

😆 oh you sweet summer child

Hell may, or may not come after heaven. The taco works in mysterious ways

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