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Joined 12 months ago

My son snapped one of the ears off a few days ago and I thought I could be more successful but alas I was not.

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More than likely there is something in the pipe. I'm going to have to cut it open to investigate and replace the valve. I am 100% turning it the right way as there are stops built in that prevent incorrect rotation. The next iteration will have valves that can unscrew.

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That's an idea but I don't currently have a 3d printer and maker spaces don't exist where I live. That and the torque I put on this valve to get it where it currently sits would break any 3d printed plastic part I've come across.

Yeah, I've done plenty with it before. I'm planning to re-engineer this whole setup so I can unscrew the valves in the future for easy replacement.

That is certainly the next step.

So like 90+%? More? Nearly all public schools for like 30+ years before this twat waffle was elected?

I always assumed but TIL Republicans are not Americans /s

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They brought this on themselves, I mean look at what the GOP was wearing.

I totally approve of these types of lawsuits.

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I'm getting really tired of the word slammed, maybe writers need to pick up a thesaurus (it's a dinosaur that knows a lot of words).

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It blows my mind that this is how far political discourse has fallen. Fuck anyone who supports shit like this.

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Couldn't happen to a better person. I wouldn't be surprised if he was lying to drum up donations though.

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They feel he tilted the trial? He handled Trump with kid gloves the whole trial while he was throwing constant diaper filled tantrums. If anything he went way too easy on the orange baboon.

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Given that most voter fraud has been perpetrated by Republicans it's entirely possible she voted for him while dead.

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He got specific when attacking John McCain, "I like people who weren't captured."

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Deport to where Donny? You can't just boot out Americans.

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I might catch hate for this but I never understood why it wasn't automatic the entire time since it's illegal to not register.

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Apparently making material available to those who choose to seek it out is "shoving it down (the) throats" of people who wouldn't step foot in a fucking library if they were bitten by a snake and the antidote was inside.

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Every time I read an article about this trial I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

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That 90% number is wishful thinking at best.

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We have the many videos. There's probably a compilation on YouTube of him starting lock her up chants.

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Someone's feewings got hurt. I would probably go grab a free beer though.

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It only makes sense that the club that's been pushing abstinence only sex ed for however many years would move to ban birth control. After all, birth control is for sinners.

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And they're trying to raise the social security retirement age. Bitch, I ain't gonna make it to 70.

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Fucking pathetic

Far and away the 90s and it's not even close. We had the internet but it wasn't stalking us. We had cell phones but your parents couldn't drop a tracker app on it to see if you were actually at Doug's house. Gas was cheap. Airports were better, flying was better, fewer people, god I miss the 90s.

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That's a pretty narrow slice. Did he see Starship Troopers and think the line about serving to be able to have babies was a good idea? You were supposed to be paying attention to the boobs in the shower scene not the politics you twat.

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You'd hope

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Protected speech bitches.

Edit: let me clarify, as someone who has served under that flag I fully support people's right to burn it to show their frustrations with our system. Burning the flag is a very powerful statement and in an ideal world we would find out why the flag is being burnt and attempt to address the grievance though I doubt that actually happens.

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I really wish I lacked morals, these guys seem like they're having a great time at everyone else's expense.

Online gambling is a blight.

I hope one day we can go back to buying from the box office without fees.

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Closeted republican? That's a surprise, all the republicans I know are very vocal about it.

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Dick, it's not about the money, it's about sending a message.

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I knew he couldn't shut the fuck up.

"They're turning the freaking frogs gay!"

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It was supposed to shut him up. The money was a hill he was supposed to be buried under. There was no way on god's green earth he was coming up with those funds, everything with his name attached should have perished but now he gets to keep spouting off.

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Good riddance

Didn't think this one through did you fucktards?

I wouldn't expect anything less, these motherfuckers got so bold after Trump was elected it makes me sick. I quit a job back in February because I heard people dropping the N bomb daily.