8 Post – 91 Comments
Joined 9 months ago


Hi! You can call me Tadpole. I enjoy maps/geography, sci-fi and speculative fiction, classic and sports cars and motorsports, and retro and retrofuturistic technology from the 70s-90s. Also a racing, role-playing, indie and retro video game connossieur.

I am a certified lurker.

It's simple: they never stopped being racist, they just try to not say it out loud anymore.

It makes me really sad that the space station is going to be destroyed since I always really liked it, but the sheer amount of fuel needed to move it to a stable position makes me (begrudgingly) understand why they're going to do it...

I'm the one on the left and need my own punk girlfriend like the one on the right 🥺

Honestly, you don't have to worry about what others say, you should use what works best for you. Personally I find them to be nice and comfortable to use, myself 😅

Basically my mindset, we should normalize being kind to each other

I hate the heat so much.

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I can't help but notice that the overwhelming majority of people claiming they're "neither left nor right" are always just far-right, every time.

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For what it's worth, I've had Linux spew similar CLI errors when booting up complaining about a critical CPU problem, when the problem actually was that it was reading data off of a dying hard-drive. (Removing said drive, as well as replacing it with a new, healthier drive, made the issue go away.)

Not saying your problem is actually a dying storage device, but that it's possible the issue might not actually be your CPU itself.

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Christ, Gamergate is still around? :/

I'm so mad that Citra was also killed because of this. This means that 3DS emulation is effectively dead, since the next best emulator, Panda3DS, can't run most games...

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I really hope this gets ported to Wayland someday, I'd love to have a little neko in my computer!

I am really glad Flatpak exists, it made using Linux much easier for me ^^

I'm VERY tempted to buy Fallout 4: Game of the Year edition due to my hype for Fallout: London (which releases in April of this year), but I'm worried of getting burned if it turns out to be a bad/disappointing mod. :/

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God, I feel this in my bones. I always hated the scumbags who acted this way so much. I'm really glad I'm not the only one...

I use CoreCtrl to fix my GPU's atrocious fan curve, which is a necessity since normally it overheats to high hell. With CoreCtrl, I have a nice fan curve that makes my GPU rarely, if ever, run hotter than 70°C.

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I just hope the Citra forks won't be targeted. Citra was only killed as collateral damage, but I still can't help but be nervous anyway...

I still like them, honestly...

This is why I always hated studying, I continue struggling with this even to this day.

Heavy Metal Blahaj!!!

I'm basic...

Fedora Kinoite, Plasma desktop, Arc shell theme, and Catppuccin window/app theme.

I included more information about my setup on my Codeberg page.

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I miss MSN Messenger... it was part of my childhood.

Last year's December marked my one-year birthday of daily-driving Linux as my primary OS consecutively, while this January marked one year of me using a single distro reliably without running into weird issues that'd lead me into a distrohopping frenzy. I am still proud that I managed to pull this off! I guess third time really is the charm.

I had previously tried using Linux two other times before - the first time was around March 2021 when I had to finally upgrade my computer and switch out of Windows 7, and since I didn't like Win10, I wanted to try out Linux. Sadly, I didn't know much about it at the time and made a bad first-distro choice in Manjaro, whose installer broke so horribly that it somehow nuked my entire SSD. Lesson learned: Don't use Manjaro.

Second time was in November (also in 2021), where I mustered the courage to try again after many frustrations with Windows 10, but with a different distro (initially Pop!_OS, but I had a terrible experience with its community and switched to Linux Mint the next day). My days on Mint were pretty great and I still remember them fondly, but there were many things that I needed but couldn't use as Mint's repositories were ancient and lacked them (and I didn't know about Flatpak at the time), so I tried switching to other distros with newer repositories... and kept running into all sort of bizarre, nonsensical issues nobody else had (such as atrocious gaming performance, archives not working, and other things I don't remember), and my requests for help were often either ignored or responded harshly, so I ended up giving up and returning to Windows...

...Uh, that didn't last more than 6 months because for some reason Windows 10 hates me and started giving me even worse issues. I managed to find a nicer and more forgiving community of Linux users who could help, so I mustered the courage to try again. And thankfully, with my prior experience, I managed to make it stick this time by finally resolving some of the bizarre issues I had - it got to the point that I sometimes forget I'm using Linux, lol. I'm very glad I could contribute to the 4%.

It's the "Luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing" strategy.

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I remember someone once made a meme about that:

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Oh gee whiz, I'm glad I like communism then 😅

It's the Paper Daisy HD mod!

I also made a text mod of my own for it that covers some stuff that was overlooked as well as make it compatible with the TTYD+ mod, which I really like.

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I remember reading about Rosemary before, it's really messed-up what happened to her

If my memory serves me right (it usually doesn't lol), it was mostly by 2015 that they were on their death throes, having been mostly usurped by the MLG era; I remember being upset that things like advice animals and rage comics were suddenly considered "things only clueless old people on facebook post nowadays" circa 2015. But they were still around in a smaller scale around 2014, so I think it still counts?

But I'm looking forward to seeing you share more old memes! I love 'em.

Well, memes sometimes last longer than the era they starred in.

I remember finding this chart showing the various meme eras (I don't remember where I found it, sadly):

And I definitely remember seeing old memes still being used after their debut "era" - I remember seeing some from the "experimental" era (1995-2004) like the Dancing Banana, All Your Base Are Belong to Us and less-commonly YTMND and Homestar Runner references in the Classic Era (2004-2009), and likewise I saw memes from that era (Pingas, demotivational posters, Leeroy Jenkins jokes/references, Chuck Norris, Over 9000, Keyboard Cat, etc) still being used well into 2012-2013 despite that already being a new "meme era".

And as I mentioned in another comment, Rage Comics and Advice Animals still persisted into 2014 (mostly dying/fading into obscurity around 2015), by which point "dank" memes were already at full swing; and I definitely recall still seeing some Surreal Memes in use around the early 2020s, so I'd say the boundaries of meme popularity are fairly fuzzy.

Trust me, there is a seriously disturbing amount of genuinely misogynistic women out there. I've had the misfortune of dealing with them many times...

aroace gang represent

I know you're talking about Nvidia specifically, but I find it kinda funny how people say that regarding X11 and Wayland even for AMD and Intel, because for me the experience is literally the opposite -- when I try playing games on Xorg, they always stutter and freeze really badly to near-unplayable extents even when FPS counters report they're running at 60 FPS (or if I set them to the lowest possible graphics), but ever since I switched to Wayland, the issue was just gone and games run flawlessly now. And note that I'm using Plasma, the one people often said had a worse Wayland session than Gnome and Wayland-based WMs.

I don't know why this is the case for me specifically when it seems like literally everyone else reports the opposite happening to them (and afaik Wine and most Linux games still run in XWayland). Does Xorg just hate me in particular?

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ehhh, unfortunately I've met more than my fair share of people who unironically like Stalin.

Lots of actually good communist figures out there and they go out of their way to choose the homophobic drunk domestic abuser who kept a literal child rapist as his right-hand man.

I'm absolutely the one on the right...

What do those posters say though? I can't make out the handwriting.

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Honestly, most of the people in places like that are people who already found their way out, and now just want to shoot the shit with other people who understand what they’ve been through.

At least in my experience, that wasn't the case at all. I used to hang out in communities like that back in the late 2010s, and me as well as multiple folks were people who still hadn't managed to shake off their abusive narcissistic parents due to us being young teenagers or unable to get a job, and needed an emotional support group. While yes, there were also multiple people who already had shaken off their N-parents, they certainly weren't the only group and there were still many who either were still stuck living with them, or people who were living on their own but were still dependent on their parents in some way or otherwise forced to see them once in a while. And a nice chunk of the people who did manage to go low- or no-contact with their abusive parents still gave the emotional support for those of us who didn't have the means to do so.

Telling someone to seek professional help instead feels like such a slap in the face for people in such a situation because, for the most part, they literally can't - at best, it's simply because they're completely financially dependent on their parents and can't afford a therapist (and it might be resolvable if they get enough donations to afford checkups and their parents are the neglectful variety and don't really care about that), but at worst (and it's almost always at worst) they're control freaks who believe therapy is a scam and you wanting to do it instead of "praying the depression away" means you're not religious enough, or they would see it as an affront due to the implication of their child being traumatized by them and get furious and punish them, or be insulted/freaked out by them receiving money from strangers online and cut their entire access to the internet altogether. It's simply not an option. So having an online emotional support group they don't need to cough up money for is simply the next best bet for many, and while it won't solve the problem, it'll at least make it manageable. I know it did for me.

Honestly, that's... actually pretty accurate to how I act sometimes...

I have had a LOT of issues, but they're mostly of the papercut variety - and most of them have to do with Plasma 6 rather than Fedora 40 itself (at least I think so).

I think my CPU is running hotter on 40 than it was on 39, though.

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well, in that case, hello there little gay person within my cellular device

Is 3DS emulation effectively dead now? Citra was the only good 3DS emulator out there from what I've seen...

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oof, I didn't know Carrefour was complicit in the Gaza stuff 😓