
1 Post – 104 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

As an actual librarian, I love this. Freedom of information!

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80%?? Legend

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There's nothing 'mildly infuriating' about this -- this is full blown infuriating. Enraging.

Hope you find something better soon

Shhh let me compliment youuuu

That or the fear-mongering talking points. That's what caused our local power plant to be decommissioned, and now those same people are complaining about how much their electrics cost now.

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There’s nothing more offensive to people like that than a woman who, y’know, is a person

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If this were written by anyone else, it would read as an absolutely sarcastic and ironically self aware lampoon-esque post

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Photo looks like it was taken on a plane of the chair screens too. In flight memes

Kern County, California

Not going to lie, I 1000% assumed this was going to be some Florida Man Activity™

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the best way to combat not caring about Linux is to care about Linux

I want this written in a 'Live, Love, Laugh' script and framed

Streetpass was one of the coolest features a portable device could have and they did it so well. It was always so exciting to see that little green light

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Just don't start dabbling in bomb-crafting and manifesto writing and you'll be sorted

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Sucker Punch (2011) (technically not made in my 'adult' life, since I was still a teenager, but semantics)

I genuinely love this movie and don't understand how it's rated so poorly. Sure it's got that Zack Snyder-flair (but I think it actually works for this??) and it can seem a little gratuitous. but even then to me it seems like it's done to make a point instead of just 'hehehe hot girls in short skirts'. The action is awesome, the sets are cool af, the soundtrack is phenomenal, the cast is great, the plot is interesting, (and sure, maybe me being a mega gay means I'm giving this a higher rating then I otherwise might have) - it's just overall a great movie to me. I do wonder how much of the ratings is a symptom that all women lead films suffer from review bombs by some upsetti-spaghetti men, but even I think this movie is not generally liked by most.

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I like mine just because it’s pretty to look at

and it tastes salty

That moment when you get decision paralysis on which game to play, and just wind up stress scrolling through your phone instead

Absolutely heartbreaking...

There’s quite a few. Steam deck and Asus, as you mentioned, but there’s also AyaNeo, GPD, OneXPlayer, Aokzoe, Lenovo, etc. And many of these brands have several different models, if you’re counting individual products.

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Every time. Day off? Nope no relaxing, it's cleaning time because no productivity is not allowed

It’s such a shame really, because there are really cool independent sellers with some awesome handmade / hard to find vintage stuff, but they’re drowned out by drop shippers (who wouldn’t even be able to sell anything on there if people knew that same item was available through aliexpress without the 100x markup)

Because forum posts are always full of accurate and helpful information?

Not necessarily, but at least there's much more opportunity for other people to jump in and correct false info or expand upon something. It's by no means a flawless system, but it's better than only have one source of information

Meanwhile I have several accounts across a few instances with either exactly the same name or it's nearly the same. I'm just waiting to stumble across one that isn't mine though

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Sleep Token - This place will become your tomb (2021) / This eden (2023)

Grim Salvo - MILDRED (2022)

Tame Impala - The Slow rush (2020)

Spiritbox - Eternal blue (2021)


Can I include EP’s? If so, Lorna Shore - ... And I return to nothingness (2021)

Black Tiger Sex Machine - Once upon a time in cyberworld (2022)

Apashe - Renaissance (2020)

Florence + The Machine - Dance fever (2022)

Hozier - Unreal unearth (2023)

I’m sure there’s more

It’s definitely survivorship bias and likely that the barrier for entry is a lot lower now, so only ‘better’ music would be made (ie record companies doing risk assessment and deciding what would be more likely to sell) / your average person can make music now relatively easily, which I suppose technically ‘dilutes’ the overall ‘quality’ of music today - take your pick

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As a librarian myself, this is horrifying.

I still can’t believe how on point the variant puzzles are. Each one removes the exact way the last one was solved, even when I thought I was being so clever with how I solved it. It’s like ‘congrats on solving it, I knew you’d solve it that way, so here’s a more difficult way’ like three times in a row

4ish hours to get into the Catacombs in Paris. Not long by some of the other times mentioned here, but I got sunburnt pretty bad despite being in the shade a lot. Totally worth it though, it was really cool and my dad really wanted to see it

I’m choosing to imagine he’s running a very very very slightly larger circle each time, getting closer and closer to his neighbours as he goes - instead of it being the precision of the sat nav (and the larger circles only being noticed over a matter of weeks)

Thank you for giving me a new line I can use to make my fiancée roll her eyes lol

Ugh same. The number of gross comments I've gotten on vc over the years is enough to fill a book.

I'm mainly on PC now though, playing single player games or games with my fiancée and/or friends

There’s better licencing options for libraries now that allow librarians much better control over getting their patrons the books they want, you should give it another go.

Libraries can buy metered access and one copy one circ, and depending on how the library’s consortium agreement is, usually home patrons holds will get advantage over same-system-but-different-home-library holds; so those will still have the ‘limited like a physical book’ restriction, but you’ll have priority if your library bought a copy. We also use Cost Per Circ, and so as long as our monthly budget hasn’t been met, any books I’ve added as part of our CPC collection can be taken out instantly by my patrons even if the wait time would’ve been months long due to how many people are on hold. If the budget has been met, those holds on CPC titles will be filled once the 1st of the month rolls around and the budget resets.

Give it another try, and put the books you want on hold. Librarians have a harder time knowing what their patrons want when they don’t have data because patrons don’t place holds. I’ll add books to CPC whenever I can, even if there’s only one or two holds on a title

This is the greatest thing I’ve ever seen

That's actually a fantastic price point. I have an ayaneo, so I have absolutely no need to pick up a Deck, but this will make it very tempting

Nah, everyone reacts differently to it, the ones that enjoy it are just a lot more vocal about it.

Personally THC has varied effects for me. Some strains make me space the fuck out (even more so than usual), as if I'm just skipping forward through time, no background thoughts, nothing. Just flash and I'm 20 minutes later. Others make me extremely anxious. Some make me spiral into a really bad depressive 'everyone hates me. I hate me' state. Some cause me to pass out, and not in the 'mmm good sleep' way, just straight up collapse to the ground pass out. I've found very few that have positive effects for me.

So you're definitely not unusual! The THC anxiety is very real

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I always feel so good for solving one, then boom the next puzzle is a slight variation that removes the way I just solved it and it’s like... damn. They went and predicted it and then said ‘fuck you’

You can’t make this stuff up, this is hilarious and beyond apropos

I definitely hope the trend continues, though not necessarily replacing consoles as an entity. I’ve an Aya Neo 2021 (first gen) and it’s been amazing. I have a hard time staying in one place and actually committing to sitting down at a console / desktop to play games, I don’t like gaming on laptops to much, and the Switch has a limited library; so a handheld PC specifically made for gaming has been fantastic. It’s so nice to just pick up and be able to play whereever, and I’m very glad to see that it seems like handheld PCs are here to stay

And people say what instance you choose doesn't matter. Wild that the choice often seems to be between giving your info to mega corps or trusting a random person who's servers could be raided at any moment for entirely unrelated reasons.

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The clouds parted just in time for us for totality as well! Talk about lucky, eh?

I'm hoping to get a chance to start Elden Ring and Middle Earth Shadow of War this weekend

Absolutely amazing, though I will say the name made me do a double take