
1 Post – 174 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"knife stabbings done with [new alloy] knives shows that [new alloy] is a major threat to society, spokesman says, and remind people to pretend that knife stabbings is a completely new thing that didn't exist before"

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Disable virtualization? Hah right. Yeah, that's a no go.

Or machine learning. There's at least one ML based project that got a headache out of this yesterday.

Yep, this is good as in won't rail someone already developing or have developed something on Unity, but it has a lot of "and I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddlesome kids!" energy to it.

We live a few stone throws away from the biggest military base in this part of the country. I usually joke that we'll either be the first or the last to go if there's a war.

However, terrorists attacking that would be "putting your dick in a fire ants nest" level of stupid.

"I had the misfortune to come across a leaked video of your CEO <Google name> having some really questionable sexual intercourse with a really sketchy character, and it was truly disgusting. I can not in good conscience support a company led by such a horrible individual"

If they want feedback, give them feedback.

puts the json in the yaml parser

Your move, foolish mortal

Whatever they can get you to pay money for

To be safe I should download backups once a month or so.

Maybe look into borg and https://www.borgbase.com/ - they give 10gb free. I sat it up for some important data I would want to keep if utter disaster struck yesterday, and was pretty straight forward.

You could also set up a more ghetto time machine like rsync with https://github.com/laurent22/rsync-time-backup if you have a machine on your network with ssh access from outside.

No no, it's easy. If they see any dark skinned, or democrat looking people vote, they know it's voting fraud.

Yeah, they still work somewhat as in they raise the bar on how complex the bot needs to be.

Believe me, there's tons of spammers out there that have captcha cracking bots. They're just not as dumb as the basic skiddie that can barely make a http POST.

Captcha's were supposed to separate bots from humans. Now it separates simple bots from complex bots.

Oh, and as a bonus, a lot of places hire people to create accounts and post spam for pennies.

Damn, I went to the wrong school.

There are already very impressive local models for coding. Some have come out favourably to copilot in tests iirc

Edit: https://evalplus.github.io/leaderboard.html

He got better

Just like publicly displayed art doesn't provide a permission to copy it and use it in other unspecified purposes

But it kinda does. If I see a van Gogh painting, I can be inspired to make a painting in the same style.

When "ai" "learns" from an image, it doesn't copy the image or even parts of the image directly. It learns the patterns involved instead, over many pictures. Then it uses those patterns to make new images.

The kraken, was it?

Awful everything

I’m just pretty staunch about not paying for a domain name, they add no value whatsoever

Heh, what a tool. Nothing's stopping him from just using ip addresses, or the reverse that whoever provides the server ip almost guaranteed have set up. But no, he wants a fancy looking one, so it HAS some value or he wouldn't need one, and a domain require name servers, and people administrating and maintaining it. He just don't want to pay for that part. And come on, a domain is like 15 dollars a year?

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Or they call tech support and say their computer doesn't work anymore

He's arguably a big enough target to actually worry about custom hardware modification attacks.

Definitely going Godot for the future. Just the knowledge that I don't have to worry about licensing is priceless.

I used to work in a NOC for a tier 1 ISP. We had an “abuse department” (a couple people) that investigated these and opened tickets with the NOC. I’ve emailed customers and disconnected circuits as a result of abuse emails, so I wouldn’t say they’re totally useless, but I’m sure it depends on the company involved.

I also worked at an ISP for a period, actually worked at two different ones. The first one let the abuse mailbox go full, because no one was reading it. The second they were reading it, but mostly to find new places to download stuff :D

Who are you?

What do you want?

Also, I think good and bad is a bit fluid there. It's just people with different agendas. Well, except emperor Cartagia. And perhaps Bester.

Probably running a local model, like for example Mistral. Sounds like small local model + RAG

Which server run model allows pornography of this type?

He also pretended to cut someone's hair

First language in Accept-Language header that server also support

That's in separate headers

His heart is black

Every "AI generated" image you see online is curated like that. Yet none of them are called "artist using generative AI tools".

So at that exact time big servers get a few hundred requests? I hope it's a very light weight check and doesn't trigger any flood or spam protection.. otherwise https://i.imgflip.com/xhss9.jpg

You can probably run a 7b LLM comfortably in system RAM, maybe one of the smaller 13b ones.

Software to use


In general, you want small GGML models. https://huggingface.co/TheBloke has a lot of them. There are some superHOT version of models, but I'd avoid them for now. They're trained to handle bigger context sizes, but it seems that made them dumber too. There's a lot of new things coming out on bigger context lengths, so you should probably revisit that when you need it.

Each have different strengths, orca is supposed to be better at reasoning, airoboros is good at longer and more storylike answers, vicuna is a very good allrounder, wizardlm is also a notably good allrounder.

For training, there are some tricks like qlora, but results aren't impressive from what I've read. Also, training LLM's can be pretty difficult to get the results you want. You should probably start with just running them and get comfortable with that, maybe try few-shot prompts (prompts with a few examples of writing styles), and then go from there.

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Reading the replies was a mistake

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we can say goodbye to having queer thoughts in secret

And suddenly half the republicans were against it for .. ethical reasons

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At least it made those zombie movies look downright optimistic in comparison

Modularity, compartmentalization, reliability, predictability.

One software needs MySQL 5, another needs mariadb 7. A third service needs PHP 7 while the distro supported version is 8. A fourth service uses cuda 11.7 - not 11.8 which is what everything in your package manager uses. a fifth service's install was only tested on latest Ubuntu, and now you need to figure out what rpm gives the exact library it expects. A sixth service expects odbc to be set up in a very specific way, but handwaves it in the installation docs. A seventh program expects a symlink at a specific place that is on the desktop version of the distro, but not the server version. And then you got that weird program that insist on admin access to the database so it can create it's own user. Since I don't trust it with that, let it just have it's own database server running in docker and good riddance.

And so on and so forth.. with docker not only is all this specified in excruciating details, it's also the exact same setup on every install.

You don't have it not working on arch because the maintainer of a library there decided to inline a patch that supposedly doesn't change anything, but somehow causes the program to segfault.

I can develop a service on windows, test it, deploy it to my Kubernetes cluster, and I don't even have to worry about which machine to deploy it on, it just runs it on a machine. Probably an Ubuntu machine, but maybe on that Gentoo node instead. And if my osx friend wants to try it out, then no problem. I can just give him a command, and it's running on his laptop. No worries about the right runtime or setting up environment or libraries and all that.

If you're an old Linux admin... This is what utopia looks like.

Edit: And restarting a container is almost like reinstalling the OS and the program. Since the image is static, restarting the container removes all file system cruft too and starts up a pristine new copy (of course except the specific files and folders you have chosen to save between restarts)

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Nine. How much ram do they use? How much disk space? Try running 90, or 900. Currently, on my personal hobby kubernetes cluster, there's 83 different instances running. Because of the low overhead, I can run even small tools in their own container, completely separate from the rest. If I run say.. a postgresql server.. spinning one up takes 90mb disk space for the image, and about 15 mb ram.

I worked at a company that did - among other things - hosting, and was using VM's for easier management and separation between customers. I wasn't directly involved in that part day to day, but was friend with the main guy there. It was tough to manage. He was experimenting with automatic creating and setting up new VM's, stripping them for unused services and files, and having different sub-scripts for different services. This was way before docker, but already then admins were looking in that direction.

So aschually, docker is kinda made for people who runs things in VM's, because that is exactly what they were looking for and duct taping things together for before docker came along.

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