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Joined 11 months ago

I don't think i used any "buzz words" here, the language i used was pretty simple.

Please elaborate on the "buzz words" i have no knowledge of, and maybe expand on how you're reaching those bizzare conclusions.

It's laughable how you think an OTA update is proof of "horrible manufacturing standards."

Newsflash: Tesla and almost every other car manufacturer do OTA updates and recalls all the time. It's standard practice to fix issues and improve software without dragging cars back to the shop. Singling out BYD for this shows a lack of understanding of how the automotive industry works.

Calling out xenophobia isn’t a "whataboutism." It's pointing out a real issue in your argument.

And for the record, my brain isn't "rotted." It’s perfectly fine and capable of recognising logical fallacies and biased thinking when I see it. Instead of throwing around baseless accusations, maybe take some time to understand the broader context before embarrassing yourself with poorly thought-out arguments.

Attacking others is usually a sign of intellectual insecurities. Perhaps work on your arguments rather than resorting to name calling and straw man tactics. It’ll make for a much more credible discussion

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Lol OK, an OTA update is just horrendous, clearly irrefutable proof of china's horrible manufacturing standards, It's not like idk Tesla and every other manufacturer of cars hasn't had to do the same multiple times already.

Maybe leave you xenophobia somewhere else or go back to reddit? Your quick google search is embarrassing you.

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Another quality VERGE article i see..

We have byd in Australia, and Australia has extremely high standard car safety regulations. The byd cars pass those, so China can't be that terrible at making stuff. Like iphones for example, i bet you have one of those.

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My wife is 49 and she's hotter now than at 25 when we met. She has visible abs and has had two kids.

You absolutely can have a good body as you age if you eat well and move a bit.

Russell is above a healthy weight because he's spent years and years indulging with his excessive wealth to enable it, he needs to put down the fork and pick up the weights.

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Oh well that's good. I mean as long as he's abusing his body for cash Art it's fine.

Also Firefox but less shitty.

Boobs should never shut anything down. Ever.

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Burning Man 'promotes' anti-consumerism and communal effort, however attending requires significant financial resources and costs that can and do exclude (most) people, it's living hyprocracy, and an excellent example of capitalism corrupting grass roots ideals. honestly is an absolute joke of a festival.

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Hmmm calling your workers insane for striking due to their lives and wellbeings endangered, seems entirely responsible and in no way insane.

Is he out of touch? No it is the workers who are wrong.

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And this is the kind of shit that happens when the right are put in power. Fuck people yay money.


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i know many of you all just LOVE to hate on Tesla, it's like the shit flavor of he year for hating and no doubt Elon's shit fuckery is partially driving it, but honestly this is an absolutely classic Forbes piece of garbage. Firstly, it's a masterclass in selective bias - focusing solely on Tesla while barely whispering about Ram's near-similar accident rates. Classic move to sensationalize one brand over another. Then there's the U.S. only scope, which conveniently ignores the global context which could paint a vastly different picture. The article kicks off with a 'non-causal' disclaimer but then spends the rest of the time subtly linking Tesla's Autopilot to the high accident rate, without concrete evidence. It's a bit like saying 'no offense' before offending someone.

The Tesla recall is mentioned, sneakily implying a connection to the accident rate, despite the lack of direct correlation. The article is less about informing and more about crafting a narrative that fits a preconceived notion, all while skating on thin ice made of half-truths and strategic omissions.

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this just in.....Apple to stop selling devices in Oregon.

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another reason never to return to Netflix

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they did however find an absolute fuck tonne of microplastics.

the right wing racists are using a same tactic in Australia to block the indigenous people from having a voice in parliament with a 'if you don't know vote no' campaign. we're having a referendum which means we're changing the constitution, the gist is we're going to finally properly recognise the aboriginal people (the ones that lived here for 60k years plus) and give them a permanant ability to voice their concerns in parliament.

it's disgusting and transparent for the anti information angle, however it sadly seems to be working and now likely the people that have endured mass genocide will again be silenced by the white right elites. Australia will remain one the most racist places on the planet.

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As someone who owns one, i bought it before i knew how truly awful he was. As a car it's actully been really great, it's s done just over 100,000k with zero issues no rattles, still feels new and I'd be lying if i didn't admit it's the best car I've ever owned. The only maintenance is tyre changes from wear.

What sucks is i hate being seen in it because it makes me look like a Musk fan boy, and I'm understating is when i say i dislike him intensely.

The reality is I probably won't buy another Tesla when i eventually drive this to its grave, purely because of the association with possibly the world's biggest douche.

I live in hope Tesla will jettison him from their company and refocus on just making eclectic cars without him, then i might consider staying with the brand. But if he's there I won't be, and clearly im not alone.

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remember boys and girls it's always morally responsible to pirate Adobe programs.

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it will blow my mind if Twitter even still exists by then.

you need to specify four fingers when you prompt the AI image generator mate.

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economic growth slowing? sounds like an ok situation to me.

Growth is literally destroying the habitable planet, the mindset of growth needs to stop.

bearly anyone who's a boomer is playing these games or probs has ever played them short of seeing their kids boot it up. if anything these would be gen x shooters. People don't seem to even know wtf a boomer is. boomer for gen z seems to = anyone over 40 lmao.

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lol obviously fake because NASA would never calculate anything in miles. They'd use Km like the rest of the planet.

Well i'm not a scientist (actually I am, but not a climate scientist), but im gunna take a wild flailing stab in the dark and suggest it's maybe due to unfettered fossil fuel emissions.

Call me crazy but i think this might be what's happening here.

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just a hard-working protector house centipede I think. harmless

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'traffic would have plummeted, protecting us consumers'

how exactly?

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Honestly though, has trump ever paid anyone anything, like ever??

What a joyous year if we could get Trump and Elon in jail this year.. They could be roomies!

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my experience so far is people are as, if not more toxic then reddit. honestly I feel like half the people here were sick of people blocking them on reddit and decided to attack people with their stupidity here instead.

If you're reading this, please go back to reddit, they need you so much more over there.

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bro they lost a whole 10 million. (this is strong sarcasm).

yep this is the most accurate, Titan is stupid arrogant and his power was completely by fluke. Sums up Musk precisely. good job.

i thought American kids got free school lunches?

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yes ,becuase the house prices in Australia rise so fast it's actully profitable to buy one outright (if you can afford it) and literally let it sit empty for 5 years ,sell it again and make hundreds of thousands and sometimes millions of dollars.

The when system (of capitalism) is ethically bankrupt and downright disgusting. Houses should be for homes, not profits.

yeah people should use this a a filter for people they should be avoiding.

Lolz. It's funny because it's so stupid.

mine went from 17 AUD to 33 AUD.

what a bunch of greedy assholes.

I was paying for it for years. But now I'll go out of my way to not pay for it. No doubt a lot of people will too.

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