49 Post – 244 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Teamviewer has a history of lying about serious security breaches. The company's networks have been breached before and they literally spent years denying it and blaming it on their customers:

This would be of limited use for many people. Carriers lock people in by selling lots of phones that are missing frequency bands and cannot be used on their competitor's networks. For instance, many of TMO's phones cannot be used on AT&T and Verizon's networks. My Oneplus 9Pro is a great phone, but if I wanted to switch to Spectrum (on Verizon's network) or AT&T I would be forced to buy a new phone.

Some phones like the Iphone and Pixels are compatible with every U.S. network, but plenty of others are not.

Name and shame - it does absolutely no good to post your experience without the insurance company name.

Health Net pulled constant bullshit with me. The company regularly refused payment on claims, saying they weren't covered after previously paying for the same service under the plan. Health Net even went so far to refuse payment on a claim when they had provided prior approval for the appointment in writing. They would refuse payment on things that were clearly covered and I had to read them the policy to even get them to look at the denial. Health Net literally trashed prior authorization requests my doctor sent in and it took 4 months and personally faxing the request myself to get them to admit they were throwing the faxes away. The list goes on and on.

After major surgery I often spent 10+ hours per week on the phone with them because Health Net would deny so many claims. Getting rid of that crappy insurance company was a major relief.

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Doesn’t matter, it’s all of them.

It's the majority of them, but there are exceptions. I switched to Blue Shield (not Blue Cross or one of the combined companies in some states) and had almost zero problems. They paid my claims accurately the vast majority of the time and fixed the occasional problem with relatively little fuss. The Blue Shield reps also knew their stuff and I never once had to explain my policy to them.

Health Net is deliberately designed from the bottom up to refuse legitimate claims and to fight tooth and nail when customers demand they follow their own contract. IMO Health Net should be shut down. wife basically made this her daytime job calling about the bills and learning about how billing and coding works.

I had to do the same, despite recovering from surgery. To make matters worse, after I hit the maximum out of pocket amount the medical centers continued to send bills showing I owed a balance. It took nearly a year and repeated escalation to their executive and legal departments to get them to provide refunds. Calls, faxes and certified letters were completely ignored.

Corporate America has become quasi-legal and well-funded organized crime.

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Hey, somebody's gotta pay for the highest corporate profits in 70 years.

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Can you imagine the outrage if a Democrat did something like this? It would be front page news across the country, but this kind of vile behavior in front of children is just another day in GQPLand.

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Can you imagine the wall to wall coverage had it been Biden who called his wife by the wrong name? It would go on for weeks.

Because it's Trump they'll be nary a peep about this from the "liberal" media.

Edit: Confirmed this morning - not a word about Trump's demented rambling on the front pages of CNN, NBC, NYT or WA Post. The GQP front-runner's inability to string a coherent sentence together or remember his wife's name should be front page news. If Biden tripped over a mic stand it would be.

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Not only have the prices become absurd, the quality control has gone to crap.

For years we've taken regular road trips and use to stop at fast food places every single time. In the past 3 years we've repeatedly been served triple salted food, awful sub sandwiches, "cheese" burgers missing the cheese and condiments, and cold burger patties so old and dry they couldn't be choked down. When you factor in the amount of waste due to the lousy food, the actual prices are way higher than what's shown on the menu.

The ridiculous prices and regular bad experiences pushed us to a tipping point and we now find a grocery store along the way for deli sandwiches. It usually only adds about 5 minutes to the trip. Not only are the prices about 30% less but the food is consistently edible which makes the real price probably 1/2 of fast food places.

This is something we wouldn't have taken he time to do a few years ago, so for us there's been a big upside to the absurd prices and lousy food. We're permanently changed our habits and cut fast food out of our diet completely. We are now spending less and getting consistently better quality, healthier food.

Maybe we should send "thank you" notes to the various fast food corporate headquarters.

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“How’s her husband doing by the way?” and saying a “wall around her house” didn’t do a “good job” of protecting her 82-year-old husband from an intruder who fractured his skull with a hammer during a break-in last year—prompting laughter from the crowd.

Hillary didn't go far enough. Trump and his supporters aren't just deplorable, they're vile.

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The 𝕏 is also a Unicode character:

Somebody was trolling Space Karen when they provided this for a logo. It's not going to be easy to trademark.

Update: Not only is the 𝕏 a Unicode character, a podcast logo, a font character, it also seems to be a Microsoft and/or Meta trademark for online social networking services.

2nd Update: Musk hired a company to remove the Twitter sign from the building in SF but neglected to get a permit. The cops shut the work down.

Space Karen's destroyed the internationally recognized Twitter brand, reduced the value of his $44 billion purchase by at least half, chased advertisers and users away, seriously diminished the value of Telsa and tarnished his own reputation enough that it may never recover. He is now going to either have to back-pedal or be embroiled in years of litigation. Good thing the "genius" doesn't pay his lawyers.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but this doesn't look like this has anything to do with Syncthing vulnerabilities. Instead it looks like a hack that uses a preconfigured Syncthing installation to transfer sensitive data. Disturbing nonetheless.

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A report from the staff of Denver Arts & Venues says three people complained at intermission and included this tidbit about what Boebert said as she left the building: “stuff like ‘do you know who I am,’ ‘I am on the board’ (and) ‘I will be contacting the mayor.’ ”

Boebert is not on the board of Denver’s Center for the Performing Arts.

Boebert is the queen of the Karens.

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[Fox host] Watters did not disclose, however, that Lee is actually James DePaola, who has had multiple run-ins with the law himself, including when he became violent over a grilled cheese sandwich his wife had made, prompting his 12-year-old daughter to call the police.

This vile, despicable POS is actually being presented by Fox as an authority and being interviewed about crime. This is what Fox and the GQP considers the best of us.

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We have all become unwilling, unpaid employees of every company in their pursuit of higher profits. It's a feature, not a bug.

Corporations have discovered that there is no real downside (for them) when they don't function. Customer satisfaction no longer has much of an impact on their profits because the few companies left in each sector are doing the exact same thing.

IMO this is yet another side effect of unchecked corporate power. It's the same reason prices have risen so rapidly and corporate profits have reached 70 year highs. We are dealing with near monopolies and the billionaire class who created them. Until our government addresses the problem it's not going to get any better.

In other words it's not going to get better in our lifetimes.

Both Apple and Google terms of service require apps to have a blocking feature built in. Elmo been spouting off again without actually knowing anything. As of this evening he's figured out that's not something he can actually do and deleted his tweet.

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I would think that after watching Musk's magic touch lose over 70% of the value of Twitter and nearly half of Tesla's value (since the nearly $300/share price last year) the shareholders may be realizing the emperor has no clothes.

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Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. - Francis M. Wilhoit

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They literally believe the very existence of gay married couples is an assault on their religious freedom. The unchecked "religious freedom" they want logically would include bigamy and pedophilia, but better not talk about that.

Evangelicals and conservatives want to be protected by American laws but not bound by them, while everyone else is tightly bound by laws, but not protected by them.

The number of business that just expect that everyone has already downloaded and installed their app has become ridiculous.

Best Buy now demands an app be installed for order pick up. They are so sure you'll have already done that there are no instructions in their parking lot for pick up that don't include the app, no way to call them, and the lot employees say, "Just use the app and we'll get your order." It's like the 20% tips programmed into just about every payment machine these days. No, I won't leave you a 20% tip for handing me a receipt.

Even when going to Best Buy's service desk the reps looked at me like I was crazy. "No, I won't install your app to pick up an order" was met with confusion and open irritation. Fuck that.

And don't get me started on 'Reddit is better in our crappy Reddit app.'

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  • Total felony charges brought against Republican presidents - 91.
  • Total felony charges brought against Democratic presidents - 0.
  • 100% of presidents found to be rapists in a court of law are Republican.
  • 100% of presidents who "grab them by the pussy" are Republican.
  • Number of presidents who have been listed as "unindicted co-conspirators" - 2 - both Republican, of course.
  • 100% of congressional representatives who are on video having their bare breasts fondled while they jerk off their date are Republican.
  • "It's all the same shit." -
  • Total number of active brain cells of - 0.
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This hardware DRM shit is just plain evil. Was considering an Iphone next year for the first time, but going to nope right out of there.

The corporate enshittification of once decent products and services continues unabated. Amazons decision to charge for UPS store returns even if the products they delivered were defective was almost enough for me to cancel Prime, but this seals the deal. When Amazon Prime commercials begin my Prime membership and most of my Amazon purchases end.

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Next up: Birth control.

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I hope the Dems keep forcing a vote. Make the GQP assholes go on record for taking Arizona back to 1864 again and again. It'll do wonders for the GQP majority in November.

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It is always amazing how many people think their own specific situation should be used as the defining standard for the rest of the world.

5 ghz just doesn't get through stucco, concrete or even an inconveniently located furnace very well, nor does it reach nearly as far as a 2.4 ghz signal when only drywall and wooden studs are in the way. It would take 5 AP's at 5ghz to cover the same area as 2 at 2.4 ghz in my environment.

The great thing is that you can disable 2.4 ghz wifi on all your devices and the rest of us can continue to do what works for us.

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A sentencing hearing broke down this week over a disagreement about a sentencing enhancement for a self-employed handyman from Texas who admitted to using a metal whip and unloading a can of bear spray on officers during the riots at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

Taake had been on pretrial release for a pending child-solicitation case in Texas when he went to the Capitol ready for violence, armed with bear spray and a metal whip, prosecutors said.

Only the best people.

I worked for a Fortune 100 tech company that claimed they couldn't get enough qualified workers to fill open jobs. It was utter bullshit. The workers they brought in from out of the country were typically right out of school or with a very short work history who needed a lot of training, not the highly skilled workers the company claimed they needed.

The foreign workers were cheap and routinely worked 100 hour weeks because they had no family or social life in the U.S. American workers with families and lives outside of work could not and would not work those kind of hours consistently. The company then would peer rank employees and (surprise!) the foreign workers working 100 hour weeks would perform more tasks than those working 60 hour weeks.

U.S. citizens would routinely be denied raises and ultimately forced out of their jobs because of this practice. What companies want and foreign workers provide is a cheap workforce that will work 100 hour weeks and can't readily switch jobs. Only a government that represents corporations instead of people would facilitate this kind of employee abuse.

Windows 11? Let's see here...

Spyware/malware since that infamous Windows 7 update sending everything (including passwords) to Microsoft. Ads spread across the UI in W11. Simple features hidden or disabled. Bing Internet search results in the Start Menu that can't be disabled unless you edit the registry. Search engine in the Start Menu cannot be changed. Numerous other previously simple settings changes that now require registry edits. Menu items gone, and others that still exist but inexplicably have been removed from the Start Menu search. Edge browser forced down your throat no matter what you set as the default browser. Upgrades that you can't do at your convenience and forced restarts that happen even if you have open files that you're editing. Long (sometimes really long) upgrade restart times. Forced Microsoft account use to install and use the OS & Internet access required to even install the OS. Absurdly inflexible hardware requirements that make no sense for most people. A taskbar that can't be moved. Numerous programs and garbage spread through the OS that cannot be removed or disabled.

Besides that, what's not to like?

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Kevin McCarthy just found out in the hardest way possible that Nancy Pelosi only made it look easy.

Linux is actually becoming easier to deal with than Windows in many cases. Microsoft has removed so many settings from the GUI that editing of the Registry has become required even for simple things. That's much less user friendly IMO than backing up and editing a text .conf file.

The word is "bribes."

Just returned 2 Eufy cameras because the company claims ownership of my video streams and won't allow me access to those streams. Their website conveniently hides the fact that almost all of their cameras are locked to their base station or their cloud, and makes it look like the streams are readily accessible. Ultimately that means Eufy can pull the plug at any time.

Many people got wise to the printer ink racket, they'll eventually figure out these cloud services are to be avoided too.

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If you're thinking about buying, be aware they removed the audio jack.

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As long as the cost of breaking a law is less than the cost of complying, American businesses will choose breaking the law every single time.

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I spent much of Trump's term trying to understand and reason with the right wing magats on social media. The vast majority were complete idiots, unable to spell (even with spell check), use capitalization, or write a sentence, much less a complete paragraph that made any sense.

After hundreds of exchanges three things became pretty clear:

  1. They gloried in the fact that Trump had become president despite (or often because of) the fact he was an adulterous, thrice divorced, repeatedly bankrupt, lying pervert that gloried in sexually assaulting women.

  2. Their primary incentive was flat out cruelty. They wanted to inflict as much pain as they could on the "other". They hated pretty much everyone who wasn't a white Christian and that hate was another major motivation.

  3. They believed that the Trump presidency was proof that their ignorance was just as good as other people's knowledge. (Paraphrasing Isaac Asimov.)

Ultimately I learned that there is no reasoning with these people. Sneering is the best they're going to get.

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She's daring Smith to appeal. He should oblige her.

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It's also important to remember that Microsoft has no monetary incentive to force people to use Windows Recall.

With that in mind, there would be no reason for Microsoft to automatically enable Windows Recall in an update down the line. If it does happen, the user will be able to instantly tell thanks to that that visual indicator and turn it off again.

This article is nothing but propaganda. There is huge monetary incentive to force people to use Windows Recall and collect their data, and Microsoft routinely uses Windows Update to enable data collection. They began that practice years ago on Windows 7. It's a ridiculously simple matter for MS to disable the visual indicator and force This Week's Plan on their users to monetize their data.

Windows Central pretends to be critical of plans to enable a feature that can be made into malware by Microsoft in a couple of minutes, but then back peddles and says it can't be done (utter BS) and if it could be, it wouldn't be that bad.

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It depends... Are you subject to the rule of law? You know, the one for the little people.

I used to think that the American justice system was somewhat fair. Turns out it was just propaganda.

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So the rest of the world should change for your convenience. Got it.

This is a 26% price hike. Amazon's marketing BS shouldn't fool anyone.

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