2 Post – 413 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

You're missing some key facts:

  1. A lot of music on YouTube is fully licensed and uploaded by the owners or Google themselves. Like VEVO music, for instance.
  2. Google runs a content match algorithm on all uploads to detect music and movies. If you upload more than four seconds of a song, Google will detect it and transfer all monitization of that upload to the rights holder. This is why music documentaries like Trash Theory only have frustratingly short clips of the music they are talking about, and why channels like Techmoan, which documents weird music formats and playback devices, can also only share extremely short clips.

The rights holders are getting any and all money on music uploaded to YouTube, and your entire premise is flawed.

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A "burner" account? Never heard it called that before. "Sock puppet" or just "puppet" makes much more sense.

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All wages are paid by customers. Where do you think the money to pay them comes from? Heaven?

The underhanded and sneaky part is that the menu prices are a lie. If they want to pay a decent wage to their employees, good on them, but they should just raise all menu prices by 18% instead of surprising you later.

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Gboard is especially bad at this. If a word could in any conceivable way be capitalized, it will capitalize it.

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Don't use shady sites. Use yt-dlp.

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Microsoft is the fucking worst with their trick questions and constant nagging.

They do this because they want you to use Edge which steals search results from other search engines.

Without my glasses, I thought the thumbnail was some kind of ape. I blurred this screenshot a little to simulate.

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Good luck getting it to run no matter where you buy it! You'll need patches and a prayer circle to play it.

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If anyone reads the comments before reading the aritcle and they feel spoiled, it's their own fault.

Why do short videos have to loop automatically with no way to turn it off? Who the hell decided that was a good idea and why has every other app followed suit?

I especially hate the ones designed to loop because they think it's "so clever".

"Never play with liquid mercury
It's really bad for your health and shit
That's why you should..."


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How is this clickbait? The all-caps is a bit much, but the title contains everything you need to know. There's nothing remotely clickbaity about it.

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I'm a member of an uncontacted tribe, and was going to go to heaven for being completely ignorant of Jesus, but now that you told me about him, I'm going to hell if I don't convert.

I can't believe they acknowledged the Virtual Boy ever existed. Why they never ported the games to 3DS is mind boggling.

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Interestingly, humans "auto complete" all the time and make up stories to rationalize their own behavior even when they literally have no idea why they acted the way they did, like in experiments with split brain patients.

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Why do you think you need to download Chrome? Write a 500 word essay explaining how it's better than Edge.

(For real, though, it's not. Use Firefox.)

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This doesn't mean artists or movie studios can't make AI creations and sell them. It just means they can't stop people from copying and distributing them.

If a well regarded artist uses generative AI to make art, then prints a single copy or a limited edition and signs them, they can sell them. Other people can copy it, but it won't be the same. They won't have the same value as the ones the artist produced, and they won't be signed.

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Are the fake users registered as bots?

If not, then that's a really good case for defederation. Hell, sounds like a good plan either way.

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Because Lemmy is bigger than one domain. If it were just one domain it would be, but since it's federated, the names must be different, but you still want people to know it's a Lemmy instance because they all interoprate.

"Hmm, what's Oh, its a Lemmy instance. What's A Lemmy instance, of course."

Lemmy is a technology where each instance follows the same rules: a compatible federation API. You want people to know your website is a Lemmy instance.

A bulletin board might one day change to entirely different back-end and migrate all of the posts and users. That's highly unlikely you're going to do that with a Lemmy instance. It will always be a Lemmy instance or it will go away. You're not going to migrate the content and users to some other technology. And even if you did, you can buy a second domain easy peasy!

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Anyone downloading executable code from a random person on the internet needs to take a course in digital safety.

I assume you're not being malicious, OXero0, but none of us can possibly know that.

For anyone thinking of downloading it, wait until the popular, vetted forks show up. If you don't already have a working version, you don't need it today.

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False. When bricks stop working they cannot be used as bricks.

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Fuck Lingus. Who cares what he thinks about anything?

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Dad, you just don't understand how brainwashed you are with contagious wokeness! The white race is being persecuted and is dying. You need to wake up!

If you really, really think you're right and everyone else is wrong, then everyone's disgust is simply misplaced. They'll come around. By force, if necessary.

Pick some crime you abhor. Now imagine 90% of people thought it was OK. That's how they see the world. "There's a war going on that everyone refuses to see, and the white race is losing it." They don't care how abhorrent you think they are because they are on the "right side". They are the "freedom fighters".

Never use "how" and "like" in the same sentence that way. Use "What it feels like" or "How it feels".

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I've been trying out the DuckDuckGo browser lately on mobile. It uses the Chromium backend, so some sites work better in it than in my normal Firefox.

The neatest feature of the browser is the ability to generate random email addresses in signup forms, and those emails all get forwarded to your real email address. As it forwards the emails, it removes trackers from them. You can click a link in one of the forwarded emails to disable that address from being forwarded any more if it gets spammy.

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This is called a VRIF, Voluntary Reduction in Force, and usually comes with a sizable severance. Lots of people close to retirement at my last job took the offer because it was worth it.

Image generators are not LLMs. LLM stands for large language model and are for generating text.

Just buy a $15 FM radio. Especially since you can't charge your phone when you have no power, but a small radio takes AA batteries which can sit in a drawer for 10 years until you need them.

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I immediately think less of anyone who doesn't know the difference between a noun and an adjective.

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If you don't receive the email containing the bomb threat because you banned the email domain, does the bomb really exist?

No! The bomb just goes away. Checkmate, terrorists.

I went looking for a post by them to block them. Turns out I already did.

You're saying that because games couldn't be patched, they had better gameplay? That makes no sense at all.

Lots of games had crap gameplay. There are more junk vintage games than good ones. The gameplay was simple because it had to be. The consoles didn't have the power to do more. Chips were expensive. So they had to invent simple gameplay that could fit in 4k of ROM. If dirt simple gameplay is your thing, great. The Atari joystick had one stinking button for crying out loud.

You think Space Invaders has better gameplay than Sky Force Reloaded? Or Strider has better gameplay than Hollow Knight? You're insane.

E.T. for the 2600 had gameplay so bad it crashed the entire video game industry.

Double Dragon on NES had a jump that was impossible to make forcing the company to make a new cart and give refunds.

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And you can't unlock their boot loaders. You must suffer their changes to Android, their assistant, their UI, their spyware, and bloatware. You don't own the device.

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Black Mirror?

Google can do what they want server-side

Sure, like not sending you videos. 🤔

Calling an image recognition system a robot enforcing the law is such a stretch you're going to pull a muscle.

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Prove to me you have a mind and I'll accept what you're saying.

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Is this natural gas, or propane, or both? The article mostly uses just "gas" but does mention natural gas once.

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Yes, but known 3rd party tracking cookies are already blocked. It's not like these tracking sites pop up every day, but the list is updated when new ones are found. Meanwhile, 3rd party cookies for legitimate uses are allowed.

Whereas Google just blocked them all with no regard to their purpose.

You can also choose to block all 3rd party cookies in Firefox, although it might break certain sites. And you can also keep 3rd party cookies (that are more functional than tracking) but maintain a different copy for each website so they aren't effective at tracking you.

Firefox gives you a lot of choice.

CD's are real objects and not digital goods.

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The act of voting for something like a 3rd party candidate is how democracy is supposed to work.

Which is exactly why we need ranked choice voting because otherwise your not expressing your choices accurately. You should be allowed to vote for your candidate of choice and also pick your poison.

Don't fight against the one thing that will help third party candidates the most.

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