Trump Demands Biden Remove Ad of Him Insulting Dead Troops to politics – 909 points –
Trump Demands Biden Remove Ad of Him Insulting Dead Troops

Trump Demands Biden Remove Ad of Him Calling Dead Soldiers ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers’ - The former president said only a “psycho” or a “very stupid person” would’ve made such statements.


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It's so fuckin' funny how his apologists will ignore a mile-high stack of his personal deficits to point to a solitary instance of someone in his administration making a humane decision and attributing that to the most selfish prick who has ever ascended to the presidency.

Just ROFL.

I'm not an apologist. Show me, directly from the horse's mouth what Trump said. I searched for it, but it's all about the accusation made about Trump making a statement.

Sure bud. Remember the time when he shit on POWs?

Yep. I did. It was during the time he was disrespecting McCain.

So... Then what is your point?

There's a difference between disrespecting a specific person, which I don't agree with vs disrespecting dead servicemen and women.

If anyone can provide the proof from the horse's mouth that'd be great. Otherwise all I'm seeing is a rumor and we're all supposed to believe it, blindfully. I don't roll that way.

I like people who weren't captured.

McCain wasn't the only one he was denigrating there.

I'll make it easy for you: if he was insulting Obama and said "I like people who aren't black," then would be specifically insulting the former president, but also black people in general.

Can you follow now? Or does your intentional obtuseness preclude that?

I understand, but the OP posted about Trump, "Calling Dead Soldiers ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers". That's all I've asking about. Is if there's an actual video or audio clip of Trump making this statement. That's a pretty effed up statement.

Yes I'm acknowledging his past regarding McCain and POWs, I don't find that acceptable. Just so we're clear.

So are you saying that the only time that you consider something actual proof is if it is recorded? I mean, there is reports directly from John Kelly (former White House Chief of Staff), but you think he is lying?

Maybe you can dig what you need out of here:

Word of mouth means nothing today. Just a bunch of high school kids participating in rumors.

I understand, but the OP posted about Trump, "Calling Dead Soldiers ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers". That's all I've asking about.

Well seeing as you never SAID you were asking about Trump, "Calling Dead Soldiers ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers" that can't be true.

OP said "Trump hates the troops" and you replied with "show me what he said". They did that. Now the goal posts are being moved.

Did you search for it?

Google searched, "trump hates troops" and "trump insults dead troops".. I was hoping to witness it directly from the horse's mouth.

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They never found a direction from Hitler setting up the death camps for the final solution. By your reckoning he wasn't responsible.

In courts of law, a first person testimony is considered evidence. Quite a few people have heard Trump say these things.

The thing is, most people wouldn't lie about this sort of thing. Or even be capable of making it up. Our minds just don't work this way. If any of this was incongruent from what we already publicly see from him, it would be harder to believe. But it exactly follows every other "hot mic" situation he has had so far. It's not like we're taking it on faith that some otherwise completely upstanding citizen is rumored to have done one terrible thing behind closed doors. Even if it turns out this specific thing isn't one of the things he said, he has said worse anyway, and not even behind closed doors. This would just pile on to an already disgusting pile of terrible things to say about people.

Our minds don't work this way? LMAO I'm done. Literally Youtube will destroy this argument. So yeah, I don't just accept everything at face value. It's just one person's word vs the other in this story.

4 people vs one *

*corrected your obviously good faith error

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