Conservatives are freaking out because they learned that some animals are gay to politics – 665 points –
Conservatives are freaking out because they learned that some animals are gay - LGBTQ Nation

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"They're turning the freaking frogs gay!"

Kind of amazing I didn’t think of that when I read this

I couldn't help but think it, he lives rent free in my head.

for a positive counterbalance, the “swans can be gay” meme

Honestly, I'm a wonk, listening to an episode of KF right now, and that quote is so foreign to me because there's so many other clips I've heard more often. Does that make me a hipster if "freaking frogs gay" is too mainstream?

Does that make me a hipster if "freaking frogs gay" is too mainstream?

Yes, but the good kind. The knowledgeable kind.

I’m deeply sad that Alex jones got his hands on that one. There’s a potentially huge effect that birth control has on fish reproduction, but I suspect people dismiss it because Jones said libs were turning frogs gay