
0 Post – 1189 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That sounds like a parental problem

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Free if you have no other exemptions to file.

1099? Nope Depreciation? Nope Tax credits? Nope

Makes for a great headline though.

Im sure those of us that do have exemptions other than the standard will see our tax prep fees skyrocket

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Benefits for the poor are always temporary

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Stop calling it a prison, prisons are for convicted criminals, Palestinian's only crime is being Palestinian. These were open air concentration camps, they are now open air extermination camps

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Her taxidermist says she'll be ready to resume her duties next week.

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America democracy deserves to be mocked. Only the rich have a voice in government, MIC gets more aid than its own citizens, people are starving in the streets while capitalism feasts.

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Anything bipartisan usually means we are gonna get fucked

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Round up another $1.25 and head to dollar tree

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I think the fucking stupid part of this post is the OP buying a TV oversized for the space they want it on.

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I can still hear that uh oh

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Black and lesbian pales in comparison to her lobbying on behalf of Uber and AirBNB. Lobbyists are never pro labor, pro union, or pro working class. She's a token that the DNC will weaponize her sexual orientation and gender as deflection from her history: When someone points out she helped deny Uber/Lyft independent contractors employee status, some mindless drone will come along and claim we dont like her because she's black, or we are homophobic.

Democrats ran an entire campaign against Dr Oz (despite him being a shitty person) on the fact he lived in New Jersey and not Pennsylvania when he was running against Fetterman. But now it's ok that Butler will represent California despite her primary residence being in Maryland.

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It's not a dead name, she's using her middle name to narrow her proximity to being white.

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As long as social media users and the media keep talking about him and posting stuff about him he will never fade into obscurity. He's like a parasite that feeds off the attention he gets online.

The current state of Democracy in the US didn't just start Jan 6 2021, this is a decades old long con that cumulated on Jan 6.

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Months of gaslighting that they were doing great didn't work out so well. Being told wages are up, inflation down, economy great while wondering how they are gonna pay rent contradicted the desired message.

This allows the ruling class to write history as they see fit.

Sync is out of their fucking mind with pricing. They were my preferred reddit app, but not for Lemmy

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Say goodbye to the small remaining amount of privacy we have. This will be the catalyst to shove LGBTQ+ back into the closets and it will be praised by voters as progress for protecting children and having no clue what the bill actually does

He could start by refusing to conflate antisemitism with opposition to zionism

In the end it wont matter because none of them will ever face charges. Just like the bankers that crashed our economy in 2008, all that money hidden away in Panama, etc. The laws that apply to the working class do not apply to the wealthy

Every aspect of our government serves the donor class, as it was designed to do.

It would have had to been WAY more than Israel/Palestinian issues. Ive seen absolute shit tons of content condemning Israel and supporting Palestine and vice versa. with no filtering of content.

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Now they need to quit fucking with RCS on rooted devices

That's their MO, punch left and cozy to the right

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I requested my data file from Lexis/Nexus several years ago, and the amount of personal data scraped from EVERYWHERE online was in it. AOL chat convos from the 90s, old, used once, throw away email addresses, pictures shared on social media. The damn thing was several inches thick and arrived in a box. We have zero privacy

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worth blaming a current president for not interfering in?

The US president has 100% say in the amount of money and weapons Israel receives, he can order everything to stop like President Reagan in 1982. His refusal to stop genocide, like Reagan did, makes him complicit in Palestinian deaths and the destruction of their homes, culture, and civilization.

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Nail gun

And they keep telling us Russia and China are the threat we need to be afraid of

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Shouldnt there be something about posts hidden behind a pay wall?

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As an actual leftist, I can say with a great deal of authority that Biden is NOT a leftist President. He's very much capitalist, like Trump

It's not you or the thumb nail

Stressed because we dont have any. They keep telling us things are ok, but we can see in our everyday lives that we are struggling.

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They need to expand on it and include propaganda, thats a larger threat to society than fake news.

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Popular vote has NEVER meant shit in this country, there was no popular vote to overturn because that not how elections are measured

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The economy is only booming for the rich, anyone trying to tell us otherwise doesn't care about our well-being. If it were doing well they wouldn't have to keep telling us, we could see it in our everyday lives.

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We pray at the altar of the beaver

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Narrator: He won't

50 years of broken promises to codify Roe led us to this point. I hope all those millions in fundraising was worth it for them.

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The DNC will ignore them, then blame someone else when they lose

Die or retire, fucking do something.

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