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Joined 1 months ago

I think the way Biden went about it was wrong. We left military hardware that is now in the hands of the so-called enemy - the taliban. Which apparently they're now utilizing and repairing vehicles and other military assets for use.

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I don't believe Thomas Massie, for example, is status quo since he goes against the grain 9 times out of 10.

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They would move to another country to find cheaper labor...

Any company can leave the country.. wat.

Regulations and money are big factors as to why a U.S. company would move its operations to another nation.

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We just witnessed businesses killed in California from the minimum wage increase. And if not killed, job losses:

Last September, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed California Assembly Bill 1287 into law, which includes a $20 per hour minimum wage for fast-food workers and a fast-food regulatory council which has the authority to raise the industry’s minimum wage annually. But between last fall and January, California fast-food restaurants cut about 9,500 jobs, representing a 1.3 percent change from September 2023.

On April 1, a Fosters Freeze location in Lemoore, California — about three hours north of Los Angeles — shut down. That happened to be the same day the new minimum wage, which is now $20 an hour rather than $4, kicked in for fast food workers. Some employees thought that the closure was an April Fool's joke.Apr 13, 2024

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That ice cream shop was established decades ago... many people in the area enjoyed going there. It had nothing to do with poor business management. Stop making excuses for taxing business owners exponentially.

lol poor business management. good grief.

Pretty sure lobbyists are one of many major problems in the U.S.

You mean, non-electrical.. not non-mechanical.

"mowing the lawn" as the Israelis call it.

Btw from what I've witnessed, many Israelis dislike Orthodox Jews as much as they dislike Muslims and Christians. Israel is a weird place.

lol he should seriously stop being so arrogant.

Damn... thanks for the explanation!

And 80% of Reddit is filled with degenerates of every kind. It's a total cesspool of excrement.

Haha... that's pretty slick.

However, there's industry players who have provided video and audio evidence of what they've experienced within the realm of pop culture. But hey, maybe it's all a coincidence /shrug

Cot damn.. I'm conflicted.

Tech nerdy girlfriend

Potential psychopath

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You have to be a real sick bastard to hate another person who cares and is trying to do something for helpless children. Good grief.

Brah.. the protest calls for 2 things.

  1. BDS
  2. End of genocide

Neither one is in support of terrorist groups and last I check the ones inciting violence, which is on video for all to witness, was pro-Zionist protestors who came with weapons and attacked the opposition.

He finally won the war after so many battles.

lol Netanyahu is begging for the entire world to hate Israel.

And then.. the next day he will be back on discord for hours on end for days on end.

Hoping to phase Google products out of my life. I think the challenge will be YouTube. Hopefully Rumble becomes more popular and has as good if not better features than YouTube.

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lol.. Israel is going to end up getting disowned by the majority of the international community. As per usual, all by their own doing.

Oh jees... welp it was great while it lasted.

Lindsey is part of the swamp. He's a Christian Zionist, a doomsday Christian. These types of Christians want to hasten the Day of Judgement. Pretty much they're psychopaths thanks to the Scofield Reference Bible.

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Side note:

Do a little investigative reading regarding Israel and their part in the killing of Armenian Christians. Chit is wild.

Reported that they would escalate the level of sexual intimacy regardless of whether or not they thought it was consensual.

Gentlemen, the moment you're questioning in your head if the girl is consenting, you use your voice and ask something along the lines of, "do you trust me?" or, "keep going?", or "do you like this/it?"

Fkin no brainer. smh

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Bet cuckservatives would rather allow satanism into their schools if.. it was suggested that Islam too should be included.

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They let Israel do it. What's stopping them from... not caring that Ukraine does it too?

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Hm... I curiously checked my phone, deleted images/videos are still deleted and haven't resurfaced. Then again I don't mix technology with nudity. /shrug

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Well that's stupid. Getting negative reviews is also a good thing. It allows you to re-evaluate your product(s). Pretty much you're going to sell a half assed product, pretending it's amazing because you refused to take critically-negative feedback from your paying customers. Guess they just want to completely obliterate their company.

Car tech today spies on you. Manufacture of said car collects that data and then sells it to lexisnexis, who then sells that data to auto insurance companies. Which in turn analyze the data and determine to upcharge you for your driving.

They'll never lower the rate, they'll just keep raising it until you finally become a pirate and drive dirty.

Thanks Ford, for your American patriotism. Fker.

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Alright let's put in our bets.

I've got $50 on JIDF behind the DDoS attack.

Maybe Google should put a disclaimer... warning people it's not 100% accurate. Or.. just take down the technology because clearly their AI is chit tier.

Seems about right. I rather continue keeping my current vehicle (2016) well maintained than to get a high interest loan with a overpriced price tag on a new OR used vehicle.

There's bad actors all of kinds.

I'm hoping that the Middle East unites under one banner. Bring back the Ottoman Empire.

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Don't do it. It's a bait and switch. You'll get the initial discount, then you brake hard one day because someone cuts you off.. and next thing you know your rate goes up. Also if your take a turn too fast. If you speed. If you accelerate hard (RPMs go above normal range).

According to a 2019 UN report, there are over 3 billion barrels of oil estimated to be located beneath the occupied lands of Palestine, including off the coast. The UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has identified potential and existing oil and natural gas reserves in the West Bank and Gaza, including 1,525 billion barrels of proven oil reserves in the occupied Palestinian territories. However, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) says that the Palestinian territories do not produce oil.

Indeed. But Apple does have the tech to analyze images/videos:

Apple's CSAM detection capability is built solely to detect known CSAM images stored in iCloud Photos that have been identified by experts at NCMEC and other child safety groups.

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The very moment the U.S. outright enters war on behalf of Israel, is the moment a real insurrection should occur in D.C.

Thanks for your response, that makes sense.

Of course it would.. lmao are you kidding me? Have you never seen a server farm? Hell NSA has huge warehouses of servers.

Last year, before I joined this organization, IT decided to get off Microsoft's cloud service because after some calculations they realize that on-prem hosting was significantly cheaper than cloud hosting. Now I believe more and more organizations small and large/enterprise are getting off cloud or doing a mixture / hybrid because the costs are not justifiable.

And for AI? Requiring GPUs? Huge energy consumers.