
1 Post – 137 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Fire is harder to wash off

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Its a “fact” that anyone who listen to Rogan is a peasant-minded moron

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Just adding that no one is obligated to continue to be a republican, loyalty to a political party is a recipe for totalitarianism.

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Compromise is the heart of democracy; it might taste vile in your mouth, but coming to an agreement with your countrymen is the only way forward. Republicans only want a government that represents them and represses everyone else. THAT is why they love the traitor trump, because he promises to only be their president and no one else’s. The truth is he only cares about himself and will sell this country for a song if it is to his benefit.

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Our communities have been destroyed by this cult of hyper-individualism.

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The people who oppose decriminalizing drugs don’t care about overdoses, hell they see it as a bonus because they care about regulating “morality”

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Why did we send a generations worth of our wealth to these people instead of developing solar and wind?

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GOP have been trying to make the president a king now for a while, they love everything about authoritarianism except the word itself.

Yup the average person just spent the last of the whole $1200 that they have been living off for 3 years with no job. Thats totally in touch

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Not without some real force or change, middle class has invested to much of their retirement into the housing market to allow the prices to tank. Those who have are not going to risk it for the have nots.

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Why are Republicans so dead set on handicapping our military? They attack our economy, elections! Who side are they on?

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Law is working as intended

9 times out of 10 if a child is being abused it is by their parents. Think about that every time these people talk about their right to own their kids. I will vote for the first person who suggests a list of rights for children from their parents. I say this as a parent of two.

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Christian communities are infested with pedos because they protect them. When the victims speak up they circle the wagons and silence the accuser. Then they wag they fatty hypocritical fingers at queer folk who are just trying to exist as citizens of this country.

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The whole point was to get dollars into crypto so the holders could cash out. The value was never meant to stay.

This is what the Republicans want, to concentrate power in the hands of the executive so they had ignore the people

I see it no different than being showered before a massage. Its just rude otherwise.

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They see science as an antagonist belief system to theirs. They don’t understand what science is and they don’t want to.

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I have an excellent sense of time and space, i can accurately tell how much time and distance I’ve gone without tools. Im great to bring along for a hike.

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Get in your expensive machine and consume some fuel, brought to you by the car and oil industry. It’s not marketing it’s culture!

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If you told me 8 years ago that Trump would be charged with racketeering i would not have been surprised at all. He has always been a slimy wannabe mob boss, its an embarrassment that he made it in to the White House

I always had a suspicion but when I became an adult it was so much worse than I thought

The lack of justice is exactly how the elite class gets the lower groups to fight each other. The thought of a unified working class would keep up every banker at night if it weren’t for apathetic privileged class claiming that social justice isn’t that important.

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Well the trash can it would fall into would be fine

Right to work states are generally at the bottom of most statistics

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He is right, average joe republicans will blame Biden for this, because they have to to protect their identities as republicans, that requires blind loyalty.

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Took a lesson from Sparta, make all your soldiers gay lovers and they will fight like hell.

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Because no one wants to work right? They are all living off the massive $1200. I forgot about the sarcasm blind so just in case s/

The costs of the actions you commit while angry often far outweigh the initial cause of the anger.

Modern Marriage is a legal contract, it needs government more than ever because it’s pretty much tax benefits.

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Keep denying justice to people and they will start to take it upon themselves to see it done. I personally don’t want to see lynch mobs, but if a few pigs have to swing for them to get the message they brought it on themselves

Republicans don’t have “humor” they just laugh at disgusting statements

I was there in the trenches in 2015 throwing bread while he rained down insults and threats. It wasn’t a good show but its one ill remember forever.

Im not really brand loyal to a gizmo company but the way android users are so insecure makes me never want to get them.

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Move out of your mom’s basement you loser

We need fundamental rights for children from their parents.

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By being humble and open to learn at every opportunity. Yes some people are more “simple” than others but that doesn’t mean you cant gain something from interaction with them.

I have been adamant since 2006 that myself nor anyone else post pictures of my face or my children’s faces on social media for I knew this day would come eventually

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In honor of McConnell he should ram though a partisan choice like good ol Mitch would have. Everyone talking about “democracy” didn’t really know the man. Show some respect, do it like he would

No healthcare system can exist in America without a few wealthy elites sucking from the top. If universal healthcare existed in America it would still serve the purpose of funneling money to the elites some how. They always get their cut.