
11 Post – 1318 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Professional developer and amateur gardener located near Atlanta, GA in the USA.

PS2 definitely had online play. I never played online but my friend did.

It pisses me off that Java's class library documentation is at a totally different URL for every version. You can't just change 11 to 21 in the URL.

I'm much more strict about not seeing people if I feel unwell even when it is likely something minor like a cold.

I believe in this context unicorn refers to start-ups that are valued at at least a billion dollars (or some number, I forget). So basically AI start-ups.

Ravenholm was terrifying! The fast zombies' roars along with them jumping across buildings really got to me.

I have replayed Half Life 2 a few times. Some parts of the game feel really goofy now. There are many physics based puzzles in game. Like needing to weigh down a see saw like platform with cinder blocks to get across a gap. I think at the time these were really revolutionary, but they feel silly now. At the same time, I'm hard pressed to think of shooters that still include that type of puzzle (but I also don't play many shooters nowadays).

I think a good example would be finding similar prompts that reliably give contradictory information.

It's sort of like auto pilot. It just believes everything and follows everything as if they're instructions. Prompt injection and jail breaking are examples of this. It's almost exactly like the trope where you trick an AI into realizing it's had a contradiction and it explodes.

I love Mr. Cabbage! Thank you CharGPT, very cool!

Joel Haver has a sketch in which one person in a group laughs at an inside joke from a trip they didn't go on. When pressed I think they say something like they laughed because everyone else was. As someone who has been in this situation, it's true. Even though I don't understand the specific reference being made, it's usually being done in a funny manner such that the story telling is enjoyable and humorous. Or I'm able to use context clues to guess what they might be joking about and it's funny, even if my understanding is off.

We tamed them once, we can do it again!

I know I can't take on a gorilla. I might be able to take on a wolf lol.

For what it's worth, DDG isn't perfect either. There are plenty of times I have to use Google instead. I don't keep track of how often it anything but it's definitely not perfect.

I need to look into capturing. Feels like a nice middle ground.

That is so slay

It's hilarious! As dumb as it sounds, the series is a good example of show don't tell world building.

I seriously doubt that. Bethesda's titles are generally some of the most moddable mainstream titles. I missed sarcasm.

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Minecraft has procedural stuff but still has lots of mods.


Whoops. Chalking this up to Poe's law

Forget the top, where do I get topped by that?

So long as this is only about the pre release and not about the game at all stages. Review embargoes are somewhat normal prior to launch.

Somebody made a shitty regex.

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I don't see a problem with it as long as no trafficking is involved.

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People do it both ways. This isn't an ND thing.

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Y'all remember when Windows 10 was supposedly their last OS?

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California is the target of conservative fear mongering.

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It's a damn single player game 💀

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Privacy is like the least important reason I use Firefox. With Microsoft Edge and Opera being based on Chromium now there are just so many of them. With Chromium essentially becoming the de facto standard because everyone uses it that means Google can ignore web standards and just do whatever they want.

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The headline really fucking buried the lede. This is not a story about a firearms instructor accidentally shooting someone. This is a story about extreme child abuse.

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Because the average American is much more likely to bump into American military personnel than people from countries that use 24 hour time. It's really as simple as that.

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OP listen to me very carefully. Do not give them a number you want. Decide on one but don't tell them. Never begin your negotiations by giving them a number or range, always get them to give you one first. The reason for this is because their number rmay be higher than yours.

Edit: this is gaining a bit of traction so I'm going to post this podcast. Don't be fooled by it being software engineer related. None of the content (to my memory) is really specific. This episode "red pilled" me on this topic. https://www.se-radio.net/2016/11/se-radio-episode-275-josh-doody-on-salary-negotiation-for-software-engineers/

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Yes, all states should protect women's rights, are you kidding?

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No, SQL is great for relational data. There's like decades of research into it. It's the best.

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JSON, and it had more to do with how they were checking string lengths. But yeah, the general story is that a random dude fixed massive problems with the text parsing.

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I've literally never seen a waiter get angry about not leaving a 25% tip. Can we please avoid manufactured outrage?

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Why are you calling the hypothetical disgusting when the hypothetical itself admits it would be unpleasant? It's a hypothetical. They're using it as an example of why it wouldn't work. They wouldn't be doing it for real because the situation doesn't even exist. It's like getting angry at someone for saying "I would drink too much alcohol if it were in my house" when they're saying why they don't keep alcohol in the house by saying "I find it disgusting this person would even consider drinking too much alcohol if they had it in their house" like yeah that's why they don't have alcohol in their house.

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Wait until OP hears about the Index at the back of the book.

Pirate? No, no... A privateer!

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Folks who are confused by this, your body doesn't detect when you're low on oxygen, only when you have too much carbon dioxide. That's why exhaling while holding your breath helps you hold your breath longer (to an extent). Nitrogen doesn't caused the sensation of suffocating while still depriving you of oxygen.

I disagree with capital punishment but have always wondered about this for stuff like assisted suicide.

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“I wouldn’t want her to be arresting me and I just saw you and your husband last night for $29.99 have sex on OnlyFans. I just can’t respect you or the precinct that you’re working at.”

This is "not the onion" content lol. I could see something like this being an Onion article,

"I want to support sex workers but ACAB means all cops," Twitter users say after hearing the story. "He was based to resist arrest and question authority but his reasoning was cringe."

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