Trump falsely claims he didn’t call to lock up Hillary Clinton | CNN Politics to politics – 581 points –
Fact check: Trump falsely claims he didn’t call to lock up Hillary Clinton | CNN Politics

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We have the many videos. There's probably a compilation on YouTube of him starting lock her up chants.

"It doesn't matter, it was all AI generated by Antifa. Real Men Wear Diapers!"

and this is why AI/deepfakes are so scary.

It isn't just that there might be fake stuff out there. it's that real stuff could get called fake. ("I didn't say that. Deep fake FAKE NEWS FaKe NeWs!!!!")

If they can convince themselves to believe he never said it, I'm going to just assume Trumpism isn't politics so much as mental illness.

Interesting that you've doubted that

All humor and rhetoric aside, when 1/3 of a population thinks or believes a certain way, you can't really call them mentally ill because they would have to deviate from a norm and they are part of the norm at that point.

But I don't know how you could believe this lie without being delusional. Hence my comment. Yes I've thought they were all fucking nuts before, but that's different from actually thinking they are ill.

I'm not a mental health professional so my opinion counts for shit anyway, but I do try to take these things seriously.

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LPT, strip the "?si=" part off the end of your youtube links. They are UUID tracking links meant to determine connections between users and are a massive cross-platform privacy violation.

That YouTube tracking parameter is probably the one I encounter the most and it's frustrating that the Firefox "Copy Link Without Site Tracking" doesn't strip it out. I'm assuming it's intentionally allowed by Mozilla because of some agreement with Google.

Mozilla and Google do have a bit of a mutually beneficial relationship going on, not one I really like, but Mozilla wouldn't exist right now if it didn't have it...

You can also replace the tracking parameter with #t=xxmyys to go to a specific timestamp in the video.

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