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Joined 13 months ago

Nowadays, it is exactly as complex as it sounds. There is a ton of blending, pitch and playrate tweaking, separate modifiers for current rpm and how much the accelerator is currently depressed. And yeah, like hundreds of recorded samples from the real car when possible, or a similar sounding car when not possible.

We are probably on the verge of getting to a point where a rough simulation might soon be able to take over for this process. It won't sound as good for a while still, but it will be cheaper and faster soon. And as time goes on, it'll get close enough to sounding right while continuing to decrease in cost and time taken to a point where it'll be the only way to do it eventually

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Well, you got the answers you were looking for, here is a different answer. To your other implied question, how to not worry about dust getting in other holes.

Main thing is to develop positive air pressure. You want more powered intake than powered exhaust.

Use fans for all your filtered air intakes, ignore powered air exhaust, run it at lower fan speeds if you can. Air will get out fine. If you force the air in where you want it to go in, dust will only go into the easily removable filters, it won't be on your components. Any extra hole in the case will just be exhausting the already filtered air. Then just remember to actually check and clean your filters. That's the hard part. But if you clean them when they need to be cleaned, you will never have to actually clean the inside or the fans or components or anything else, just the filters.

They both suck. But one is for sure getting the job. Which one do you want? You have to pick one. You can protest it and hope to change it, but nothing like that can happen in time, you will be stuck with one of these two people. Please at least try to pick the one that has less terrible things on their resume and then actually protest for proper change. If you pick the wrong guy, you also won't be able to protest for any kind of change.

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I'm sorry that this is the best job you can find right now. It can't be a very fun job. But you are also kind of bad at it, you should at least try to make the post sound like a real human could possibly think the things that are said.

In trials, it has consistently boosted productivity. More people need it in order to be productive than the amount that choose to be less productive once they won't die from not being productive.

Also in trials, it has not costed more than current social programs in those areas. Clearing redundancies and red tape accounted for enough cost cuts to make UBI overall cost a similar amount or less than what all the various programs with all their various overhead costed all added together.

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The best part about winter, is that it's nice inside. In summer, it can get to a point where it isn't even nice inside anymore.

But also all the downsides of winter outside can be mitigated and navigated. The downsides of summer outside can't be.

There are humans that hang out outside at -70C all day. For all you F users, that is -94F. The coldest winter ever gets where I am is -40C(also -40F for F people), it's usually only about -20C(-4F) on an average cold day in winter.

If you are too cold in winter, you aren't dressed right. There are options available that you haven't taken.

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Keep in mind, The Pirate Bay is "technically" not breaking any laws... how has that been going for them? You don't have to break laws to get in trouble if you are pissing off rich people. They'll find something, anything, to nail you on. It's totally ok for random normal people to not want to be "heroes" to a bunch of other random people they don't know. Heroes attract villains, and instability. And while it's just starting to get off the ground, lemmy doesn't need villains or instability.

Let the smaller, less visible servers do the shady but "totally technically legal" stuff. Big servers with big targets on their forehead need to be stable and drama-free.

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It kind of sucks that having literal video proof of how it all went down doesn't actually matter. They just say whatever they want, and so many people will never look into it, just take their word.

Oh no, her right to not suffer the consequences of her actions was infringed. She should be allowed to say whatever she wants and no one should be able to get upset, they have to accept it, it's not like other people have rights, only her.

You say "you need a gas car for long trips", and "Chargers didn't factor into it".

Isn't that directly contradicting? Why else do you feel like you need a gas car for long trips if it isn't related to either not enough chargers or chargers still not being fast enough for you? Chargers absolutely factor into that part of why you didn't buy electric yet.

But also, the notion that they can't do long trips is already pretty outdated. There are very few places left where you would even need to take a detour to take a long trip in an electric car. The only downside is that charging at max speed takes about 3x as long as filling with gas still, and not every charging station is max speed. As that continues to improve, it'll be less and less of a difference.

So, funding the R and D department of the charging network, as well as the construction of the charging network, are absolutely fundamental to more people adopting electric as their single vehicle choice. And not as their second vehicle only for one small purpose.

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Ice doesn't form with even thickness naturally, when it warms back up outside, the thinner parts melt faster, and it kind of snowballs due to currents created and stuff like that. So even if the thin areas didn't start out that much thinner, they end up melting way faster anyway.

Not everything is two teams where one team is the winner and one team is the loser. You don't have to pick a team and automatically everything that team does is good and everything the other team does is bad. Sometimes everything is bad. A bad thing happening to one side, and a bad thing happening to the other side, are both bad things that happened.

There is of course significant nuance, and way more detail in what happens in a real life event. And even when something is "presented" as 2 sides, it's really thousands of sides that only kind of align somewhat with each other on some things.

Having said all that, the vast majority of people think they both shouldn't have killed people on any sides. But there are alot of added up underlying causes. And while many people are constantly trying to solve the problem peacefully, there are other people that either can't wait that long, or don't find peace to be the best way to go for other reasons.

Real life problems are hard to solve, and while people work to solve one, other ones are likely getting more out of hand, or even the one they are working on is. Luckily there are so many of us that are able to work towards solutions, but it certainly helps when there are at least more people trying to solve problems than the amount that are trying to cause them, or ignoring them.

In summary, no we don't suck hamas dick. They did a bad thing too. And while they had reason to be upset, there were certainly better ways to go about it. As is the general case in life, being angry is reasonable, but murdering people due to being angry is not.

Even among Trump supporters, I wouldn't expect "most" to say that, or even think it.

This is not something a company did.

The group of people took a list of user names and passwords from a different breach and tried them on trello to see if people used the same password and wrote down which ones did.

Nothing a company can possibly do to stop this, only users can.

Even if the company required 2 factor authentication to fully log in, getting this far would still confirm each account/password combo was correct, which is all the "hackers" did.

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There is a good chance that exposure to more and more lead over time was what caused their generation to become more that way over time. They just assumed it was normal progression because it was happening to almost everyone. Not realizing there was something that could artificially cause that progression.

The kinds of changes in the brain caused by lead exposure do seem to line up with changes that would cause that behaviour. And even the people who stood to benefit financially from leaded gasoline decided it was a bad idea, so their own internal data must have been pretty damning to convince them to make less money.

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When you vote for someone you are also voting for the advisors and their other support staff. I much prefer Bidens support staff.

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Users don't write the headlines, this is the article headline. And she's not a dude.

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Yes the specific marketing term for it is what people aren't resonating with. That must be what is wrong.

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When I look back at what a Game boy game costed, and scale it up to today money(as much as $60cad, equivalent to $120cad in today money).... I feel so bad for my parents. I know they had a bit more spare money back then even being considered poor than what people have now. But it's pretty crazy how much they costed. And our first family computer was over $3000cad in 1990, which would be more than $6000cad today.

Despite how it feels, gaming is pretty cheap now. The prices may be close to the highest number they have ever been, they are not close to the highest cost they have been.

I will say, this is probably gonna go down as the "most visible" visibility day, due to the coincidence.

Oh no, that's worse than anything Trump has done, you've convinced me, switching sides now.

Sorry your guy isn't doing anything to help sales, tough gig.

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I'm on a Fold 4, never going back. There are certainly a few tweaks here and there that could improve it, but a tablet that you put back in your pocket when you are done is the perfect phone so far. I don't know what they would have to do to make something better than this, but I'm sure something will come along. Until then, not going back to a phone that can only be bar shaped.

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Ooh, it can be disabled? Gotta get on that.

He literally didn't lie, dumb people misunderstood a thing. Go back and look at the post yourself. Don't just get a second hand opinion of it from a dumb person.

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Measles is incredibly infectious, it's why we eradicated it in the first place. Plus there are rules to follow in a hospital waiting room specifically designed to avoid that.

But it relies on people actually following rules, and we can assume someone that didn't vaccinate or follow quarantine procedure is not a big fan of following "meaningless" rules. And meaningless to them is any rule they don't understand. Unfortunately they actively try to understand as little as possible so no one can accuse them of being the very scariest word to them right now, "woke".

If it helps, the game itself is very positive about the whole spectrum of human sexuality and treats everything as completely ordinary and it's all represented (trans included), like the Wizarding world has already come out on the other side and everyone is welcome.

I think JK very purposely tried to tarnish it so that less people would play it, she already got her cut from the licensing, so sales don't matter to her.

The game itself is exactly what we want and what she would hate. The company that made the game is someone we should support, they took the world away from her, fixed it, and gave it back to us.

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Hmm, the crazy part is that I'm in Alberta and people are masking here, not alot, but more than you would expect given our history. And it's totally still possible to get covid kits here. I am in a smaller town, but it looks similar when I have traveled to Edmonton recently.

Prion disorders that can be transmitted through meat come from what the "meat" ate as it was growing up. It actually significantly decreases the risk that specifically prion disorders would come from lab grown meats, but there are of course other valid concerns constantly being addressed.

The nice thing about lab grown meats, is once they are tested, the product doesn't have any reason to vary in any way from that point on. It can remain identical to what was vigorously tested. Outside meat can't do that same thing.

Edit: and honestly, don't worry. Even at it's most accelerated possible trajectory, lab grown meat won't drastically impact anyone currently working in livestock. Unfortunately for those of us that would want it sooner. But it would likely be best to encourage your kids not to follow.

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As someone that was only ever waiting for the long promised PvE part of the game to finally play it, 3 missions didn't seem like enough to fully dive into the game. Was waiting til it had more than an hour of content. Oh well. The writing was on the wall long ago to not get my hopes up. On me for forgetting that for a minute.

Wait... what do your nails look like? Maybe you are not ok?

I can see someone who only tried VR back 10 years ago, putting on an apple vision pro and being shocked that the resolution was so high, only to be informed it was a modest increase over other current headsets and that they are all pretty clear now. But really they should know if it was anywhere near "retina resolution", apple would have been all over making that claim.

Main difference is most people don't have kidney stones. But also in most countries it is already super routine to take care of them if you do have them.

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That took alot of confidence to post, assuming you knew better than literally every other human that came before you, but unfortunately it does indeed have 5 sides.

In case you are curious, the downvotes are cuz the headline was a lie. Not only did they not rip off pokemon, they are happy to see clones of their game. They want to try them all and see if any are fun to play. They love these kinds of games, after all.

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Seems like it's a you problem.

I expected more maturity out of pp boy.

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That is unfortunately a configurable option.

It's kind of like when kids say something isn't "fair", all it means to them is they didn't like what happened.

I may be a bit of an old man now, but something about the Southpark games just really speaks to me. I haven't been keeping up on the show anymore. But I really enjoyed stick of truth and fractured but whole. I may have missed some individual references, but there was more than enough stuff that I was familiar with. And while the mechanics aren't a masterpiece, they hold up well enough to not get in the way through the whole game.

It is of course mostly about inside jokes and references, but there is plenty new content too.

The trailer isn't quite enough for me to be sure what game style they are aping on this time, but I'm looking forward to it. Sort of sounds like they might be going arpg this time, but the card elements threw me a bit. I guess I'll see when more details are known.

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Natural eyebrows and hairline. Actually most body hair on females is nowhere near as bad as my "culture" treats it. The few things I might happen to agree with are far outweighed by her feeling more comfortable in her own body. I understand special cases like PCOS and stuff like that, but for the most part in my opinion, most women are encouraged to go too far with hair removal.