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Not a native English speaker, but my hunch is, soccer will almost certainly be understood. Also it will identify you as American.

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Live in a country where tipping is practically unheard of. Lately pay terminals have started appearing in restaurants that have asking for tip enabled by default, and restaurants often don't know how to disable it.

Well, at least there are some safeguards. I was handed the terminal so I put in my PIN code, not realising it was actually asking for a tip. I was pretty confused when it said "value too high" or something like that.

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A large group of Russian soldiers in the border area in 1939 are moving down a road, when they hear a voice call from behind a small hill: "One Finnish soldier is better than ten Russians". The Russian commander quickly orders 10 of his best men over the hill where a gun-battle breaks out and continues for a few minutes, followed by silence.

The voice once again calls out: "One Finn is better than one hundred Russians." Furious, the Russian commander sends his next best 100 troops over the hill and instantly a huge gun fight commences. After 10 minutes of battle, again silence. The calm Finnish voice calls out again: "One Finn is better than one thousand Russians!"

The enraged Russian commander musters 1000 fighters and sends them to the other side of the hill. Rifle fire, machine guns, grenades, rockets and cannon fire ring out as a terrible battle is fought... Then silence.

Eventually one badly wounded Russian fighter crawls back over the hill and with his dying words tells his commander, "Don't send any more men... it's a trap. There are two of them!"

He super liked her, I could easily imagine her reaction was to roll her eyes and swipe right to see what funny business this student has come up with.

The way I understood it, it's two million lines and nowhere near finished.

Anyway, satire.

The military doesn't attract the brightest minds.

Reminds me of a joke that did the rounds shortly after Finland joined Nato.

Finnish general: "You know, it's difficult, we have mandatory military service, but around 15% are unfit for service"

Other Nato generals: "That 15% is where we have to recruit from"

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Indeed. My girlfriend lives there, last time I was over we went to the big demonstration against mass tourism. I felt a bit sick at the airport listening to all the north European pensioners talking about how they rent a place year round for 800€/month just to spend the odd week now and then there. While many locals working in tourism make minimum wage, around 1300€/month I believe.

I think it was sarcasm.

Anything to get out of Florida

I guess we could call them tankivs going forward. It would be kinda fitting.

I just checked the site, it says the subscription includes a new detection module every three years. So at least some new gear is included.

Subscription for a product like this definitely feel very shady. But at least you can just straight up buy it. They say the subscription is intended for people who can't afford the full price out of pocket.

Reminds me of quite a dark joke that made the rounds in Finland some years ago, when a grooming ring run by recently arrived immigrants was discovered in Oulu.

"A sex holiday for the whole family: Dad goes to Thailand, mom goes to Gambia, and the kids go to Oulu"

Very glad I saw this. I've been getting increasingly fed up with Google Maps. Their map in my area is full of annoying errors, such as routing you through roads that haven't existed for a decade, or along private roads that are not open to the public. And no matter how many times I report them, nothing ever gets fixed. Going to give OSM a try and hopefully make the switch for good. Already saw that the map in my area is in much better shape than Google's.

Here in Finland, since their return in 2013, Burger King has sought to differentiate from other chains by having self serve drinks and unlimited refills.

Not really relevant, but where do we draw the line of first time he threatened nukes? As a Finn, feels like Russia has been making threats about their nukes almost monthly for the last thirty years.

One way of taking human sacrifice

That's the one.

I have no idea if they still do it, but a decade or so ago it was all over the internet that a Brazilian fast food company had started using edible wrappers and made a marketing stunt out of it. The chain was apparently "Bob's".

I realize I'm very privileged. If I'm working on an issue for a whole day or a half day, everything I do during that day is part of the solution and will be billed to the customer (and I'll be paid for by my employer too). If that includes taking a nap, so be it. Results are what matter, as it should be. If someone ever starts saying I'm taking too long to do something I may consider changing my ways.

Well, he does play Nick Fury.

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I cannot remember when or where I heard or read about this, so take it with a grain of salt. But I recall hearing something about the people who had to remove the bodies from trucks where people had been gassed with CO2 finding the corpses so gruesome and agonising, as opposed to more peaceful looking bodies of people killed with other gases, that they stopped using it. Presumably the difference was because of how slow or quick the death was.

I doubt they would have cared the tiniest bit later on when it was other concentration camp victims who had to clear the bodies.

Commendable effort, but I don't think that's how you're supposed to make salmiac.

Critical mass. When it has been the default way to message anyone and everyone for over a decade, it's pretty difficult to start converting everyone and their literal grandmother to start adopting something else. I understand it doesn't enjoy quite the same status in the US though.

You don't necessarily always check for something you're used to buying, so the shrinking may go unnoticed for a while.

I know the Finnish National Library acquires and files a copy of every newspaper or magazine issue released in Finland, and many Finnish language ones released outside Finland. Other countries probably have something similar.

Heard about this on the radio today morning. Apparently his son said he's happy he'll never see the outside of a jail cell again. It wasn't a direct quote though, the radio host may have tweaked the message a bit.

This takes me back to the era when every other online store was selling DVD-gramophones.

There sure is, but mostly it manifests itself differently than in the US.

Stupid question probably, but as someone who hasn't really gotten into V or VI yet and thought that at a cursory glance they seemed pretty similar - what kinds of big differences are there between them?

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I'm not a Marvel guy, but I'm vaguely aware of that. But as someone who only read the occasional comic as a kid, it's something I only learned of after the movies.

Thank you!

I'm a reserve officer, trust me I have some idea. Also, you're missing the point by quite a margin.

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Thank you!

You're reading it a bit more literally than it was intended. "Flying sardine can to the Canaries" being the gist I was going for.

I debated whether I should say NA or American, but I figured I don't know what Canadians use, so there we go. Anyway, nice to see that debate is still alive and healthy. I gave up on it ~20 or so years ago. Writing unitedstatesman was exhausting after a while :)

Two screens and a laptop screen, could find use for more. I find myself shuffling things around depending on what I need, but most commonly I have the left screen split between notepad++ on one side for any notes keeping, and either documentation I'm reading, documentation I'm writing, a browser I'm using, or something such. Whenever I need to compare text files, notepad++ gets to take the whole screen.

On the middle screen I usually have the remote desktop or VM I'm working on at the time.

Right (laptop screen) is usually reserved for Outlook and Teams.

I was on it just this Tuesday..

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You're further proving that you missed the point.