Americans still support Marriage equality by a vast majority — just not Republicans to politics – 217 points –
Americans still support Marriage equality by a vast majority — just not Republicans

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I always assumed but TIL Republicans are not Americans /s

You joke, but I recently met a heterosexual conservative couple at a bar in Austin. We were having a great time up until they learned I was gay. Then they implied I was un-American because I am both gay and Asian.

To me, the cold behavior exhibited by the couple was un-American, not my sexual preference.

Don't you know you can't be American if you don't use your genitals correctly? I'm sure it's right there in the Constitution somewhere... /s

They certainly seem confused about what country they live in and this whole democracy thing

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Americans in general support marriage equality by a vast majority, but Republicans (a subset of Americans, unfortunately) do not.

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