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Joined 1 years ago

29 | He/Him | Garlic Bread Enjoyer | Software Engineer

If you have reading comprehension of, at least, an 8th-grader, you'll do just fine. The instructions are all there

I'm curious why the separation between these still exists, because a bunch of distributions symlink all of these to /usr/bin either way

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Just yet another proof, that the more 0's you have in your valuation, the less the laws apply to you

Quite a shame that the vast majority of people this video is targeted at will just not care. Especially in the US, or the UAE, if your Apple device breaks, you just get another Apple device, because it's a status symbol.

On the topic of Marques though - I haven't watched any of his stuff in quite a while, after I've had an eye-opened moment from his content. He would scald and roast companies that make mistakes, and make bad choices, but when Apple, or lets say Tesla, make the same mistake, he lets them off the hook. That's not unbiased journalism at all.

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Being honest isn't where the money is. Not reaching out towards that takes willpower, and strong principles

For quite a long time now, it's been the case that if your vendor makes this hard as is, a carrier on top of that will make it considerably worse. As an example, take a look at older Samsung devices, that all needed special-tailored roms for each carrier variant

I wish they spent their time fixing bugs, rather than implementing this bullshit

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You will never achieve long-term relevance, by chasing immediately available buzzwords

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Can you reminds us what the current state of NFTs is? Or most crypto? Web3 tech? This is next.

Of course Nvidia are the highest-valued company. They capitalized on idiots misusing the technology, until it created issues in society, for personal gain.

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We literally agree with each other, and yet you're still arguing. The reason why it's a scam, is because people sell it like some kind of a godsend, when it's literally not used in the way it is intended to be used. When it is, that's great. When it's trained properly, that's even better. But that's not the reality

Definitely fish. It does everything i need out of the box. To achieve the same with zsh, i needed a dozen plugins on top of a plugin manager. Here, in satisfied with just Starship as custom prompt.

That said, i’ve been trying nushell recently. Don’t really think it’s for me, but it is pretty interesting

There should really be a law, requiring a certain list of mechanical things to exist on the car. So far, it's only the emergency turn signals, and what, the mirrors? The door handles absolutely need to be on that list

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I strongly believe that generative AI is catastrophically misused in the vast majority of its applications, so in my eyes, adding gpt-based AI to the browser is largely a wasted effort

So exploiting artists is fine, but when the labels get scammed, that’s where they draw the line?

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What are they going to sell then? More than half of their shops are poor quality merch, and own brand peripherals

How convenient, that this would never happen, because the label leeched them dry

I chose those examples, because that's what's been heavily marketed recently, and it all either fundamentally failed, ended up being a scam, or both.

In contrast:

  • devops is software automation practices...?
  • edge computing is on-call load balancing? It's horrendously expensive though, so i'll give them time to figure it out
  • IoT, admittedly, is largely oversold, but even then, there were a ton of products on the market that absolutely outlived all 3 of the examples i've given, combined. HomeAssistant+Zigbee home automation is awesome. A raspberryPi is "iot". Your smartwatch is "iot".

There's a difference between cherry-picking, and refusing to accept that something is a scam. Crypto ended up begging for government regulation, when the original intention was to move away from it. NFTs are a pump-and-dump ponzi scheme. web3 literally doesn't mean anything

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DisplayPort already exists

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Cancel your sub and don’t renew it. This shit will only continue getting worse if people continue paying for it

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Working for these companies lost any charm, when it stopped being about innovation, and working on cool things, and started being about min-maxing profits, at the cost abusing workers until they are suicidal

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I genuinely don't understand how we, as a society, reached a point where delusional businessmen like this exist. What can he possible do, to justify earning this much money, while his company is literally failing in real time

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Shit like this is exactly why competition is of utmost importance. The internet was never meant to be single-handedly controlled by a corporation with private interests, and more importantly, private pockets

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To be completely fair, it's been over for a while. Even if you completely forget about infrastructure, between the endless wars for licenses, endless removals of content from platforms, shitty inconvenient apps, and regional locks, it's already a dying market.

On top of all of that, they're implementing the "don't you have 5 extra dollars" strategy, with skyrocketing monthly prices for each of these. If it was 15$ a month to watch anything, i would still pay. but it's 15$ for each of them, and they still serve you ads, and sell your data

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So they're not even arguing that they're selling children's data. They're arguing against the block on such sales. Rotten to the core

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Piracy always rises up from service issues. This is a service issue

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People who use Firefox probably also have some gripes against Google's work, but I sure as fuck don't want anything to do with Yahoo

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Remember the emails from 2015? The plan was to have a platform, that just works. No bullshit, no issues, just functional features.

Even when Nitro was originally added, it was 5 bucks to optional support, if you'd like to help the company. Now the same sub is 10 a month, and half of the client is unusable without it.

Not to mention all the paid account banners and borders they're selling for an egregious amount of money

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Even if they do revert it, the trust has been lost. They've made mistakes before, but none as stupid as this one

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There is 0% chance this has happened by accident. Someone ordered the developers to program for them to appear there, and that's exactly how they ended up there

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Every time you see a post like this, remember that one of your elected officials lined their pockets to fuck the entire country for generations ahead

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Cancellation like this aren’t always bad. Especially given BG3 as a whole, sometimes it’s good to just ship a complete product, and move onto newer things. They earned a break

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It's not like the management has let people, who still work there, add or fix anything. It's been nothing but Nitro promos, and animated profiles. Huge shame that people got laid off like this

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I admire their dedication, but at the same time strongly disagree with asking people to pay money for a service, that's fundamentally based on a hole in a reverse engineered protocol. They won't win this

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I genuinely hope this platform burns to the ground.

I already lost all faith in it a long time ago, but kept my account to occasionally respond to a friend, or just look at feeds i don’t follow.

When he publicly reinstated fascists though, that was the last drop in the ocean of issues

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No surprise there. It's overpriced, the quality is poor, the connection is frequently unstable, and the owner of a company is a bigot, who's also intervening in a war. To absolutely no one's surprise, this never would have reached the numbers he promised

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You can 100% create your own kernel for an operating system, and call it Steve

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There is absolutely 0 chance I'm sending any documents to the clown in chief

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Instead of leaving snide comments like this, you can use your head to open up an IDE, implement the features you want, and make a pull request. Keep it to yourself

Can we please just stop talking about the clown in command, and his dogshit bigoted platform?

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Everyone knew it would be a pump and dump