Be careful. to – 1616 points –

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So inventive these guys. If only we could harness that ingenuity for the common good instead, it would have a huge impact.

I can't even download and run the first two, those are business innovations! ๐Ÿคฎ

Fwiw there are a large number of people who volunteer their time and effort toward worthwhile projects. It's just they don't get rewarded anywhere near the level of benefit that they provide.

Yup, I used to do that as a hobby, but now that I have kids, I just don't have the time. There's no way I could do it full-time, so I have a regular 9-5 that pays reasonably well for a cause I don't hate. For me, that's enough.

I hope I can make enough at my day job to go back to working on FOSS projects before I lose my ability to write competent software.

When you look at the value proposition purely from a capitalistic standpoint, I get why scammers and black hats exist. I just wish they could point their weapons toward the 1% and pull something similar to a Mr. Robot and redistribute their wealth.

Agreed. Unfortunately, as long as scamming is profitable, people will do it. And this has nothing to do with capitalism, scamming happens under any system where it's possible to get an advantage by tricking people.

I really wish we'd have better enforcement here. I don't really know what that should look like (i.e. what mix of oversight vs privacy), but I'm quite annoyed when I see resources put toward harassing regular citizens over stupid things like speeding on an empty road when we could put those resources into tracking and shutting down scammers. I watch some YouTubers who do that, so it's not like it takes resources we don't have...

"To prove that you are human, donate $$$ to Doctors Without Borders."

"To prove that you are human, register to vote."

"To prove that you are human, adopt a pet from the local animal shelter."

โ€œTo prove that you are human, adopt a pet from the local animal shelter.โ€

I've got 22 cats already, but I need to check my email!

