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Joined 1 years ago

Technology connections did a video on this, it's actually insane how much wastage there is

Soooo if Israel bombs Iranian targets and an embassy that's okay, but if Iran retaliates we react??

The party of burning books will never be the good guys.

Yeah and? Debian is free, you can just upgrade to the newer version without paying a thing.

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I mean, I'd just take the contents and ask Amazon where the package is.

What? Most of them "back the blue" which is about as authoritarian as you can get

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I know it's a very difficult concept for trumpists to grasp, but some people respect term limits, so Biden doesn't actually hold out for the next 10 years.

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I mean yeah, of course they're free to associate with themselves‽

Sadly, yes. Russian State Media is the only source of information for a lot of "normal" Russians. Although that sadly also means that his sacrifice most likely won't have a large impact on the Russian political landscape.

Congratulations on knowing civil law, fuck you for not having basic human decency though.

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Fuck "allegedly" there are multiple videos of there of it happening.

Nope. Platforms have a responsibility to not host hate-speech and other illegal content, eg. remove it. Failure to do so is prosecutable.

I mean yeah, but what does that have to do with anything here?

more keys for custom keybinds ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ depending on where it's located I'll probably just use it as a microphone toggle

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If that fucker wants a glass of water I might throw some ice cubes at his face, if I like him that day.
But the second he needs a new heart I'll rip out mine with my own hands if I have to. (Don't you dare tell him that though, I'll deny even thinking about it)

naahh, they're wrong. Tipsy mini golf is the shit, especially if there's a theme (darkroom/pirates/whatever)

It's indeed very difficult if not impossible to exactly and specifically pinpoint where the line is, it is however extremely easy to see when ideologies and behavior steps across it.

Yikes. imagine actually believing something like that

A colleague dropped about 450 kg of ready to use drywall filler from 6m height right before his shift ended and mine started. I spent about 8 hours just cleaning up the biggest blobs with a snow shovel, that's how much it was.

Based on how Rockstar makes their stories, I predict one of the two is gonna bite the bullet by the end.

By either
A) sacrificing themselves for the other or
B) being in a shootout with help arriving too late.

Which is exactly why you KEEP YOUR FUCKING FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER until you're absolutely sure you want to fire.

The expanse is amazing, if you get over the pacing of the first 2 episodes. (If not, give the books a shot! Actually, even if, definitively give the books a shot, they're incredible)

What? That's literally a confirmation‽
You can only do something in violation of orders by actually doing it. Therefore -> "in violation of orders" translates to "they did X in violation of orders"

If you only slightly press down your brakes you can easily overcome that by applying more gas.

IMO that happens extremely rarely though

Murder has to have the intent to kill someone AFAIK, this is "just" intentionally doing something that you know can (instead of will) kill someone. (it's a fine distinction)

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Even more, I get pretty consistently 3 weeks per charge with my fossil hybrid

If there's slightly-deeper-than-surface rust the lobes get brittle and tend to break off.

Much easier to procure at a random hardware store than the adapter though ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Hybrid watch. Still has the hands for manual time reading but in the middle is an eInk display for notifications. I have to charge it about every 3.5 weeks which is amazing. (Fossil gen 6 Hybrid)

I personally use windows (I play a lot of different games with friends, and setting all of them up in Linux is a lot of work) and I hate it.

However my mum only uses her laptop for browsing and zoom calls, so I installed Linux mint on that and it's been going great, there are soooo much less issues than with modern windows.

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lol what?

Rule 69420: You shall sell the product, not be it.

In this case it also wouldn't, stolen valor only applies of you do it to "obtain a tangible benefit" IE discounts, or deceiving voters.

Can you write English with Chinese characters?

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Chromium also utilizes the chrome web store, so I'd assume yes.

I A friend always used gasoline, does diesel work as well?

In this thread there are multiple translations of the smaller text underneath, and it's definitively "once we genocide them we'll have space for new beach houses"

That's why I highlighted between can kill and will kill. Tap water injections can kill (with a reasonably high chance of survival if caught in time with the right medical equipment at hand). (Again, IANAL/AFAIK)

Not necessarily, that assumes that the bolts got torqued down correctly