
6 Post – 242 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Fuck preordering

6 more...

Are you idiots Great Again yet?

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Can't speak for anyone else, but as soon as RIF died I was gone. Was on it for over 10 years, and the only way I would view reddit content. Reddit's ui is cancer.

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Mike Johnson is...

  • Part of the Regressive Religious Right with close ties to fundamentalist religious groups.
  • Early on in his career he was a senior attorney and spokesman for the Alliance Defending Freedom, a Conservative christian legal advocacy group that wants to outlaw abortion and suppress the LGBTQ community. Alliance Defending Freedom is designated a hate group.
  • Supports nation wide abortion ban, and an end to legal same sex marriage through the overturning of Obergefell v. Hodges
  • Supports restrictions to medical marijuana and refers to it as a "gateway drug"
  • Like Emmer, he supported and signed on to Texas v Pennsylvania in an effort to challenge the election results
  • He voted to overturn those results in Pennsylvania.
  • Supports an end to military aid to Ukraine.
  • Johnson has remarked that his career is dedicated to "defending religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and biblical values, including the defense of traditional marriage, and other ideals like these when they’ve been under assault."
  • As a State Rep he sought to put forth legislation that protected people who discriminated against same sex marriage partners.
  • He voted to repeal the ACA
  • Proposed cuts to medicaid and social security
  • Voted for Trump's tax cut legislation that disproportionately benefitted the wealthy.
  • He was 1 out of 147 Republicans to vote to overturn the election results.
  • Voted against a January 6 commission
  • He reportedly does not even believe in climate change
  • One of his committees wrote a statement in support of books on conversion therapy that were recently taken down from Amazon. (So basically a supporter of conversion therapy)
  • He has opposed expanding medical marijuana access in his state and in his defense argued specifically that Marijuana can worsen some health conditions like epilepsy. (The context is important, his views on weed are outdated, he refers to weed as a "gateway drug". He went fishing for whatever he could find and take out of context to support his rigid stance. A study did find some adverse effects with epileptics, however, CBD/medical marijuana is also used in treatments for epilepsy)
  • He voted in favor of Trump's Muslim ban.
  • Has campaigned against LGBTQ rights and anti bullying legislation.
  • He has supported similar legislation to Florida's "don't say gay" bill.
  • Has referred to homosexuality as "unnatural" and a "dangerous lifestyle". He even argued in an editorial in his local Louisiana Newspaper that homosexuality would eventually lead to the destruction of "the entire Democratic system", and the legalization of pedophilia of course.
  • While working for the ADF, he supported criminalizing homosexuality.
  • He has argued in favor of including prayer and religious expression in public schools.

(not mine, but worth sharing and adding to)

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This doesn't sound crazy in the least. It sounds like exactly what should be done.

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"Beloved party"

See, that's one of the many many problems with you fucking idiots. We dont belove our party. Or idolize politicians. Or hang flags or buy wearable merchandise supporting fascists.

We just hate what you represent.

You shouldn't have a job at the age of 14, let alone have one in a bar. I'm not sure who's worse- the self serving gop or parents that would allow their kids to work in that environment

48 more...

I think they're referring to THE RAPIST BROCK ALLEN TURNER who raped an unconscious girl in an alley. I heard he moved to Ohio and goes by his middle name. So THE RAPIST ALLEN TURNER

You spelled underage girls wrong


Mike Johnson is...

  • Part of the Regressive Religious Right with close ties to fundamentalist religious groups.
  • Early on in his career he was a senior attorney and spokesman for the Alliance Defending Freedom, a Conservative christian legal advocacy group that wants to outlaw abortion and suppress the LGBTQ community. Alliance Defending Freedom is designated a hate group.
  • Supports nation wide abortion ban, and an end to legal same sex marriage through the overturning of Obergefell v. Hodges
  • Supports restrictions to medical marijuana and refers to it as a "gateway drug"
  • Like Emmer, he supported and signed on to Texas v Pennsylvania in an effort to challenge the election results
  • He voted to overturn those results in Pennsylvania.
  • Supports an end to military aid to Ukraine.
  • Johnson has remarked that his career is dedicated to "defending religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and biblical values, including the defense of traditional marriage, and other ideals like these when they’ve been under assault."
  • As a State Rep he sought to put forth legislation that protected people who discriminated against same sex marriage partners.
  • He voted to repeal the ACA
  • Proposed cuts to medicaid and social security
  • Voted for Trump's tax cut legislation that disproportionately benefitted the wealthy.
  • He was 1 out of 147 Republicans to vote to overturn the election results.
  • Voted against a January 6 commission
  • He reportedly does not even believe in climate change
  • One of his committees wrote a statement in support of books on conversion therapy that were recently taken down from Amazon. (So basically a supporter of conversion therapy)
  • He has opposed expanding medical marijuana access in his state and in his defense argued specifically that Marijuana can worsen some health conditions like epilepsy. (The context is important, his views on weed are outdated, he refers to weed as a "gateway drug". He went fishing for whatever he could find and take out of context to support his rigid stance. A study did find some adverse effects with epileptics, however, CBD/medical marijuana is also used in treatments for epilepsy)
  • He voted in favor of Trump's Muslim ban.
  • Has campaigned against LGBTQ rights and anti bullying legislation.
  • He has supported similar legislation to Florida's "don't say gay" bill.
  • Has referred to homosexuality as "unnatural" and a "dangerous lifestyle". He even argued in an editorial in his local Louisiana Newspaper that homosexuality would eventually lead to the destruction of "the entire Democratic system", and the legalization of pedophilia of course.
  • While working for the ADF, he supported criminalizing homosexuality.
  • He has argued in favor of including prayer and religious expression in public schools.

(not mine, but worth sharing and adding to)

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There's literally several preventative measures you can take to never see nsfw content again. This is not one of them.

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This is obviously disturbing and disgusting. But, are we not going to talk about those eyebrows?

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For starters, she's smart, young, and competent. That already makes her a stand out in the political arena. She represents her constituency with integrity and voracity. And Furthermore, she's not bought and paid for.

The GOP hates all of those things about her.

what bills has she sponsored that have passed?

The fact that this is your metric for political acumen throughout this post is frighteningly weird.

Instead of adopting the archaic 9-5, how about just eliminate homework?

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As opposed to what? Being compassionate towards this piece of political garbage? I can't wait till he's in the ground.

If we armed all 6yros this wouldn't happen

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Did you actually read what you were responding to, or just have kneejerk reaction?

You're not wrong, but the person you are responding to didn't say any of those things.

LinkedIn is facebook for professionals. Its pure cancer.

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I think they're referring to THE RAPIST BROCK ALLEN TURNER who raped an unconscious girl in an alley. I heard he moved to Ohio and goes by his middle name. So THE RAPIST ALLEN TURNER

What part of shitpost don't you understand??

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I was talking directly to the women hating, book banning, brown people fearing , maga-loving, selfish ignorant racists that vote in Texas.

All right wing policies, ideals, and platforms are bad

Not if you are wealthy. Or a religious zealot. Or a racist. Or you're just plain full of hate. Then, that's the perfect party for you.


I'm as left leaning as they come and this old bitch should retire. This is one of the many many many differences between us. All you care about is winning, like this is some type of fucking football game, and I care about is what's best for our country.

the job of a congressperson is to move policy

No its not. Its to represent constituency, vote accordingly. and create representative legislation.

Then companies got competitive

You spelled greedy wrong

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Wow, that's a rough looking 43

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Over 1600 people were attacked, some murdered and this was your takeaway. Too many times over the past several months do I read something incredibly stupid, look at the username, and it's you. Either you have no shame or youre retarded.

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And when it's all said and done, we just have to wait, on our knees, for the trickle down Yay! Unfettered Capitalism working just as intended.

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Arkansas? Brain eating amoeba? How would you even know???

To the contrary, I think you are displaying vast amounts of empathy by advocating for the betterment of humankind.

The only things Republicans give a fuck about is staying in power and keeping as much money for the ultrawealthy as possible. Everything else is smoke and mirrors.

Confidently Incorrect!

100% ageee. I however, living in Indiana for the past 30 years, would like him to drop dead for completely different reasons.

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OP, this meme is bad and you should feel bad

Yeah. Record breaking costs and record breaking profit margins as far as the eye can see. Fuck off with this bullshit.

Hey Texas! Are you idiots Great Again yet??

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It's was as carefully planned as a bunch uninformed, violent, gullible traitors coulld get

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Exploitative and at the same time very user unfriendly. Weird one indeed.

Then I highly recommend you unsub. Otherwise, you're in for a bad time.

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Found the traitor