Marco Rubio Downplays Trump’s Alarming Remarks On NATO And Russia to politics – 158 points –
Marco Rubio Downplays Trump’s Alarming Remarks On NATO And Russia

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) downplayed former President Donald Trump’s alarming remarks about urging Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” to other NATO countries.

“He doesn’t talk like a traditional politician,” Rubio said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper. “We’ve already been through this. You think people would have figured it out.”

At a Saturday rally in Conway, South Carolina, Trump, a NATO critic, said that the alliance was “busted” until his presidency. Trump also recounted a discussion with an unspecified “president of a big country,” specifically claiming he would support a Russian attack against members that didn’t pay enough for defense spending.

“No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want,” Trump, who has, ironically, been scrutinized for not paying bills, said.


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Sunday: Trump: I shit my pants!

Monday: Trump Defender: He didn't really shit pants. <= We are here.

Tuesday: Trump: I shit my pants more than anyone else, and anyone who says otherwise is a fucking idiot!

Wednesday: Facing pressure from their pants-shitting base, every Republican in Congress purposely shits their pants at a press conference

Thursday: Trump's poll numbers go up because he got them to shit their pants

Friday: I drink even more.

Saturday: After a vicious wave of diaper rash cripples their representatives, Republicans accuse Democrats of deliberately allowing them all to shit their pants.

Sunday: Democrats apologize for not preventing the Republicans from getting diaper rash, offer to subsidize diaper rash ointment.

Next Monday: Republicans reject Democratic ointment as a deep state conspiracy, use bleach instead. Viral videos of people pouring bleach on their enflamed groins are posted to Parler.