
3 Post – 554 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This answer makes sense to me because of how a gyroscope acts. Thanks.

I never leave home without it. I don't know how the rest of you manage.

Always a seal. What about the mighty walrus? I'm sure he could keep it safe!

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This guy's past is just the gift that keeps on giving. It's almost like the people that vetted him were...perhaps less than competent?

I'm shocked! Next you'll tell me it's against minorities or something.

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Yea, I've thought about what I'd do to my neighbor, but we have power for now so I won't. Power better not go out though.

K-k-k-kent! It's c-c-c-coming to k-k-k-kill you!

This guy fucks

This really completes the Trump-inner-circle motif. Team orange moron now includes couch humper Vance, the brain worm, Steve "Wannabe Hitler" Miller, and now welcoming dog chow Loomer!

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Not sure I'd really call this an "enlightened time."

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I'm with you guys. Model railroading rules.

She's moving on from wardrobe to brain malfunctions.

Ooooooh, 3 whole months. WTG Mikey. Perhaps you should also eat 1/4 of your food and sleep 2 hours a night.

That's just too bad.

Dude, where the fuck did they find this guy? I never heard of him and BAM...dude is saintlier than most of the Catholic Church.

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Sleepy is the product of much GOP work. Donny needs his own.

Drowsy Don?

Tired Trump?

Comatose comb-over?

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You know the class is bad when the substitute is wanting to leave. Them kids are fuckin rotten.

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Sure isn't profitable from me, I haven't bought shit from them.

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I've reached a point where it feels like talking about an old ex.

"Hey, did you hear? Judy had a kid."

"Good for her."

Overall, it doesn't matter either way because I don't interact with them anymore. I don't have malice (that only does you harm), just some good and bad memories from once upon a time.

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First Roku did a quick force TOS change before a beach disclosure, now Blizzard is mysteriously forcing a change to their TOS. I have no idea what's coming next. Seems like it's going to become part of the breach playbook to minimize financial loss. Maybe there will be a law against it in... oh...15 years?

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They have a concept of a government funding bill...

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Damn man, that's impressive. You've got to really work hard to piss off just everyone.

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“This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia and Ukraine."

Wait wait wait... Didn't the trump kids secure 2.something billion from the Saudi government?

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They're probably doing it on purpose to be able to claim "they can't find qualified personnel." That would allow them to file for H1B and hire a person from India at a significant savings.

I'm not sure who to report that to, but USCIS oversees the H1B program.

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I'm not in a panic. I knew this. Should he have run again? Hell no. I wish he would have had the courage to call it a day.

That being said, I'm fully willing to endure 4 years of Weekend at Bernie's if it means I won't have to go through the embarrassment of having the orange moron at the helm.

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...Cardenas was subject to a strip search by prison officials, drug and pregnancy tests, X-ray and CT scans at a hospital, and another strip search by a male doctor who sexually violated her, a lawsuit said.

I mean, where was she going to hide stuff, folks? X-ray and CT and you still felt the need to go deep in the holiest of holies? She deserves every penny.

They're just liberating population that's calling itself Ukrainian!

Funny how those tables can turn...

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So inventive these guys. If only we could harness that ingenuity for the common good instead, it would have a huge impact.

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This is excellent publicity that convinces me not to even try that game.

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Yes, it's gotten stable and there's good content. Still a lot of 0-comment threads, but the comment threads I am involved in are much better overall. It's not teen-mob-mentality over here and I've been surprised many times over my 4 months. Thanks to all of you guys and gals that make it happen.

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Thank goodness those lobbyists are looking out for us and our easily confused little brains. Perhaps if we're so easily confused, they should lobby to get rid of the fine print and simplify those contracts while they're at it. Oh... Wait... Not that.

She also had to put down 3 horses a few weeks ago. Wonder what they did, eat too much hay? Whinney too much in excitement? Perhaps they were just untrainable as well... Things that don't serve a purpose must die. Ah, that's leadership.

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I was given a free ticket to an event last night. I did it all using their web page. Their page was very slow and when I finally got to the point where it was supposed to show the ticket, it kept blanking the page right when the bar code would load. Luckily the gentleman at the booth could see it was legitimate and that there was a technical issue, so he printed it out for me.

That monopoly must go.

Poor guy, he should just quit.

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At this point, "two state solution" is as believable as "trickle down economics."

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Yea, I guess that bar was on the floor there, wasn't it?

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More weirdness. You'd think they would be mindful of how they come off at this point...

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So we've proven Elon can ruin a functional social media platform, but what about a dysfunctional one? He might... Fix it?

I think I will always have lots of empathy and admiration for him. He was and is someone who's actions show character and who's character is genuinely rooted in trying to help the populace.

If there was a way to traverse dimensions to one where things went right for his election, I'd go there. The one we're in just...sucks.

The problem is that this didn't start with Trump. He is just the perfect type of candidate to harness the lightning.

That mentality started with Lee Atwater and has slowly mutated into what it is today. All of the signs were there. It's why John McCain had such a hard time and why he had to have a "firebrand" as a running mate

The group at the center of a lot of the mutation is Fox News. Without their dedication to creating an alternate universe of reality, I don't think things would be as bad.

There's a pretty good documentary on Lee Atwater called Boogey Man and it's on Prime right now.

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