12 Post – 177 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

but now we have a scapegoat

I mean, if we genuinely had a significant amount of local, state and federal law makers that cared about protecting their constituents instead of whatever the fuck they are doing now, we could have some accountability.

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What frustrates me is there doesn't seem to be anyone in a position to promote change to this problem that is really talking about it. They may pay it lip service but nothing beyond that.

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I totally agree this isn't a easy fix and it will take decades to change but I feel that should be a challenge for the US to start making the change not a reason to keep the status quo.

The ol' Fox news switcheroo.

They brag about being the most watched news on television and also tell their viewers to not trust mainstream media.

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I've got nothing to add other than, Alex Jones is a big piece of shit

This is the most capitalistic game on the market and you still get a $200 UBI

I saw a BMW, an Audi and a Tesla all use their turn signal in traffic, not once but every time they changed lanes! I swear it happened!

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Here is a silly take:

The billionaires could use their doomsday bunker money to try and help solve the global issues we are having instead of just saying "fuck it I'm going underground."

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I love the stories about how seemingly disconnected events at different times and in different parts of the world actually have a connection. Like how some random chance meeting of two people 100's of years ago started a chain reaction that ended up with us having some cool new technology or idea.

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puts on tinfoil hat

EVs are starting to make a dent in the market place and oil producing countries don't like that so they lower oil prices to keep people driving ICE (Internal Combustion Engines) vehicles.

takes off tinfoil hat

I'm sure it's more complicated than that

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Brush your teeth twice a day. Floss daily

Go for a 20 minute walk a few times a week

Don't have a pet

Prevention is much cheaper than dentists and doctors in America

Pets are amazing but if you're searching the couch for extra change for a meal they don't need to be in your life.

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Why does my stomach hurt after eating french toast?

As others have said this purchase didn't really fuck up his overall lifestyle.

Yet when the topic of raising taxes on these people comes up they all freak out, like if they have to pay an extra 20% on their wealth they will be living on the streets.

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If I'm having a conversation with someone and they start looking at their phone while I'm talking, I just stop talking and stare at them. More than a few times I've been told "keep going I'm listening" I don't, I just let them finish and only start talking again when the set the phone down.

It's very passive aggressive but it does make the other person feel a bit uncomfortable.

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From the article

Kardashian’s advocacy has been credited in part with opening the former president up to the idea of criminal justice reform, eventually leading to the passage of the First Step Act in 2018. The prison-reform law marked a rare moment of bipartisanship during Trump’s presidency, and even some of his harshest critics have lauded its passage.

Not a fan of her or her show but I'm all for her using her fame to help make changes to help people reintegrate back into society.

Where do the trump supporters go when trump dies?

Sounds like the beginning of a joke but really, what happens to the MAGA movement when the leader is no longer around? What happens to the GOP ? Do they become weaker and more divided? or can the national GOP rally around a new leader?

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Bragging about accomplishments and compromise is the old way to campaign.

The modern form of getting elected is not to actually do anything. Because if you solve a problem then you can't scare your voters with that problem in the future.

An example of this is abortion. Conservatives could always count on the one issue, "pro-life" voter to give them their vote to ban abortion. Now that it's become easier for states to restrict abortion there is less incentive for these one issue voters to come out to the polls.

I fear that the left is starting to see the effectiveness of the "scare the voter" strategy and will drag their feet on certain hot topic issues like abortion so they can get more votes.

The few wealthy people I've met, not billionaires but $100+ millionaires, seem to have a limited skill set. They have "people" to do the work. I've always wondered how they would fair in a post-apocalyptic world?

Personally I'd rather have those people that can MacGuyver a solution out of rubber bands and mud.

All this to say that ol' Zuck should probably hire some good ol' boys/girls to do his work for him or he's screwed.

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Negative motivation is the real way to make changes.

It's great to have goals and positive things to look forward to when you reach those goals.

But to be consistent in doing the hard work to reach that goal it's better to scare the shit out of your self by asking

"what happens to me if I don't do the work?"

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Is there a way to actually thank these justices for doing their job? Seems to me that all these people get is the shit and not much thanks.

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all the good guys are smoking cigarettes bemoaning the dangers of the devils weed.

The result from this vote tells me that Ohio isn't red out of pure population ideology but because of unfair voting districts.

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Yes. It's the slowness of new content on Lemmy vs. Reddit that I enjoy. I now get off this site much quicker because there is nothing new. I've become a slight bit more productive with my day.

A very rich friend of mine decided that they wanted to "take time off" and travel the world. She called her travel agent (10 pm on a Saturday) and got them to build a world trip by Monday afternoon. That Friday she got on a plane and just left for 9 months of travel. There was never a sense of this being a big deal or extravagant but more of a quirky whim.

It was then that it occurred to me that while we live on the same planet we don't live in the same world.

I know this goes a bit off from the article (I skimmed). But I think a lot of this toxic masculinity comes from decades of media on what a American man should be.

They need to be strong, independent, smart (sometimes), ingenious, a natural leader, angry at the "system", can shoot any gun with perfection, solve most all problems with a gun or a fist fight, never show any type of remorse or trauma from their violent "solutions", muscular, always get the girl, only drink brown liquors or beer, never bend, never negotiate, always win, and can walk away from an explosion without flinching.

This shit has been around since the 1940's and it still in use today. It used to be the Lone Ranger, Superman, batman. Then it was the strong independent cowboy taking on the "savages", The 70's it was Charles Bronson and Clint Eastwood taking on the Gangs of the inner cities. The 80's and 90's were Rambo and terminator, the 2000's with Mission Impossible, Jason Borne, John Wick. And James Bond all through out. Just to name a few

Not to take away from the entertainment of these movies and characters but I see lot's of men that take these fictional characters and try to make it their personality. But reality doesn't work that way. They can't go shoot your problems away. Hot women just don't fall leg spread for these guys (which makes them angrier). AND some men don't want to be this unrealistic version of an American man. Which for some reason pisses off those men that do want it....

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I use it for background when I need to concentrate.

Just to add facts to your comment

America spent $8 TRILLION on two wars over 20 years

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In Afghanistan and Iraq ... Washington spent more than $8 trillion

Never let anyone say we (America) don't have the money do to things. That's bullshit. If this country could spend $8 trillion dollars on a war that accomplished nothing, we can spend money to help those that need it.

It's these deep pocket corporations that I think will keep a major housing bubble burst from happening or when it happens it will be fast.

They can buy x number of houses now at these inflated prices, they can but 10x X number of houses with a major downturn in home values. Then with all this buying of homes the prices shoot back up... At least that is how my high school level economics knowledge brain sees it.

If you do this right you could build up an amazing false personal life.

I think about this for most action movies as well.

They of course use these 2% to justify vilifying the rest though.

This is the method that is used to justify cutting welfare benefits for poor people.

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I was thinking of appealing my parking ticket to the Supreme Court by using the defense that the officer that issued the ticket did it to keep me from voting and .... uh ... freedom.

We will know if we are genuinely in the darkest time line if we get another pandemic and Trump become president again. Because that was such a great combination last time /s

I always imagine the stockholder that trades off quarterly expectations to be someone sitting in an overly large home getting all bent out of shape because someone else's labor didn't make them enough money RIGHT NOW!

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Are there supposed to be commas between those words? OR is Car clothes hair dog and job accent speech everything some new hip cool thing I don't know about?

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The ultimate goal with insurance companies is to have you give them money and they never have to give you anything in return. If they can get you to sue the other person, the insurance company doesn't have to pay. To them it's a win-win.

Weakly regulated insurance is a scam

Or another way to say that is:

Being predictable is being polite

But solving those problems takes work, compromise and it's not sexy.

But shitting on certain groups of people is much easier, scary and gets you attention.