Americans still support Marriage equality by a vast majority — just not Republicans to politics – 217 points –
Americans still support Marriage equality by a vast majority — just not Republicans

I always assumed but TIL Republicans are not Americans /s

You joke, but I recently met a heterosexual conservative couple at a bar in Austin. We were having a great time up until they learned I was gay. Then they implied I was un-American because I am both gay and Asian.

To me, the cold behavior exhibited by the couple was un-American, not my sexual preference.

Don't you know you can't be American if you don't use your genitals correctly? I'm sure it's right there in the Constitution somewhere... /s

They certainly seem confused about what country they live in and this whole democracy thing

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Americans in general support marriage equality by a vast majority, but Republicans (a subset of Americans, unfortunately) do not.

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The GOP got kicked in the head.

It's fucking insane what they're selling these days.

They're a bunch of degenerates who think the country belongs to them alone.

As someone that has been beaten badly I can securely say it fucks up the way that your brain distributes attention and behavior pretty much permanently and for the worse.

Keep that in mind when you beat someone up you are likely neurologically creating another member of the GOP.

Swing states and their electors don't care what the majority of Americans want. The swing states seem to be leaning fascist recently.