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People who watch Fox must be terrified and angry like all the time lol.

That's the point.

How so? The devices page on the wiki lists 171 officially supported devices. I'm writing this comment on a Poco F3 running the official LineageOS 21 release...

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The "wealthy elite" in this case are Indian. Goes on to show that it's not a matter of race/origin but of class, the sooner we collectively realize this the better off we'll be.

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It's "funny" how this was a complete non-issue here in France, but when the American right made trans people their next target after their abortion win, it suddenly became a huge problem for the French right as well.

These people constantly complain about American cultural hegemony, but they still make an exception for Trump and this kind of shit. Out of all the cool things coming out of the US, this is what you tolerate? I'm so sick of these spiteful assholes...

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People who "barely knows how to send a fucking file over the internet" can't fix shit on Windows either. I spent a lot more time fixing my mom's Windows install than her Ubuntu.

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Because modern Java is an OK language with a great ecosystem to quickly build web backends. And there are lots of java devs which means more potential contributors.

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My 5yo started asking a lot of questions about war all of a sudden. The Ukraine war had just started so I figured a bunch of kids saw it on the news with their parents. Turns out these dumb fucks were watching Squid Games with them, so they started playing out executions during recess... Between that and the little boy who was lighting girls' hair on fire because "girls should cover their head", she didn't stay too long in this school.

No, the point is to use a legit copy of this game to run burned copies of other games.

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From RH, it's in the (short) article.

Nah, it's class contempt. All of us rubes working from our slums, when we should be content to bask in the glory of the Corporate Office...

You forgot the best part:

She was holding up a blown-up photo of a plane ticket and a photo of a nearly-naked woman for whom Hunter Biden allegedly purchased the ticket.

OK so caring about women's rights is displaying huge private pictures of women without their consent. Got it, thanks Marjorie!

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I do. And as a smoker, I also support attempts to eliminate tobacco. It's a shit drug, only good at making the craving stop for a bit, and it's awful for your health and general quality of life.

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I recently... acquired Scavengers Reign. It's one of last year's best TV shows, but there's simply no way to watch it legally in my country.

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It's like a serial killer signature at this point. They want people to know.

Slaves and mail-order brides are OK.

They. don't. care. There's a (R) next to her name, she hates "woke" people (wink wink) and abortion, she loves Trump and gun proliferation. That's literally all that matters.

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Most businesses and institutions still use twitter as their primary communication and support channels. My "wokest" friend still uses it every day, while constantly bitching about Elon. Convenience and habit are a hell of a drug...

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Broken? Seems to me it's working just as intended.

Spot on. I dont give a single fuck about shovelware, but I absolutely care about OW and how Blizzard managed to turn me off a game I was pretty much addicted to.

In this case the problem is MS, they could (or already) do the same thing with Firefox.

So the real fix is not using Windows.


And? Don't leave us hanging!

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Not really, it means less work and less risk for them if they have to support fewer software.

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Maybe they just want to kill someone.

Hazing in the Russian military (dedovshchina) is horrifying, straight up torture, mutilation and even murder. Families often use their entire savings to bribe officials so their sons aren't conscripted. So the Russian military is made up of the dregs of society, people so destitute they can't pay their way out of military service. Mental health issues are prevalent, either from their past life or from the hazing itself.

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The only two acceptable viewpoints are "liberal" and "conservative", so center-right to far-right. Everything else is extremism and has no place in current politics.

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I use firefox exclusively, on both my laptop and my phone. It works perfectly on any website I throw at it. I work for a startup which makes video call apps, the web client works perfectly under Firefox, and there's a grand total of 2 devs working on it.

All this to say that if I come across your website and it doesn't work under Firefox, AFAIC it's your website that has issues, not Firefox.

As for the reason, you might be fine with a single megacorp dictating the way the web works, but for many of us who remember what it was like in the IE hegemony days it's a serious concern.

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Sorry our awesome plan was so clever it got you confused. We'll try and make it simple for you morons next time.

Ah yes, the Macron Apology.

It could be opt-in with rewards for toggling it on.

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People fought against drunk driving laws lol, with pretty much the same "personal freedom" arguments.

Less than 1% alcohol? Good, anymore than that would get me all tipsy and shit.

Under linux EAC runs as your normal user, so it can't install system-wide malware but it can read/write your personal data. If you create a dedicated user for gaming you should be safe from this kind of stuff.

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He is Positivity Man after all.

"John Romero's about to make you his bitch. Suck it down."

OTOH they're a world famous band, which gives much more exposure to the problem. I'm from France and I clicked the post because I know Paramore, I'd have ignored it otherwise.

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Jackett and prowlarr are redundant, other than that you're pretty much set.

As for setting these up, in my case I winged it and went through the config pages, setting up what I thought was necessary, and it went mostly fine. If you have no idea what you're doing with these good resources are https://wiki.servarr.com/ and https://trash-guides.info/

They need to make up reasons why their god is being such a piece of shit.

Nah it's far more stupid than that. They want to ban some (most?) VPN apps from the iOS and Android stores. You would still be able to sign up for any VPN from your browser, and manually set it up on your phone.

That's the current proposal anyway, soon they'll understand how moronic it is and either double down and try to "fix" if or quietly drop it.

"Let's sprinkle some swastikas on him and get outta here"