Republicans urge the ignorant to ‘just say no’ to science to politics – 647 points –
Republicans urge the ignorant to ‘just say no’ to science

Nationally, a study by Yale researchers determined that “the excess [COVID] death rate among Republican voters was 43% higher than the excess death rate among Democratic voters.”

They are literally being deceived to death.


This is a natural outcome of conservatism, what is conservatism trying to conserve? The existing power structures in society of course. So the power of God over man, of men over women, of white people over other races, and of rich over poor. Science must be rejected because science gives evidence against the supremacy of god, men, the white race and the rich.

Also, the stereotypical conservative is someone who loves to be lied to.

They don't love being lied to. They love being told they're great and wonderful and better than "others". That that is a boldface and egregious lie is not the part they focus on.

No, they are literally thrilled by being lied to. That's why we have Qkooks, Birtherkooks, Bircherkooks, Sandyhookkooks, Start the Steal kooks, Hermancainers etc. Conservatives keep making up 100% total hoaxes over and over and over. They think dishonesty is a virtue and honesty is a vice. It doesn't even matter if yesterdays lie "it was Antifa" completely contradicts today lie "they were tourists". All that matters is the thrill they get by not having to acknowledge reality in this particular moment.

They love thinking that they're superior to other people. They feel this way by "knowing the truth" that the rest of us don't accept because we stick with what "liberal science spoon feeds us."

It's the same situation as a moon landing conspiracy theorist. They feel superior because they can "see through the deception of the moon landing" while the rest of us just accept what every scientist even remotely linked with the moon landing says. Sure, their conspiracies are easily debunked, but they just don't accept any debunking as valid and instead continue on.

They feel like their lives are meaningless so they find meaning in being part of the "select few that can see past the conspirators' lies."

This has been their platform literally forever; rather than have to learn anything or improve themselves, just deny that knowledge or betterment exists.

Yep. One of the 3 core Republican party slogans is this:


Didn’t work for drugs, definitely not going to work for science. Like a quarterback who keeps running the same three failing plays.

the right wing racists are using a same tactic in Australia to block the indigenous people from having a voice in parliament with a 'if you don't know vote no' campaign. we're having a referendum which means we're changing the constitution, the gist is we're going to finally properly recognise the aboriginal people (the ones that lived here for 60k years plus) and give them a permanant ability to voice their concerns in parliament.

it's disgusting and transparent for the anti information angle, however it sadly seems to be working and now likely the people that have endured mass genocide will again be silenced by the white right elites. Australia will remain one the most racist places on the planet.

First and foremost, I'll be voting yes.

The problem with our referendum is that it appears to burn a lot of political capital for the sake of gesture politics that is unlikely to change anything of substance. The voice has no teeth and almost everything about it will be determined by the courts at the time.

Now, it's better than nothing, and I don't expect it'll come at the expense of the lack of better alternatives on the horizon, but it's frustrating we can't do something more meaningful.

A reminder: it's what the First Nation Council asked for. It's a decade of work that has been approved and agreed upon by everyone involved.

That is, what you're complaining about are features, not bugs.

Edit: also, for it to have teeth in the future, Australia needs to get more Greens or other suitable 3rd parties into power which support The Voice.

While hopefully Australia will get The Voice, which will mean it won't be able to be easily removed - what's important (as always) is voting for the future of Australia and not coal.

Exactly. A voice shouldnt have teeth either, but id like it to have some reasonable powers of compelling testimony as well as an ability to formally ask for records but that's just me personally.

Vote yes!!

You can’t fix stupid.

/“It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain

If you squint and slightly misinterpret it, Darwin says stupid will fix itself eventually.

You just have to not save it at the last second.

Unfortunately they compromise herd immunity for the people who can't get vaccinated for legitimate reasons, so they're intent on taking a few of us with them.

Unfortunately, my wife's niece has leukemia and as such doesn't really have her own immune system, so not only can she not get the vaccine, she would almost definitely die if she got covid.

When we got married, we decided masks on for the event, and that made our first choice maid of honor to flip her shit on us about how we're not kuzzling her, and called us sheep. Then she got a face tattoo.

A few of her family members decided to no longer speak to us over masks, even though they KNOW her family and know her niece is immunocompromised.

When we got married, we decided masks on for the event, and that made our first choice maid of honor to flip her shit on us about how we're not kuzzling her, and called us sheep. Then she got a face tattoo.

Damn. She’s definitely committed to…..something, I guess? What was the face tattoo of, and does she have a job? Just curious how that’s working out for her.

It was baffling, apparently she got some kind of dagger.

She started an OF apparently and I guess recently got a job at an Amazon warehouse, my wife sees updares on social media but they don't talk anymore.

Huh. Interesting character for sure. Well, congrats on the marriage, & thank you for mandating masks through all of that.

Not much short of magic is going to stop climate collapse at this point, so I think we're good on that front. Hopefully it gets us all, this whole mess will only start over if it doesn't.

Isn't killing your constituents a bad long term political strategy?

They don't plan to win with votes.

Republicans no longer believe in the Republic.

They already don't have a long term. They have to do a coup this decade or they're fucked. Loyalty is more important than long term voting here

Covid was a great litmus test for that question and republicans failed miserably

stupid people breed more, so so long as the birth rate among republicans less the excess death rate outstrips the birthrate plus the excess survivial of the democrats then they will increase their vote share.

whether that's the case or not i don't know but they have other pokers in the fire. attacking education in multiple ways for instance. dragging the next generation down to their level.

Their well documented gerrymandering

Their attacks on the fabric of democracy itself. if you can't win elections, get rid of them.

Their stacking of the courts

In true Republican fashion however, they've flubbed it. The youth is overwhelmingly for Democrats and outright loathes Republicans. Either controlling the poor hasn't turned out that effective for them*, or it's too early to see results. And in the meantime, they're killing their already aging and dwindling base.

*I think they've failed to brainwash young poor children. The vast majority of people I graduated high school with a decade ago, in the Midwest, have become clearly liberal and Democrat. Even the ones who were conservative in school.

They're targeting Gen Alpha though (and the one after that). Gen Z is just about out of K12, but their younger siblings have to deal with stuff like PragerU being part of the official curriculum. I hope the teachers can work around it, but it looks grim.

Republican politicians live by "I'll be gone, you'll be gone" at the end of the day.

They know the rest of us will be stuck holding the bag.

You're kidding yourself if you think they have any long-term policies. Anything they're doing is to have an immediate effect, even if they're doing it at the cost of their own well-being.

That's why Fox News famously started touting the vaccine after it came out. They realized their base was dying out faster than democrats. This backpedaling helped push co serrations away from fox News to other sources.

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They see science as an antagonist belief system to theirs. They don’t understand what science is and they don’t want to.

Isn't science just a prediction and utilization of observered phenomenon? Original sin is obtaining knowledge, aka don't question. It's so dumb

Yea, I explain it to the lay folk as a tool for understanding our world, not a system of belief. However to most of these people ignorance is purity, so it’s an affront to them regardless.

Original sin is gaining knowledge of only good and evil, and what the difference is. Eden was a paradise of amorality where humans could live without worrying about whether an act was good or evil. They would have been wild animals living on instinct, doing whatever felt pleasurable, and avoiding things which cause anguish. Instead, they ate the fruit and became ahsamed of all of the things they'd done, even of simply being naked. Then God cast them out for disobeying him.

It had nothing to do with knowledge in general. Original sin was disobeying God. You should understand the myths you're mocking.

I'm sorry, but to me this still comes across as punishment for gaining knowledge, because that was what was forbidden in the first place. They were punished for disobeying what? - The prohibition of gaining knowledge.

It can certainly be interpreted in a number of ways, but I think you're missing a key element of the story. Humans gaining 'knowledge of good and evil' is the process of humans becoming self-aware. Rather than simply unselfconscously being what we are without judgement, we sort our behaviors into good and evil. Suddenly they know they're naked, and the question they're faced with isn't 'why do you care that you're naked?' but 'who told you that you're naked?'. Animals are naked too, but they're not aware of it because they're not hung up on the mortality of their own actions.

It's not so much, to my reading, that there's an active decision being made to kick them out as that they're no longer capable of benefiting from it. Their self-consciousness itself prevents them from being able to continue to enjoy that primordial state of being before the need to second guess themselves.

It represents the loss of human innocence. It's not that they did wrong and were punished, it's that they came to view the world in a way that's harsher.

I agree with your interpretation completely. I definitely prefer viewing it as a metaphor and I think you've explained the metaphor perfectly. My former reaction was triggered by @CrayonRosary's sentence "Then God cast them out for disobeying him." I thought I would try to review their more literal interpretation from the same point of view as them – I find it to be an interesting excercise that can lead to better understanding.

"BoTh SiDes ArE thE sAMe" - Half the posters on reddit and lemmy.

From the time they're born until the day they die conservatives are taught that intelligence is a sign of weakness and that the only right answer to and problem is unwavering ferocity.

I, for one, respect their right to die early of easily preventable natural causes. I don't like that conservatives are a danger to everyone else, but they were deadly toxic long before Covid.

I know some people on the left have to be the "better" person and all thay but honestly with all the damage republicans have and are doing, I honestly am happy they died of their own stupidity. Prevents them from doing more harm.


If they didn't compromise herd immunity this would be 100% true, but unfortunately they do.

just dont look up.

The movie was so good yet so horribly FRUSTRATING because it's way too fucking accurate

Fun fact: that movie was made pre-COVID

Holy shit, I assumed most of it was direct satire of COVID

Iirc it was a satire of their views on climate change.

This is correct.

McKay got a lot of shit for this film being so on the nose, but the fact that it quietly worked as an allegory for both climate change and covid is a testament to how well it lands its message. Like Idiocracy, not a 10/10 movie, but undeniably prophetic.

I think the reason it works so well, and what the movie got right, was how the right uses rhetoric to downplay anything that isn't in line with their goals to maintain power.

The same movie could have been made to satire Trans people, left handed people, immigrants...anything the right hates.

saw this 2 days ago for the first time, it should be rediculous satire NOT A DOCUMENTARY!

great movie though

everyone who votes Republican is as intentionally ignorant as possible, and you're all assholes because of it

a bare majority of Republicans told a Politico poll that they think the COVID vaccine is safe and effective — 52%, to be precise

Still somehow quite the indictment against Fox News.

Dumbasses love Google though. My anti-science anti-government dirtbag relatives cannot stand science but they use Google for everything because they’re dumb as fuck.

Without it they would never have been able to connect with other dumbasses “prepping” for the end times or whatever they think.

The world is so much better with them living where you can’t grow food.

living where you can’t grow food.

That's some high level prepping right there…

So you just have to find a way to get them mad at computer science. Problem solved/exacerbated.

I hope that they say no to medicine so that getting a GP gets easier.

They'll still go to the doctor. They'll just bitch and moan more and take up more time.

Vaccination for covid is no guarantee you will not get covid. Being vaccinated helps with the chance you'll NOT go to the hospital over it or die. But there is still a possibility of it, but being vaccinated helps a lot

Everyone I know is vaccinated. There is one woman who still isn't and when she had covid she almost died. But she thinks the government is tracking people with the vaccine and it changes our DNA. She gets her news from Facebook post from the right.

Biden wants people to get the new covid vaccine when it gets approved.

Say no also to tv, internet, etc. If it comes from science it cant be good.

American Left should encourage anti-science among the Republicunts. Warfare nowadays depends on science and technology. Being antiscience also means antivax and anti modern medicine. This will weaken them and kill off their young. Once they have regressesd enough, time to enact the Next Phase.

Yet in the end Biden adopted DeSantis' approach to COVID control, ignore it exists, stop testing and the numbers will go down, open everything and let herd immunity take over, and let it run rampant

After the omicron variants became dominant and it became apparent they were inducing much less severe illness, yes. What's not arguable is that closing down schools, businesses, etc took a heavy toll in many ways, regarding mental health, socialization, education, economics, and more. Was it justified to protect lives? Yes. But at what point is it not justified anymore, if not after the less severe variants become predominant?

Anecdotal evidence here...I work in a hospital, and we had many positive cases that resulted in severe illness and long COVID or even death for the first year+ of the pandemic. Conversely, there's been another wave recently, and we've had a ton of positive patients, but not a single one was there because of COVID, they were there for other reasons but happened to also have COVID.

My point is I've taken COVID seriously from the very beginning, and I also fully support the Biden Administration's approach.

We also have great vaccines now

I nearly lost everything from one infection and so did millions of other people. Stop spreading this bullshit and hold Biden accountable like you would a Republican.

What’s not arguable is that closing down schools, businesses, etc

Stop with your false choice that it's shut down everything or borderline pretend the virus no longer exists.

Just stop.

What do you think we should be doing differently right now?

No argument from me that COVID infections were terrible for many, many people, and yes, "all or nothing" is a terrible approach to pretty much any choice. I didn't say otherwise

Messaging on masks. Rallying funding for pancoronavirus vaccines and better antivirals that could actually make the new normal something livable. Federal funding for indoor air quality. Directing HHS to revise their rule that surgical masks are good enough for hospitals when we've known since long before the pandemic that they're often not enough for virulent diseases which is exactly the reason N95 exist in the first place. Increased funding for and messaging regarding long COVID, and surely dozens more things.

This is not complicated. An idiot like me can understand it. Demand more of your elected officials.

You absolutely did suggest a false choice and you say you completely support what Biden is doing now. I'm glad people aren't dying in hospitals of it anymore - but now they're withering away under the long term effects and it seems that that's out of sight out of mind for you.

Things were clearly different after the vaccines, though. It's a much different disease to those who have been vaccinated and boosted.

This is what happened. We have vaccines now, and masks are readily available. We also learned that many jobs can be done remotely. They tried as hard as they could to educate the constituents. People already picked their sides and are as informed as they are going to get.

So if you want to keep yourself safe, great. If you want to be crippled by or die of a preventable disease, have at it. Freedom for all.

Aside from the free vaccines and ad campaigns trying to get people to get the updated shot this fall. I've seen that TV spot a dozen times, and I barely watch TV.

The country was opened back up before Biden was president.

"Thanks, Biden" is the new "Thanks, Obama," apparently.

No services that I use were taking in person visits before late 2021. My kid didn’t go back to public school until Oct. 2021.

Nice revisionism, not long before Biden was sworn in liberals were up in arms about schools opening back up, restaurants relaxing indoor seating, airline travel, etc. Then crickets the moment Biden continued Trump and red state protocols regarding everything being opened up.

Opening up post-vaccines is fine.

There was a vaccine when Democrats were whining about trump and DeSantis opening shit back up. Partisan politics is toxic as fuck

The vaccination rates were still too low at the time because Republicans are stupid as fuck.

Like Democrats when they believed Maddow and the CDC when they claimed vaccination prevents transmission?

The study revealed that two or more weeks after the second dose, participants’ risk of infection dropped by a whopping 90%. The CDC researchers also found that 80% of participants in the U.S were protected against COVID-19 after just one dose.

More like the average Republican MAGAt is too stupid to understand that 90% and 80% don’t equal 100%, or to understand that it later evolved into a new variant that was far more transmissible but with less severe symptoms.

All this time later and you idiots still don’t understand the concept of efficacy.

Oh yes. They're the same. Misunderstanding that a new vaccine doesn't act like other vaccines vs. recommending horse dewormer and talking about ingesting disinfectant. Lol, got a real big thinker over here

Edit-Nevermind. Just looked at your profile. -559 pts, hammer and sickle for your pic. Go fuck yourself.

There's a difference between a vaccine existing and how much of the population is vaccinated. Hard stuff to comprehend, I know.

It's a pandemic of the unvaccinated -- Biden 2021

3 weeks later my triple vaccinated ass got COVID and I've struggled to work, exercise, and generally live ever since.

Biden betrayed us with that bullshit and should have dropped that line when Omicron came out, but he doubled down for weeks and sent people to their slaughter.

What was this, Jill Biden's 5th or 6th time getting it? Identity politics is getting people killed and they blame others for the deaths. They try to credit vaccines with lower deaths when it's the virus mutating to not kill its hosts.

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