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Joined 1 years ago

Due to blocking pirating communities, I will now be using !

I love what John Oliver said on his segment about I believe Lindsay Graham.

Paraphrasing, he could have helped usher in the change that would have made his lifestyle more acceptable and more inclusive. But he wanted power.

These people choose to be a Republican. They choose to associate with a party that is actively trying to eliminate the very people they are and the sad thing is that they think they are the exception. They think the party will accept them.

And the hard, harsh truth is that they are only accepted so long as it's convenient. I think he knew this and that's why he chose to end his life.

It's sad that he felt he had to do that. But I'm not holding my breath for the GOP to say that they learned a lesson from it.

From's perspective, I get it. Our current legal framework makes it damn near impossible from a financial standpoint to take a stand against corporations with pocketbooks the size of some first world countries.

But the rise in piracy is a direct consequence of these corporations' actions against their very users.

Piracy has and always will be a service problem. I don't think lemmy should be used to share torrents for example. But honest discussion about the current state of affairs and alternatives should be allowed.

The admins took a measured approach here and it's one that is refreshing given the regime that many of us came from.

Anyone else remember the first ad-pocalypse?

Like when OG AdBlock was created and there was an all-out race between individual websites and AdBlock?

Then OG AdBlock sold out and allowed "approved" ads to still show.

We are seeing history repeat. The only reason ads survived was due to increasing number of users who weren't using adblock.

Now, with market saturation, Google is starting to fight back.

I would absolutely love to see a revitalization on proxy software specifically designed to eliminate ads and tracking. I haven't looked into this in quite some time but I think we're crossing into this territory now.

The pessimist in me says to look out for a bill authored by Google to make adblocking illegal.

But the optimist in me says "the Internet sees censorship as damage and routes around it."

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For each CAMEO Video (other than a Business CAMEO Video), you hereby grant to the User and the Recipient a non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully paid, worldwide, sublicensable, and perpetual license to use, reproduce, distribute, and publicly display the CAMEO Video, in each case, solely in accordance with the Site Terms, in any and all media, whether now known or hereafter invented or devised (including social media channels and third-party websites and platforms).

I'm only a humbly country space chicken lawyer but the terms explicitly say that Kimmel can do whatever the fuck he wants with the recording.

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Anytime big corporations say this, I just kind of laugh and say, " have nothing to hide, right?"

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I've lost track of all the messaging apps they had:

  • Hangouts
  • Chat
  • Gmail Chat
  • Google+
  • Voice

I'm sure I'm forgetting a few.

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Probably because anyone can contribute to it. But you have to pay to use them.

Kinda like another website that recently made this change...

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But they can't just "restore" the property, it was full of mature native trees/plants and for bulldozed.

Oh God.....tree law....I never realized how much I missed this.

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These people are going to go home and be proud of how they defended the border and tell everyone about it.

"Immigrants stopped coming because we were there! See?! It works!"

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I tried a bunch of questions. It seems okay on giving you instructions on forming a union at Target, Starbucks....but not Amazon.

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It reminds me of the interview that Jordon Klepper did with MAGA voters in 2016.

MAGA woman: A woman can't be president! If she has a hot flash or gets emotional, she could start a war!

Jordon: Haven't all wars been started by men?

MAGA woman: pause

21 more...

Jesus fucking mother of Christ.

Ok, I'm going to skip my indignation.

I'm not an app developer or a wheel chair person. That said, we need some info to help you better.

  • What phone? Android or iOS?
  • link to the app (and a link it's APK or whatever iPhones equivalent to an APK would be)
  • instructions on how you register, e.g. is registration tied to your phone, the wheelchair, or both?

Here is some general hacking advice:

  • check online for your wheelchairs "provider" manual. I "hacked" my CPAP machine a few years back. My doctor forgot to turn on heated tubing and the setting was hidden behind a "provider" menu. Chances are good that there will be a similar manual for your wheelchair.
  • if you haven't already, search for the make and model of your wheelchair and see if there are forums or discussion boards
  • typically, physical access is the best access. Depending on how your phone communicates with the chair, you might able to spy on the signals that it uses. My guess is Bluetooth. It probably is encrypted but medical devices are notoriously easy skimpy on their tech security. Might be worth a try
  • If you have the tools and the knowledge, consider taking apart the wheelchair to access the physical components. Information like the processor, chip set, etc will make it easier to understand how it works. While you might expect custom boards and software, more and more devices are going the Raspberry Pi or Pico route because they are cheaper to manufacturer than to do a whole custom board. If it's a run of the mill consumer board, you have a lot more attack vectors.

Often settings like these are based on PKI(Public Key Infrastructure), meaning that the program on your wheelchair likely knows the public key for the company and will test any input to change the settings will require the private key. Again, generally speaking.

But also generally speaking, medical equipment, especially consumer equipment, has to deal with the lowest common denominator, meaning people who don't have apps, who don't know what a smart phone is, etc. Because of that, my hunch is that the setting is in plain text and you just need to change it.

You also have to remember that the people setting this up are often in doctors offices, which means it must be easy to do because time is of the essence. The doctor would not recommend their product if it takes more than a few minutes to set up.

I'm sorry I can't give you better more specific advice but hopefully you can figure this out.

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He needs to be pardoned or at least have his sentence commuted. But I highly doubt that Biden would do it.

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They finally made YouTube unusable for me even with ublock. Refreshing the filters didn't work and told me I could only watch 3 videos.

Google was always going to win the war but I didn't expect it to be like this.

I'm now using piped for all YouTube videos.

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These states:

  • Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Wyoming
  • Arizona
  • California
  • Massachusetts
  • New York
  • Washington
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From the conservative women I know, it's because they don't think these Draconian laws will ever apply to them...which is just characteristic of them.

They don't think abortion should be legal because they can control their own sexual activities. If women (i.e. slutty liberals) want to have sex then they should be punished blessed with a child.

Women conservatives are just conservatives. They don't think the law will apply to them.

Cool with treason committed by Republicans.

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"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy."

-- Actual quote from an actual Republican

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Don't talk to police officers.

Memorize this script:

  • “Why did you pull me over?”
  • (When they ask questions like where are you going? Where are you coming from? What is that smell?) “I’m not discussing my day.
  • “Am I being detained or am I free to go?” (If you are being detained, invoke the 5th amendment.)
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Won't you PLEASE think of the shareholders?! They don't want to ask the government for yet another government bailout.

Democrats should capitalize on this and run attack ads on the Republicans that ousted McCarthy.

"Gaetz voted WITH the liberal Democrats in an UNPRECIDENTED vote..."

Not that it would matter but moreso to just chuck more salt into a wound.

"Not like that! I want all of the privilege but none of the responsibility. Why are you being so unreasonable?!"

  • Republicans
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Car companies have definitely imagined this. And if they could, they 100% would.

The biggest giveaway was when key alt right congress people said it was antifa and when people suggested that it be investigated, they still said no.

I mean, it was antifa or it was Trump supporters. Pick a lane.

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  • A new UN report found that women in Ukraine experience systematic sexual violence by Russian troops.
  • Women as old as 83 have been raped while their families were forced to listen to the brutal attacks.
  • International criminal law considers rape and sexual violence war crimes and crimes against humanity.

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine drags into its 19th month, international watchdogs say they have found continued evidence of systemic sexual violence against women in regions occupied by invading troops.

The United Nations' Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine released a report Monday detailing the findings of investigators who verified reports of war crimes after multiple evidence-gathering trips to occupied Ukraine.

"The Commission has found that in the Kherson region, Russian soldiers raped and committed sexual violence against women of ages ranging from 19 to 83 years, often together with threats or commission of other violations," the latest UN report reads. "Frequently, family members were kept in an adjacent room, thereby forced to hear the violations taking place."

Representatives for Ukraine's Ministry of Defense, the Government of the Russian Federation, and the UN Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine did not immediately respond to requests for comment from Insider.

Insider previously reported on the case of a woman who recounted being raped by Russian soldiers who killed her husband. The woman ushered her crying 4-year-old son to the next room before the attack, but his cries so angered her attackers that they threatened, with a gun to her head, to "show him his mother's brains spread around the house," she said in an interview with The Times of London.

"We have reports of women being gang-raped. These women are usually the ones who are unable to get out. We are talking about senior citizens," Lesia Vasylenko, a member of Ukraine's parliament, said early last year, not long after the invasion began. "Most of these women have either been executed after the crime of rape or they have taken their own lives."

BEKIJK OOK: Hoe realistisch is ‘Oppenheimer’? een kernwapenexpert legt uit Ukrainian and Polish women attend 'Rape Is a War Crime' protest in front of the Consulate General of Russia in Krakow, Poland. Foto: Beata Zawrzel/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Since Vasylenko's comments last March, reports of widespread sexual violence perpetrated by Russian troops, at times encouraged by commanding officers, have increased, prompting international investigations into the incidents. Major protests have occurred in England and Poland against the atrocities, which have targeted civilians in occupied regions, including Kherson and Bucha.

Though women of all ages are the most frequent targets of sexual violence, Russians use rape as a "deliberate tactic" to dehumanize victims regardless of sex, Insider previously reported.

"When women are held for days and raped, when you start to rape little boys and men, when you see a series of genital mutilations, when you hear women testify about Russian soldiers equipped with Viagra, it's clearly a military strategy," Pramila Patten, the UN's special representative on sexual violence in conflict, told AFP, per France 24.

Rape as a weapon of war While the reports of the rapes are no doubt troubling, sexual violence is frequently documented during wartime. The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court classifies rape and sexual violence, including sexual slavery, forced prostitution, and sterilization, as a type of war crime and a crime against humanity, depending on the context under which the crimes are committed.

"Rape committed during war is often intended to terrorize the population, break up families, destroy communities, and, in some instances, change the ethnic make-up of the next generation," reads a 2014 UN report on sexual violence during war, which highlighted sexual violence during the Rwandan genocide.

Between 100,000 and 250,000 women were raped over three months in 1994, according to the report. At least 200,000 women were raped in the Democratic Republic of the Congo since 1998, and hundreds of thousands more during wars in Sierra Leone, Liberia, and the former Yugoslavia, it said.

"Sometimes it is also used to deliberately infect women with HIV or render women from the targeted community incapable of bearing children," the 2014 report adds.

Although international law provides protections against rape and sexual violence, enforcement of the provisions is weak, according to a report by the Council on Foreign Relations, a nonpartisan think tank. The International Crime Court has launched an investigation into alleged war crimes in Ukraine, though legal action is unlikely to come for many years — if it comes at all.

"International law is largely ineffective at preventing rape and sexual violence in conflict," according to the Council on Foreign Relations, which advocates for a pragmatic approach to helping survivors, rather than focusing on the near-impossible task of ending sexual violence during wartime. "Survivor-centered training and aid is the best way to support victims of sexual violence and to help them cope with the trauma, stigma, and the health consequences stemming from conflict-related sexual violence."

There was a whitepaper that Amazon published like....5-10 years into their market dominance where they shared how they wanted to get into drone-based delivery because the vast majority of items purchased on Amazon were very light-weight items.

This tracks with me. The problem that Amazon solved (at least for me) was the ability to find small items that are near impossible to find in a Walmart or other superstore. For example, say you are looking for some wax for your car. You go to Walmart and you see a wall of products. Now did they put the wax in the right place or did they put it with the cleaning stuff? You spend 20-30 minutes looking for this one item that you're not going to buy again for maybe a few years when you can go on amazon, find it, buy it, and have it at your door in two days.

Walmart and other stores have gotten better with their apps but they need to do what Home Depot/Lowes have done and do aisle AND bay, and, ideally, where on the shelf to find it. They already have this information but they don't want you you to exactly know where it is because Walmart wants you to browse.

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If you ever go to r/relationship_advice and read posts where their friend T did S with P and then A (23 F) got into with G, then yeah...Alice and Bob suddenly makes a lot of sense.

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So...what exactly was this event? Was it like a AMA? Or was it like one of those corporate circle jerk things where everyone says what they are supposed to say?

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If you think chocolate is bad, sugar is worse.

What I've learned in the last few years is that every part of modern life has exploitation in it.

There are very few parts that aren't.

34 more...

It's not enough to vote.

We need to be vigilant as we enter the presidential elections next year. Keep a close eye on secretaries of state or whomever certifies election results.

2020 was a test run for the Alt-right and they have learned where the weaknesses are in the democratic process. They will most certainly attempt to steal the 2024 election by any means necessary, up to and including violence.

They intentionally didn't roll the subscription into the sale price. That's the goal. They want that sweet, predictable, monthly income that they sell their investors on.

They also figured that if you've found your car, you're less likely to walk away for what is essentially a fraction of the car's price.

I honestly hope the next car I buy has shit like this. Because boy am I going to make it my mission to jailbreak it and release my code open source.

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I think I used to do something similar with email spam traps. Not sure if it's still around but basically you could help build NaCL lists by posting an email address on your website somewhere that was visible in the source code but not visible to normal users, like in a div that was way on the left side of the screen.

Anyway, spammers that do regular expression searches for email addresses would email it and get their IPs added to naughty lists.

I'd love to see something similar with robots.

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Lock picking lawyer.

Used to be a channel about how locks works, how lock picking works, cool locks and shitty locks.

Now it's just a channel to sell his tools.

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Katie, I'm going to give you the same advice that Jen Barkley gave to Leslie.

Get a better job! Don't be the kid that graduates high school and hangs out in the school parking lot. Be the woman who moves away, climbs the ladder, and confidently comes back, and has sex with their hot old English teacher just for kicks.

We need people like you. Do not give up. If you run for President in 2028, I will volunteer!

We need democrats or at least Super PACs to start commercials the fact that they are soft on crime. They want to defund the police.

Remember that nuance is not a characteristic of the right.

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Honestly, I don't know why marriage is even codified into law.

I take that back, I do. But it's a stupid reason.

There really is no modern reason that marriage needs to be something you need to let the government know about.

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I'm not saying you're wrong. But the right has a habit of only showing empathy only when it directly affects them.

Black people deserve protection from the law, yes. But let's not pretend that he'd change his tune about LGBT people in a split second if his son turned out to be gay or trans.

Mr. Robot for its hacking scenes. A bit dramatized but much better than the infamous CSI hacking screen.

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It's so odd how there is always some sort of caravan of immigrants approaching our borders or "day of jihad” that suddenly disappear the Wednesday after an election.

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Honestly, it's the story of conservatives literally everywhere.

Conservatives in UK: We want all of the benefits of being in the EU but not pay as much into it as those other countries, use our own money.

EU: SIGH Fine!


Conservatives in UK: We want out! We can't stand the fact that non-white people can enter our country whenever they like. And we don't want refuges.

EU: Fine!

(Later, after brexit)

Conservatives: why can't we just travel to Europe like we used to?