
1 Post – 379 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

open world RPG based on Norse mythology.

Slavic mythology, not Norse.

Christianity took a blow today.

From a dude. It was totally gay.

I can. Spez is a fucking idiot.

Check out Ismo


He's a Finnish standup comedian living in the US. He's got a few good bits on the English language.

I'm buying a ton of Disney stuff right now to throw on the bonfire tonight.

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But you can do without the shit tons of sugar in Gatorade.

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"To prevent damage to the exterior, immediately remove corrosive substances (such as grease, oil, bird droppings, tree resin, dead insects, tar spots, road salt, industrial fallout, etc.),"

Not washing it could fuck it up. Got it.

"CAUTION Failure to put Cybertruck in Car Wash Mode may result in damage (for example, to the charge port or windshield wipers). Damage caused by car washes is not covered by the warranty."

Also washing it could fuck it up.

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So nobody gives a shit that the younger generations can't afford a house, but it's "unconscionable" when boomers can't?

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It’s totally unnecessary pointless murder.

It's an execution. Someone accused of a crime doesn't get a trial or a chance to defend themselves. Someone with a gun makes a decision to end their life on the spot.

It's interesting that we have documented cases of homosexuality in thousands of different species, and yet not a single other species that practices Catholicism.

Being gay is more natural than being Catholic.

Uncontrolled capitalism is going to kill us all. But at least the share holders will be pleased along the way.

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As a curious Android user this comment is useless to me

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He means die. People use lots of euphemisms when talking about death. This is one of them.

This is great news. I watch videos occasionally but I wouldn't say I'm a user. I don't want to be recommended videos. I want to watch the one I searched for, or my friend linked to me, and go on with my life.

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Yes, and now the sheep are using it as an insult.

"This is Jane, we're fucking."

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Putin Critic

I can take a guess why.

That's why I take mine in to work to plug in.

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A surrender would be invitation for the atrocities to truly begin.

I've never had my dick touch the water, but I have had it hit the cold porcelain. That was a surprise.

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Well Musk is spending most of his time breaking Xitter lately so maybe the Tesla guys can get some good stuff done while he's distracted.

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People supporting genocide are violent.

What a surprise.

Gotta flip the colour of the upvote for Lemmy.

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Put your calculators away boys. Looks like the store discovered how math works.

It's going to become more and more common. We've altered the climate enough that weather patterns will change drastically, and we've been sucking aquifers dry as though they're endless.

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The Eurobean Mind Cannot Comprehend

Cannot comprehend miles? Yeah, use a measurement system that makes sense!

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This is just like the tip cups that say "Star Trek" vs "Star Wars" or whatever. It's not about the actual choices. It's about getting people to put stuff in one or the other.

This question gets people to put their butts in the disposal, rather than on the ground.

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With capitalism as the primary mover.

It's cheaper for manufacturing if they don't want to worry about toxic waste products. The desire for more profit is behind this.

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The opossum is photoshopped into this picture. It's actually another raccoon in the original. I'm not sure which is more terrifying, a raccoon-opossum war, or a raccoon civil war.

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Wait, why would a T-rex fight Cleopatra and the pyramids?

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I love that you say every state has some beauty and then say that the best thing in Indiana is that you can see the next state over.

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Why would you let that ruin all of space exploration for you? He's a dick. I don't give a crap about his company. But exploring the solar system is still absolutely amazing.

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It's slang for 'pussy'. It's the same in the UK.

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Workers should be allowed to discuss their pay if they choose. They shouldn't be able to access peoples' private financial information because they feel like it.

But I was emphatically told this was not what they were doing by several apologists! They wouldn't have lied, would they?!

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Them: "You don't have anything to be depressed about!"
Me: "I know"
Them: "So why aren't you happy?"
Me: "Because that's not how it works!"

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Not a single one. I just set my grandmother up on the internet and wouldn't let her on the laptop until she'd listened to this full album.

Yeah, but how many washing machines big was the crater?

::: spoiler Reference :::

Vedant Patel: “Right now, Said, we are asking for more information".

Then you're in luck! Investigations are designed to provide more information!