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Joined 11 months ago

Never listened to OA, but Strict Scrutiny is one I listen to for Supreme Court news and analysis.

Why would the first three make sense, but not Mighty Mouse?

/r/vexillology is one of the only things I miss from the other site.

This is the way.

Don't forget:

Conservatives heard Stephen Colbert say "Reality has a liberal bias" and concluded that the only solution was to declare war on reality.

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New Colorado law will ban sales of dental floss, clothes, & other household products...

Me: Yo, what the fuck is going on in Colorado?

containing toxic "forever chemicals"

Me: Oh, that makes sense.

Isaac Asimov, a very intelligent person, wrote a lengthy essay to the effect that he had no idea what intelligence was. He talked about how society would generally consider him more intelligent than the nearly illiterate man who repaired his car, and yet whenever something went wrong with his car he would go to his mechanic and listen to his advice as if it was being handed down from the mountaintop by Moses himself, because Isaac Asimov knew fuck all about car repair. He talked about how he thought that supposedly objective IQ tests were generally a series of gates designed by people already considered intelligent to keep themselves in power, and that they totally disregarded huge swaths of indispensable human knowledge and talent. Isaac Asimov, who has been published in literally every section of the Dewey Decimal System, concluded that he had no firm idea as to what exactly "intelligence" even was.

In short, how could one even define "the dumbest 50%"?

And that's why Thanos should have made everybody half as large as they once were.

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Jesus, when you put it like that, even if Darla isn't a robot or a paid astroturfer, she's still making the case for unions.

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Tolerance is an agreement, not a suicide pact. If someone refuses to abide by the terms of tolerance, then they have no right to be protected by it.

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Slightly less than one boob and one testicle. Just like the average person has slightly less than two legs.

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Judge Joseph P. Whyte wrote in an order Wednesday that the purpose of an expungement is to give people who have rehabilitated themselves a second chance

Sounds like people should test that theory by having a protest in front of their house and see what they do.


City prosecutors and police opposed the expungements.

Oh my God, these people are so horrible they found a way to unite cops and BLM protesters.

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And that's why every carpenter bee horror story starts with "There was a knock at the door..."

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Oh yeah, I'm sure there are plenty of body doubles available out there for 6' 8" dudes with incredibly distinct facial features and skull geometry that would keep a 19th century phrenologist in business for years.

Edgar Rice Burroughs: Tarzan of the Apes Chapter 13: His Own Kind (continued)

The young Lord Greystoke was indeed a strange and war-like figure, his mass of black hair falling to his shoulders behind and cut with his hunting knife to a rude bang upon his forehead, that it might not fall before his eyes.

His straight and perfect figure, muscled as the best of the ancient Roman gladiators must have been muscled, and yet with the soft and sinuous curves of a Greek god, told at a glance the wondrous combination of enormous strength with suppleness and speed.

A personification, was Tarzan of the Apes, of the primitive man, the hunter, the warrior.

With the noble poise of his handsome head upon those broad shoulders, and the fire of life and intelligence in those fine, clear eyes, he might readily have typified some demigod of a wild and warlike bygone people of his ancient forest.

But of these things Tarzan did not think. He was worried because he had not clothing to indicate to all the jungle folks that he was a man and not an ape, and grave doubt often entered his mind as to whether he might not yet become an ape.

Was not hair commencing to grow upon his face? All the apes had hair upon theirs but the black men were entirely hairless, with very few exceptions.

True, he had seen pictures in his books of men with great masses of hair upon lip and cheek and chin, but, nevertheless, Tarzan was afraid. Almost daily he whetted his keen knife and scraped and whittled at his young beard to eradicate this degrading emblem of apehood.

And so he learned to shave--rudely and painfully, it is true--but, nevertheless, effectively.

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The seed is strong.

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Hell, I'd watch it.

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The thing is that you kind of have to define "worst" and "film" in order for the answer to make sense.

Like, you've got movies like the 2019 Cats where it was a pervasively horrible movie in multiple different ways, but it was absolutely not boring, and I kind of think everyone should see it. See also The Super Mario Brothers Movie with Bob Hoskins, or Star Crash from 1978.

And then you've got things that barely qualify as movies. Things like Manos: The Hands of Fate, or Troll 2, or Death Bed: The Bed That Eats, where, yeah, they hired actors and a director said "Action!" but... it really a movie?

There's different categories for bad movies. There's "Mainstream Piece of Shit that Should Have Been Better," there's "Insane Microbudget Fever Dream," there's an axis from Boring to Glorious Trainwreck. All of these complicate the question and merit their own consideration.

All that said... it's the Star Wars Holiday Special. It's a totally fucking brutal experience. There is virtually no good reason to ever watch it, except to say that you have, and I don't necessarily think it's worth the time. It's irredeemable.

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Seeing a lot of comments here about how there's no way he'll face consequences, and it fucking sucks.

People should be held personally responsible for reprehensible crimes. Anytime someone at any level pleads for people to commit to business as usual, it crashes face first into the fact that business as usual fucking sucks, lawless rich assholes fucking suck, and it fucking sucks that government can't decide where it wants to land in the triangle graph of Corrupt, Inept, and Downright Fucking Evil.

If some sleazy fuck can dodge taxes, ruin lives, destroy businesses, possibly allegedly rape children, and yet still BECOME PRESIDENT, and continue to defy all consequence, then it's pretty easy to see why people wind up accelerationists.

We've got to enforce some kind of legal, ethical, moral, logical code on people, including and especially politicians, or else people are going to conclude that our high minded ideas about democracy and mutual respect and dignity are just a bunch of pissing into the wind, and they will be right.

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Sketch out a three film proposal for a trilogy of movies about how Hollywood is corrupted by its own hubris and greed, becomes convinced that it can use AI to replace human writers and actors, and eventually collapses and is replaced by a new and better movie making paradigm.

Title: "The Rise and Fall of Illusion"

Film 1: "Hubris Unleashed" Synopsis: In the first installment, Hollywood executives, driven by their insatiable greed and arrogance, become convinced that AI technology can revolutionize filmmaking. They start replacing human writers and actors with AI-generated content, leading to initial success and critical acclaim. However, cracks begin to appear as creative stagnation sets in, and audiences grow disillusioned with the soulless productions. The film ends with the industry at its zenith, but teetering on the brink of its own downfall due to its hubris.

Film 2: "The Age of Artificiality" Synopsis: As Hollywood doubles down on AI-driven filmmaking, tensions escalate between those clinging to the old ways and those embracing the new paradigm. The struggle intensifies as AI-generated content becomes increasingly indistinguishable from human creativity, blurring the lines between reality and illusion. Amidst mounting controversies and ethical dilemmas, the industry faces its greatest existential crisis yet, with the very essence of storytelling at stake.

Film 3: "Rebirth of Authenticity" Synopsis: In the final chapter, Hollywood reaches its breaking point as the flaws of its AI-driven model are exposed in a spectacular fashion. A grassroots movement emerges, championing human creativity and authenticity over artificial perfection. Against all odds, a group of renegade filmmakers and actors lead a revolution, reclaiming the industry from the grips of technology and corporate greed. As the dust settles, a new era of filmmaking dawns, one that celebrates the human spirit and embraces diversity of voices and ideas. The trilogy concludes with hope for a brighter future where artistry triumphs over algorithms, and the magic of cinema lives on.

Suggest a line of action figures based on the Rise and Fall of Illusion cinematic universe.

Title: "Legends of Illusion"

  1. Hubris Heroes: This action figure set features iconic characters from the first film, "Hubris Unleashed," including the arrogant Hollywood executives, the enigmatic AI creators, and the disillusioned writers and actors caught in the crossfire. Each figure comes with interchangeable accessories symbolizing their respective roles in the industry's rise to power.
  1. Artificial Avengers: Inspired by the second film, "The Age of Artificiality," this action figure line showcases a diverse array of characters representing both proponents and opponents of AI-driven filmmaking. From rebellious filmmakers leading the charge for authenticity to cutting-edge AI algorithms with their own agendas, each figure is intricately detailed and highly poseable.
  1. Rebel Renegades: Celebrating the heroes of the final installment, "Rebirth of Authenticity," this action figure series honors the courageous individuals who stood up against the corrupted Hollywood regime. From charismatic actors turned revolutionaries to visionary directors leading the charge for change, each figure embodies the spirit of resilience and creativity that ultimately saved the industry.
  1. Paradigm Shift Playset: Recreate pivotal scenes from the trilogy with this elaborate playset depicting the evolution of the cinematic landscape. From the opulent boardrooms of Hollywood's elite to the gritty streets where grassroots movements took root, this playset offers endless storytelling possibilities for fans of all ages.
  1. Illusionary Icons Collector's Edition: This limited-edition action figure set pays homage to the most iconic characters and moments from the trilogy, featuring premium sculpting and detailing. Packaged in a deluxe display case, each figure is accompanied by a booklet exploring the behind-the-scenes secrets of the Rise and Fall of Illusion cinematic universe, making it a must-have for collectors and fans alike.

Suggest some limited edition Mountain Dew soda flavors based on the Rise and Fall of Illusion cinematic universe.

  1. Hubris Haze: A bold fusion of citrus and tropical flavors, representing the intoxicating allure of Hollywood's hubris. This limited edition Mountain Dew flavor captures the essence of ambition and excess, with a tantalizing blend that leaves you craving more.
  1. Artificial Rush: Experience a surge of energy with this electrifying Mountain Dew flavor, infused with hints of synthetic sweetness and a burst of artificial adrenaline. Perfect for those moments when you need to stay one step ahead in the fast-paced world of AI-driven filmmaking.
  1. Rebel Revolt: Break free from the norm with this rebellious Mountain Dew flavor, blending tangy rebellion with a hint of defiance. Inspired by the courage of those who dared to challenge the status quo, this limited edition soda is a refreshing reminder to embrace authenticity and individuality.
  1. Paradigm Shift Spark: Ignite your taste buds with this revolutionary Mountain Dew flavor, featuring a dynamic mix of exotic fruits and unexpected twists. As the cinematic landscape undergoes a transformation, this soda mirrors the excitement and unpredictability of the changing times.
  1. Illusionary Infusion: Delve into the depths of imagination with this mesmerizing Mountain Dew flavor, weaving together layers of mystery and intrigue. With every sip, you'll be transported to a world where reality blurs and illusions reign supreme, leaving you craving more of the cinematic magic that inspired it.

Suggest a set of five different slogans for the Rise and Fall of Illusion cinematic universe.

  1. "Witness the Rise, Feel the Fall: The Illusionary Saga Unfolds"
  2. "From Hubris to Hope: The Epic Journey of Creativity vs. Technology"
  3. "Unravel the Illusion: A Cinematic Universe Beyond Imagination"
  4. "Where Dreams Collide and Realities Shatter: The Rise and Fall of Illusion"
  5. "Experience the Rebirth: A New Era of Cinema Dawns in the Aftermath"
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Just like tequila!

I'd do the inverse of this and see what might have happened if Charles Manson had had a successful music career. I heard an album of his songs and they were actually pretty good, kind of a mix of The Beach Boys and The Doors. Maybe if he'd sold some more songs then he wouldn't have gone into the whole murder cult thing.

But then again maybe it would have positioned him to be way worse and we're actually living in the universe where somebody stopped Manson from achieving true wealth and power and like leading a nationwide death cult or something.

I read an idea a long while back that I'll repeat:

A spy game in the style of Splinter Cell, except you aren't the guy, you're his handler. You tell him "crawl under that laser," or "wait a moment, there's a guard... okay now go!" or "input the following sequence to disable the doomsday device," and he more or less listens to what you tell him to do. The issue is that the more you fuck up and get him hurt or killed, the less likely he is to listen to you. So you have to build up a relationship with your spy by giving him good instructions in a timely fashion and getting him to complete missions successfully. Over the course of the game, as you progress, you'd be able to tell him to do more dangerous things because he'd trust you more. Playing the game successfully would make you feel like you and your spy were a well-oiled machine, working together to take down supervillains and criminal syndicates.

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Is it any wonder that Trump is unleashing absolutely unbearable farts in the court room?

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Sunday: Trump: I shit my pants!

Monday: Trump Defender: He didn't really shit pants. <= We are here.

Tuesday: Trump: I shit my pants more than anyone else, and anyone who says otherwise is a fucking idiot!

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Elves in Divinity Original Sin 2: nomnomnomnomnomnomnom...

That tens of thousands number is always brought up, but it's an average that is affected by the actions of Spiders Georg, an outlier who should not be counted.


If you believe that laws forbidding gambling, sale of liquor, sale of contraceptives, requiring definite closing hours, enforcing the Sabbath, or any such, are necessary to the welfare of your community, that is your right and I do not ask you to surrender your beliefs or give up your efforts to put over such laws. But remember that such laws are, at most, a preliminary step in doing away with the evils they indict. Moral evils can never be solved by anything as easy as passing laws alone. If you aid in passing such laws without bothering to follow through by digging in to the involved questions of sociology, economics, and psychology which underlie the causes of the evils you are gunning for, you will not only fail to correct the evils you sought to prohibit but will create a dozen new evils as well.

--Robert A. Heinlein, Take Back Your Government

A sorcerer has claimed to create a chariot that can guide itself through the labyrinth unaided by human hand, but there have been a number of deaths associated with this supposed self-driving chariot, and the common folk are beginning to suspect that this supposed sorcerer is nothing more than a common mountebank.

Driving gloves. Some halfway decent calfskin gloves make it nicer to drive, whether the steering wheel is hot in the summer, cold in the winter, or if you're going to be driving long distance. Not sure if real leather will be less than $20, but seen some cheap fingerless work gloves make driving more comfortable.

Clip on sunglasses that fit on my eyeglasses. Super easy to clip on, cost about ten bucks. So nice to not have to squint as much.

Dim light bulbs. Nearly every bulb in my house is as dim as I can manage. Some are salt lamps and some are those flicker fire bulbs. Either way, it makes the light at night a little warmer and a little dimmer, and all around a lot more cozy, which really is what one wants. Keep a couple of the overhead bulbs at the brighter end in case you need them, but dimmer bulbs make me a lot happier at night.

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inflation has also decreased significantly.

Oh, good!

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Think about being a child with Professor X's abilities. He can get anything he wants, make anyone believe anything he wants, he can know everyone's deepest most shameful secrets. How could a person like that even form a moral framework? From his childhood, he'd have every reason to believe that he was immune to all discipline and that rules simply don't apply to him if he decides they don't, because for him those are true facts! By all rights Professor X ought to be a an exceptionally dangerous egoist and megalomaniac.

Oh, also, if there is any Marvel character who ought to be canonically omnisexual, it ought to be Charles. He doesn't see bodies, he just sees minds. That undersea prawn monster that Namor was making out with ought to be just table stakes for Professor Xavier.

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RTWP = Real-Time with Pause, in case you were confused like me

You never actually need to use as much toothpaste as is commonly depicted. A fraction of that will more than get the job done.

Spherical cartoon bombs... kinda existed, but went out of style in the 19th century.

I suppose there might be rare instances at livestock shows where you might see fluffy white cloud sheep, but most sheep I've ever seen in person are about as filthy as any other outdoor dwelling livestock, which is to say, fairly.

There's a point worth considering here which is that even the lion who founds the school thinks that he's helping the gazelles, and many of his lion friends seem to think he's crazy. Even starting from supposed good intentions, the lessons taught in the school are fundamentally based on a lion-centric worldview. Even with a "top-tier" education, the gazelles aren't being prepared to question the fundamentals of their situation in life, which is why they are still being eaten.

That's why they want to militarize the border and normalize the concept of the ethnostate now, so they can machine gun climate refugees in the near future.

"Conservatives wanted ________. Now it's blowing up in their face."

Contender for most consistently applicable headline of the last century.

Then you just move the planet slightly further away from the sun! Problem solved!

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