
2 Post – 410 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

I don't think people are upset because he broke the law, that's a separate ref flag, they're upset because he did whatever he could to reduce wages for ordinary Americans and boost profits for himself. It's shitty and he's saying it out loud.


History teaches us that when people are desperate they are more likely to turn to the right for solutions. That's why right wingers like to keep them desperate. It's not in their interests to make things better.

Can verify: am Brit.

Liz truss tried the libertarian experiment, sidestepped the Office for Budget Responsibility that her own party set up so that they were prevented from announcing the forthcoming shitshow (because she correctly thought they would be doom and gloom about it), tanked the economy in less than one week, blamed the media for it, blamed not going far enough for it, blamed the Chancellor of the Exchequer for it, sacked him, said she wouldn't resign but was famously outlasted by a lettuce.

Now she simps for the republicans but is largely ignored by them. She still maintains she was right, which is par for the course for idiot lying right wingers.

They elected him because inflation was awful in Argentina for a long time. He said he would improve it, but he made it much, much worse. It's starting to stabilise back down to the original awfully high levels he inherited from the terrifyingly stratospheric levels he took it to, simply because the people really have no money left and aren't buying anything and the shopkeepers can't raise prices too fast, so of course he's claiming that his policies are working because it's getting better.

Economists suspect that shutting down the whole economy for lack of cash after astronomical inflation isn't the strong long term solution to inflation that the libertarians like to claim they're creating.

He got rid of rent controls and other price controls. Because it would fix inflation, apparently.

So yeah, he got elected because the economy has been bad for a long time and they haven't tried far right in quite a while. It's got even worse of course.

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I take that as a compelling recommendation for Signal.

Yup. Programmes that have experimented with giving homeless people hundreds in no-rules cash find that within a couple of months most of them have secured accommodation and reconnected with family and friends. After a while the majority are in paid employment.

Who would have guessed that the most of the problems of extreme poverty could be solved with money?!

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It's so dystopian that teachers lose their jobs for encouraging children to read and that "free speech" advocates in state government are literally censoring books, the very thing that the first amendment is designed to stop governments doing.

In what sense has he agreed something if no one else involved knows about it? I think the right verb here is 'suggests'.

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Republicans think misgendering people is all fun and games until it happens to them.

Republicans think denying women healthcare if they miscarry it's a good plan until it happens to their loved ones.

Republicans think that having an abortion is a decision full of hate and evil until their daughter wants one.

Republicans think that having active shooters in schools is a mildly unfortunate consequence of important gun freedoms until it happens in their children's schools.

But also republicans are surprised and hurt that their good republican friends aren't supportive when they are the victim of republican behaviour and politics.

"It's not a problem unless it's happened to me" is why people are right wing. It's being self absorbed turned into a political movement for the advancement of shareholder profits.

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"I never thought it would be MY kids traumatised in a mass shooting in school." - Conservatives.

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Yes. But in more controversial news, you can solve hunger with.... money!

It's like giving people money empowers them to choose to fix their problems, most important ones first.

The surprising bit is that drug use rates drop substantially if people can cope with everyday life.

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"and I have to say, this idea of caring for our neighbor and kindness and a hand up when somebody needs it, or just the sense that people go through things, and to be able to be there when they need it, that's who we are," said Walz.

Warms my heart, America, that you might just elect a president and vice president who I'd gladly spend time with. Walz actually a decent guy. Well picked, Kamala.

Rhowch, cwtch, mwyn have to be Welsh. Classicly Welsh sounding words, and mbrsrtowcs, strxfrm can't possibly be Welsh. Source: my welsh uncle taught me to pronounce Welsh place names.

Wcstold, wcsoll wmffre could be either but sound really weird as Welsh to me.

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  1. He HATES that he lost to Biden and so desperately wanted to beat him second time round and now he'll always have lost to Biden and never won, so he's really struggling to accept that reality and desperately wants to go back to beating Biden in the polls.
  2. This is absolutely how he would behave if he were in Biden's position right now so he thinks this is plausible and people might believe it.
  3. He wouldn't recognise altruism if it turned up in his house with free burgers every lunchtime singing "Altruism is doing something nice for someone else with nothing in return, nothing in return, nothing in return. Altruism is doing something nice for someone else with nothing in return, nothing in return, nothing in return." He would like it, and he would tweet about how the hamberder people were good people, great people who know how great trump is, but he wouldn't understand and wouldn't learn anything because it's so alien to his way of thinking. Of course he finds it incomprehensible that Biden might not be seething with rage right now.
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He won't. Too honourable.

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"We're never going to let that happen again" means they fully intend to prevent, by any means necessary, the peaceful transfer of power to another power following an election.

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I remember when Trump separated Mexican children from their parents and kept them in actual cages while moving their parents several states away without keeping any records of which children go with which parents. Lovely guy.

Trump is too old to keep up with Kamala's schedule. And he hates the photos of the same venue really full for Kamala and half full for him, so he's avoiding the comparison like he's avoiding the debate. He hates being seen to lose. He's the world's sorest loser.

I'm no artist, but this was fun to make. You folks here at 196 make me happy and entertain me and make me laugh. Thank you. You folks are great. Seriously.

Even if you're just a lurker, or you just upvote things and never got the courage to follow the rule, you count as great, because you know what? You're a human being and that's enough to be worth more than all of the lifeless things that surround us.

I just need you to know that I know you're not perfect, but none of us are. None of us. Even those of us who are pretending we are. But you're unique and you're valuable and I don't care how little you think of yourself, you're a living, breathing person, and so you're a wonder. An absolute wonder.

Sometimes things are hard - hang in there. You matter. More than you can possibly realise. Keep going.

Sometimes things are good or there's a ray of sunshine between the clouds - love it, live it, remember it.

Be kind to each other. Y'all matter. You really do.

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Nastiness. The clear connection, at its heart, it's nastiness. Lack of compassion. Zero empathy.

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Sucking cock is a fantastic thing to do for your fellow human, and a true friend loves and appreciates you for it.

But sucking the cocks of dictators, that's something sensible people everywhere disapprove of. Pretty much every dictator has awful anti-LGBT+ rhetoric and inhumane anti-LGBT+ policies.

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"I want micro USB back" already breaks all three original rules at once.

  1. Being ordinary shouldn't protect you from legal consequences of starting nationwide riots.
  2. Blaming Starmer for far right riots is super weird.
  3. The rioters are the ones who want to turn it into a police state. This is just justice.
  4. You have this strange notion that it can't be criminal to say a thing, but how many war criminals did the deeds themselves? How many evil leaders were more hands-on than their followers? The worst criminals use words and let their followers go to jail for carrying out their wishes.
  5. Hooray! The more people that know YOU CAN GO TO JAIL in the UK for inciting a riot on Xitter, Faceschmuk or Telegrunt, the better. Actually hooray. Actual firestarters going to jail rather than just saying they were "asking important questions". Farage next please.
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It was a gentle slap, but it was a slap. Most of us get through the day without slapping kids who we think are cheeky. Mr Erdogan clearly thinks he's way too important to keep his hands off other people's kids. He could have just told the kid what he was supposed to do, but he just lashed out. Guy needs to take his self importance down a peg or two. It was undignified and shows he doesn't have any self moderation. Surrounded by people who always say yes to him no matter what he says, I reckon. He loses respect if he can't deal with other people in a calm and sane manner. Which other world leaders slap children? None of them. This brings shame on Turkiye because their president can't moderate his behaviour. The little kid showed more emotional maturity and self control in public than Mr Erdogan.

You'd think this would give republicans pause, or make them reconsider.

Young women dying in dramatically increasing numbers.

But it won't.

All these young women left to die on the altar of their misinterpretation of their religion and their uncaring principles.

But no, it was a policy born in hate and the tragic imposed deaths of women are not an unfortunate side effect, they're just misogyny in action. Working itself out.

If they cared about babies, there would be more support for women, for early years interventions, and maybe they might also care about children dying in schools on the altar of their misunderstanding of their 2nd amendment and their uncaring principles.

But no, they don't care about children dying in schools either, and do you know why? Because caring about children dying in schools doesn't involve telling women what they have to do and ruling their lives with oppressive freedom-denying laws.

Caring about children dying in schools would involve some infringement on their UNDENYABLE RIGHT TO FEEL IMPORTANT with a gun and caring about women dying in childbirth would interfere with their UNDENYABLE RIGHT TO FEEL IMPORTANT with a rule about what women can and can't do.

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Despite the fixes, theft claims for the affected Hyundai and Kia models continue to exceed industry norms, including for vehicles equipped with the upgraded software, according to HLDI. One reason could be that the software-based immobilizer only activates if the driver remembers to lock the vehicle with a fob, while many people are in the habit of using the switch on the door handle.

If ever there were a problem that is ripe for fixing with the first version of the software upgrade, not a future one, this was it.

That was a great and well written article. Amusing and informative. You should read it if you haven't.

And no, I would absolutely not want Trump at the dinner table, it would be exhausting, and I wouldn't want Vance at the dinner table, he's just too unhinged. If Kamala Harris came to dinner I think we'd all have a good time. I think she'd be good company.

I don't understand why this is a shitpost? I mean, other than it's shit, and here it is being posted. Shouldn't a shitpost have some sort of intelligence or self-awareness or humor or something? I don't get it.

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Please don't call people dumb for having less than $1m.

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Don't call it that.

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Emotionally, he's about three. Aware of other people, but how they feel is of no account whatsoever to him. Lashes out at people for disagreeing. Lies to get his own way with no real remorse, but hates being found out and says it isn't fair with no understanding of what fair really means. Hasn't learned to share. Makes and breaks friends for very superficial reasons. Hasn't learned the long term benefits of friendship and looking after others. Doesn't like being held accountable and thinks that's unfair. Calls people names.

What does the nobody: mean? I've always wondered.

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Democracy in the USA ended today. It will be in the history books about the end of democracy.

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Nice dick, bro.

The bit that gets me is that these new found campaigners for (weak-ass) gun control honestly thought they were going to get something from the Republican legislators they spoke to. Which part of not caring until it was your own kids made you think other Republicans were going to give a shit?

Yeah, killing off the apps was particularly annoying because they had the worst one and instead of improving it to get more people on it, they killed the other ones off.

Other reasons for me:

Nagging me all the time to use the official reddit app.

Spez saying that reddit owns all the content and no-one else can have it. No. It's our content. Spez loosing his shit over apps that made money because he should have all the money because he deserves it for being such a self absorbed narcissist.

Nagging me all the time to use the official reddit app.

Website pushing the app desperately annoyingly hard. Every third post would have a clickaway telling me it was best viewed on the app. Taking away the option that turned that off when you're logged in.

Nagging me all the time to use the official reddit app.

Making www.reddit.com different in a bad way on mobile, then killing mobile.reddit.com off when it had been OK on mobile.

Nagging me all the time to use the official reddit app.

Tankies taking over my local centre-left party's subreddit and banning people for suggesting that we should vote for that party. I kid you not.

Nagging me all the time to use the official reddit app.

Nagging me all the time to use the official reddit app.

Shutting down communities for protesting, replacing long-standing successful mods.

Nagging me all the time to use the official reddit app.

Shutting down communities for being "unmoderated" when the truth was that he didn't like the content and disagreed with some of the moderation policies.

Nagging me all the time to use the official reddit app.

Building a commercial empire on top of a lot of user generated content and then turning against the users.

Nagging me all the time to use the official reddit app.

Nagging me all the time to use the official reddit app.

Nagging me all the time to use the official reddit app.

Wise person: "Those who do not know history's mistakes are doomed to repeat them."

Actual Nazis: Great idea. Let's burn some books.

Would you like one that respects the democratic result of an election and hands over power to their successor peacefully? One that didn't promise to be dictator from day one this time? Would you like senators that don't write "finish them" on Israeli bombs?

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Surely Trump just appeals to the SCOTUS and they free him in line with today's ruling?

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