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Joined 2 months ago

"In an appropriate case, the Court should certainly correct this error," Thomas wrote.

Thomas is making called shots now for rich people with private prisons. What a muppet.

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I have been reading out loud to myself for a few years.

It is slower, but it really adds to your active vocabulary. And actually my reading articulation out loud has increased manifold. And it keeps my interest.

  • Verizon uses inmates to provide telecommunication services.
  • Fidelity Investments uses some held assets to fund the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), an organization that promotes inmate work.
  • Kmart and JCPenney use inmate labor in Tennessee to make denim products.
  • Walmart uses prison labor to clean barcodes so products can be resold.
  • Some cheese and fish from Whole Foods comes from prison labor.
  • Circuit boards from IBM come from Texas prisoners.
  • Wendy's and McDonald's use prison labor to process beef for their food products.
  • Amazon uses BOP labor for cleaning and sorting damaged goods
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Why is competition for US auto makers a bad thing ?

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The Monroe Doctrine

If the US wants to say the whole western hemisphere is its business then the US better explain how its business includes that.

The GOP is the party of increased infant mortality and high rates of spousal abuse, homicide, and suicide.

At least they are ideological consistent.

I hope they remove them like how Apple removed deleted texts.

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boy i hope that misfortune is an upvote opportunity

Is that what happens to architecture when fully submerged in salt water ?

As someone that has been beaten badly I can securely say it fucks up the way that your brain distributes attention and behavior pretty much permanently and for the worse.

Keep that in mind when you beat someone up you are likely neurologically creating another member of the GOP.

This is true. I had mine tested, and there was one of my testicles that had way more microplastics than the other two.

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But instead they will be fined, and they will pay that fine to the government.

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This should require anyone working on these laws that is divorced to be retroactively married to their ex-spouse automatically.

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In the US a dog that works with the police has many protections legally.

In the US any other dog is merely property and the police kill them with impunity.

In the US when a police dog is euthanized there are lines of officers and police workers and first responders to show respect.

In the US any other dog is just leverage for the police to threaten.

I'm ready for a $15,000 EV.

But I suppose the Ford, GM, and whatever else is left of the US auto industry will never be ready.

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I was at first wondering what google had done to piss off Weird Al. He seems so chill.

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Reality has a well known liberal bias.

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What is so crazy is that a lot of these folks look up to Sparta because of its dedication to physical conditioning. But of the people that traveled to Sparta we know that they wrote of watching the women of Sparta exercise because they were known to be strong, fast, and beautiful because of their exercise and physical conditioning was expected of them even as slave owning elites.

This person should be lauded for their dedication to conditioning and feared for their ability to Kegel a steel girder asunder. And they probably don't even own one slave outright so it is even that more amazing.

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A.I. can have his job.

they might ... you know ... be gay and work at lockheed martin ... and got their managers to pay for some shit for pride. maybe could submit expense reports and have the trip paid for ...

there were times when gay people couldn't work at lockheed martin. i prefer this photo to that.

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so what ? there being more than one cop means that there was multiple cops that should have been smarter.

multiple cops being there makes it look more like an attempt to kill the woman.

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ah yes the free market and its visible invisible hand.

Whats great is that elementary school kids can share a joint among like two or three of them so it is really cost effective

How long until these are banned ?

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Boeing does sell to the military.

The SCOTUS says that if we don't let Trump do that there is a chance that Trump may do that !

Cops love it when you tell them that they are free to go.

Tacoma – Two Puyallup, Washington, men will appear in U.S. District Court in Tacoma today charged with conspiracy to damage energy facilities and possession of an unregistered firearm, announced U.S. Attorney Nick Brown. Matthew Greenwood, 32, and Jeremy Crahan, 40, were arrested Saturday, December 31, 2022, following a fast-moving investigation by the FBI. Prosecutors will ask that both men remain detained at the Federal Detention Center at SeaTac pending future hearings.

step one of enshittification has begun. again.

Perhaps recognize your truly cosmopolitan background as a citizen of the world ? Maybe fitting in nowhere is the beginning of fitting in everywhere ?

And grab that slur with both hands, flip it, and make it your own.

Boy would they be shocked with the tollroad that would be built on the Cascades charging a toll on all their farm trucks to get to port.

If this is real ... man ... the United States has really embraced using torture and the threat of torture ... from the local police departments all the way up to the federal capital.

We didn't even need to get invaded to have fallen.

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Seattle officer recorded joking about woman's death, saying 'she had limited value'

In England Florida they use the other hand

not worth anywhere near 100K

I can't wait for Trump to release the new calendar that he designed.

Trump has, in my humble opinion, something on the judge or the judge's family from his time in the office of the president and access to warrantless wiretapping all US Americans from LEO/CIA/NSA information.

Trump, in my humble opinion, has found and used private information to flex on the judge.

They are testes. They are still there.

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