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Joined 13 months ago

I started sorting by day because of seeing stuff from days ago thay hasn't been touched. Active and hot have been broken.

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They basically don't have proof of anything. They are just doing political theater to distract from the issues they are causing.

Like the shutdown...

A lot of this comes from professors wanting comments in assinments and grade on arbitrary levels of if it exists.

I had one class where the instructor would give a vuage "not enough comments" that I did comments like this on every fuction and loop out of spite.

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I've always lived by lord GabeN's "piracy is a service issue. You have to offer a better experience than the pirates"

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I blocked that community because it was literally flooding my front page

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That's the point. They blatantly say "someday, the Ken's will have as much rights as women do in the real world"

The entire point is that treating people as second class like thst isn't good, regardless of which side its coming from and that we should all be equal. The only time I'd see men complaining about that is when they don't get it.

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When that fucker has done more damage and caused so much death I don't give a damn what he is.

He's a shit human being and I will celebrate the moment he is out of our misery because of the very direct pain he's caused.

Basically. I know at least two other trans women besides myself from my graduating class.

Stereotypes, all of us 😅

Unfortunately, once you get enough money the system is designed to keep you wealthy no matter how much you fuck up.

Like, Trump has had multiple failed companies including casinos thay failed because he had them competeing with each other.

Yet while he's probably not a billionaire he still has the status of "wealthy" and managed to fail into the most powerful position in government.

Musk had more money, and therefore can fuck up way harder and still be fine. He could burn Twitter to the ground for all the effect it would have on him.

As somone who has used video games as escapism there could also be something underlying that nobody is considering.

As lord Gaben has said, "piracy is a service issue"

The average person doesn't understand decentralizing networks.

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My handwriting has always been terrible. It was a big issue in school until I was able to turn in printed assignments.

Like with a lot of school things, they do a shit thing without thinking about negative effects. They always want a simple solution to a complex problem.

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This is only because of republican propaganda, which they only did because young people did political coordination on ticktok.

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And here my barely awake trans ass was wondering why the crow was talking about estrogen 😅.

I need coffee.

This hurts users actually trying to find help more than it hurts reddit.

You want reddit to die just stop engaging with it. Archiving old info isn't a profitable platform because new stuff drives engagement.

Being active elsewhere is what will kill reddit.

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I've been calling Trump the symptom and not the problem since 2016. He is the direct result of the decades of GOP rhetoric. They've always been building toward a demagogue since Regan.

They don't put men like this in movies for women.

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The big corps have always had a right wing bias. The corps bend over backwards to cator to these asshats while shitting all over the left.

There's a reason this stuff thrives on places like Facebook and will continue to do so. They also want a platform that has the widest reach.

It's why they want to be in the big sites instead of making their own because they want the rest of us to see their nonsense. There may not end up being a big hate presence on fedi stuff because any right wing instances will be broadly blacklisted either by the instances or by the users.

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Years ago I was in the phone to my mom and she brought up that some blue states were allowing abortion up to birth. That didn't sound right so I looked up the one for New York and read it.

Was the most plainly worded bill I'd ever seen. Basically laying out life of the mother or nonviable clauses in the 3rd trimester.

I read it to my mom and she still didn't believe me. Like, it was the primary source and she still took fox "news" over it.

There was also a time when I was like 13 or something where she talked about after birth abortion by sucking the babies brain through the soft spot or something horrible like that. Even then, non political and a fucking child I could tell it was bullshit.

I know some people on the left have to be the "better" person and all thay but honestly with all the damage republicans have and are doing, I honestly am happy they died of their own stupidity. Prevents them from doing more harm.


Some women might lust over this, but that's not why they are put there. They are the male power fantasy and are added for the benefit of the guys that watch it.

There's a reason most straight women find Loki more attractive than Thor and I've seen guys completely blindsided by that because they see everything through the male gaze.

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Who is he gonna sell it to? Nobody would want it thanks to whay he did to it.

There can be mental addictions, but older generations don't tend to care unless it's something they don't like.

I don't feel like I was addicted to games growing up, but I know I was using them for escapism. Nobody from the outside would have looked any farther than "you spend X amount a day playing games", and ignore why I felt the need for it.

Too many self important people act like addiction is a personal failing when it's usually somone trying to find some relief in a society that has failed them.

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For me it was that I didn't have the information I needed to process what I was feeling and deal with what was wrong. I didn't have the language to even describe that something was wrong.

I know many others in my situation that ended up with worse coping mechanisms in the same circumstance. Heavy drinking and drug use is common in the community.

That said, addictions can be physical. There's a reason you have to ween people off of certain substances because withdrawal can kill them.

Tell me you've never talked to a woman without telling me you've never talked to a woman...

The fuck are you smoking? Nazis were hyper capitalist to a fault and is half the reason their war machine failed.

Republicans are banning books, trying to control what people can say and people can dress. They are stripping rights from every marginalized group, starting with trans people and already moving towards gay people. They also want to strip people of their right to vote, strip women of their bodily autonomy, and try every tactic they can to grab and hold power.

The most well known people on the right are self described Christian nationalists. They all constantly spew fascist rhetoric.

But because you are a white man you don't see any of it. If it's not happening to you then it must not be happening. Meanwhile, the policy implemented by republicans are a mirror of the start nazi Germany, down to targeting queer people.

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They literally just make stuff up to rile up their rabid base.

When people talk about the rise of fascism they are rarely talking about the nuts online, though that group is dangerous because they radicalize people who are willing to commit terrorism and lead to January 6.

The rise of fascism are the actual policy that Republicans are pushing through, from attacks on reproductive rights to attacks on LGBTQ+ people.

Trans and gay people were among the first targeted by Nazis. The infamous book burning from the time was research from a sex and gender research clinic.

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Nazi Germany didn't start with the SS. They started with vilifying marginalized groups and blaming the issues is capitalism on their targets.

... You are either woefully ignorant or a troll.

They aren't getting stuff nationalize, yet, but basically every republican state is implementing some form of everything I mentioned from abortion bans to denying Healthcare for trans people.

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I missed how decentralized early internet was. When the we got to the point that there were only a handful of places people went to it changed how people interacted with the internet.

I was doing good for months walking at least every other day.

Then I had some things thst came up causing a ton of stress and I just couldn't. And here is sit, months later and I've barely touched my treadmill since.

I I still use it on desktop since I can still use the old design and I run several layers of adblock.

On mobile I basically never use it now unless a search result forces me to it. Lemmy needs work, but I've gotten it to a usable state in mobile.

I really home Baconreader makes a lemmy version because that was the only way I used reddit mobile.

I'm not big on horror movies, but I'd legit watch a fury one

I wouldn't like this. Each instance is going to have different moderation stances and I'd like to avoid groups that alow or promote hate.

Being able to separate communities gives users more power to dictate what content they want to consume or interact with.

I should do this. I don't have a whole lot, but I might archive some stuff I posted on lemmy somewhere.

Ignore, duplicate 😣

As much as I would like to do this I have too many posts there have legitimately helped people who were struggling with things.

I've had people respond to months old posts thanking me on several occasions for helping them. I can't in good conscience remove thay just to spite reddit, and I do a lot of stuff out of spite.

Yep. I'll up vote news of a hate crime or something, but downvote things that are directly hateful.

Context always matters and a lot of the big sites fail to understand the difference between talking about things like racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia and somone being those things.