Nikki Haley PAC Out Raises Donald Trump by Millions: Report to politics – 428 points –
Nikki Haley PAC Out Raises Donald Trump by Millions: Report

Stand for America Fund Inc, a super PAC that supports Nikki Haley, reported on Thursday that it has raised $50.1 million in the second half of 2023 — millions more than Trump-aligned super PAC MAGA Inc., which reported over $46 million.

There are no details from these numbers yet, which were reported by the New York Times, as the Federal Election Commission filing deadline is only Jan. 31.

When it comes to MAGA Inc.'s funds, the super PAC ended the year with over $23 million in cash on hand, according to reports — and counted with over a dozen donors who contributed with $1 million or more.


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It reminds me of the interview that Jordon Klepper did with MAGA voters in 2016.

MAGA woman: A woman can't be president! If she has a hot flash or gets emotional, she could start a war!

Jordon: Haven't all wars been started by men?

MAGA woman: pause

I cannot wrap my brain around the mental path that leads any woman to support Donald Trump.

Like...why? What on earth does this candidate offer you?

Trust me, there is a seriously disturbing amount of genuinely misogynistic women out there. I've had the misfortune of dealing with them many times...

I know a woman that is a trump supporter. She is also a christian evangelical and has been most of her life.

I think the reason she is a trump supporter is that her christian education has taught her that there is a hierarchy to reality.

That men are the protectors - God (a man in her world view) is the head of that

Women are the providers and submissive to men.

I think the bravado of trump appeals to her sense of reality, A strong "protector" man in charge. All of his limitations are not for her to question because she is the provider not the questioner.

I asked my mother, so I can answer. She said if he is the Republican nominee, she will vote for him. Extended reasoning is "not a Democrat".

It's not about what people who vote from him will get, it's what he promises to take away from people they don't like.

There's a great scene featuring a Donald Trump speech and a brainwashed MAGA woman in the latest Fargo season.

That pause was loooong and incredibly awkward. You could practically hear the gears grinding in her head as she tried to reconcile the cognitive dissonance.

As a woman in my 40s I can't even tell you the number of wars I've started during a hot flash and I'm not even the commander in chief of the largest military in the world. If I were though I would have definitely launched nukes on at least 5 occasions just because I was hot for a few minutes.

/s because jfc

Imma need a link

Not available in my country.. Fucking YT man. I'll check it out at home when I can use my VPN.

Thank you sir.

Gotta love VPNs. And not a sir, but you are welcome!

My apologies for misgenerding you. Honest mistake cause the internet is seemingly a sausage-fest.

Ahaha no worries, really; it definitely is

That was AWESOME. You can clearly hear the gears grinding to a halt.. then she lets out a 'hmm.. yes'. lol. Loved it.

Queen Boudica went to war with the Romans.