
3 Post – 149 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


That would be a bad investment! First reason I'm here and lazy as fuck, and probably other reason but I don't want to look for it

he had the travel to calm down and think how stupid it was but still went all the way there. That is hard to understand

you got me

That's because they forgot the meaning of the word agility and want to apply the rules what ever the cost

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and I thought that the Nazi thing was the genocide

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The challenge was 3days, how long have you been to holding it?!

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There was an article around here yesterday that confirm your thoughts.

They did got access to old email and services via those email


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vacuums, why would I spend 100€ on a shopvac when I could do it myself for 200€ or even more?

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I didn't expect agreeing with a trump statement in my life, talking about the last part of course

the maga people get it and want it I guess. Hopefully opposed people got it too and will vote

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They should install a huge billboard now, like in this city when a similar thing happened

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it's illegal, there should be a "continue without accepting" link everytime, and in the selection of choice, all non essential should be disabled, but yeah, there's still some website not playing the game correctly, hopefully UE will give sanction at some point?

record my phone call? What phone call?

Like he cares about anyone but himself

I have some doubt that he'll be included in the Nazis clubs if he goes to prison, or maybe they are more open-minded than I think?

yeah most shelters stop adoption before the holidays. But I sure hope they were right to do it!

Messaging with Google is a funny story thought. They had something that worked and destroyed it by defederating it

After that they had like what 10 more apps, and multiple one not link together from their own services

Google photo has its own, google Drive too, probably other as well, and then there's Google Meet...,

I might not be the only one not knowing what gluetun was so here's the repo:

VPN client in a thin Docker container for multiple VPN providers, written in Go, and using OpenVPN or Wireguard, DNS over TLS, with a few proxy servers built-in.


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I don't know, but sugar is usually in "g / 100g" so technically in percentage

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maybe the owner shouldn't have put his bar in the middle of the officer's road!

I'm missing a lot here, what's a note on twitter?

Was it necessary to kill birds th?

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Can I call mine mystery debts also from now on?

With the "pedo rapist and murderer" label in prison too, must have been a nightmare

and I doubt that he's retired now, he'll still have to find a way to finance his daily life

I mean in this case it's to show what ACL means, not like RIP in peace

Good thing I made the switch to 2FAS

You still need my(edit: I need mine, but you can use yours) phone but with the Firefox add-on you just need to accept the pushed notification for it to autocomplete the code

And it's opensource

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they are cancelling geometry

How do you use those?

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I see a lot of people around me resetting passwords of services they rarely use because they forgot what password they used and don't have a password manager (or not synced one). And I don't understand why all services don't propose to generate a one time link to log in instead of changing passwords (a few services do propose it already)

Passwords are useless for all users using the same password for every account they have, and i'm sure it's a majority of users.

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it means I have to open the post and read the description, what's next, read the source article and think by myself?! That looks incredibly tiring

It's just a sticker right, or does a coffee machine really need an OS, I'm a little bit confused 😅

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Well it didn't work, my grampa is still sleeping, i'll try the unplug for several minutes trick, I'll let you know

no downvote? Not sure they are here

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aren't they using bing also? (I never checked, and still not going to check right now... because I'm .......)

I'm using duckduckgo but how would they avoid this if Microsoft make it mandatory by contract?

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Isn't it Quebec(Canada) you're thinking about?

Ive never seen french code in my jobs, it's in English, Most Frameworks are in English anyway so why would they code in French

PHP Symfony is from a french company, and it's in English, docs also available in English

And there might be translation of english words in French yes, how is it crazy, that's the definition of a language otherwise we would all have the same words for everything and therefore the same language

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like it's not usual to remodel rooms in museum

but I guess they have to discourage people from doing it before it becomes a trend

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thanks I thought that my English was getting even worse

I will never be the same now


Where are all those free beer I always hear about?!

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